Bad day!

Bad day yesterday, went to gym etc but i ate all of my exercise calories plus a bit more!! i definately wont do it again but hope this hasnt ruined my weight loss. I have given up the scales for lent and wont be weighing until 1st April!


  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    don't worry, it wont ruin anything ;)

    Just get back to your normal schedule and things will even out.
  • smiles4support
    Don't worry, a high calorie meal is recommended once a week. Some ppl call this a cheat meal, you'll be fine!
  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    Don't worry about it. Tomorrow is a new day, and eating a little bit over for one day isn't going to affect you in a negative manner. A caloric spike is good every once in a while.
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    I think we all have days like that, if we're honest. We still lose weight.

    Try to look at it as AA or a twelve step...."one day at a time".

    Since we don't get to carry plus or minus calories over to the next day, I think we have to look at as "each day is a new day and never-mind what happened yesterday."

    It didn't ruin anything.

    Have a great day!
  • lottier0311
    Thanks for all of your replies, i dont feel so bad about it now. Yes I wish I hadnt done it but I knew exactly what I was doing at the time and still went ahead. Draw a line under it I guess. Im pretty new on here, do any of you want to add me as a friend? Im trying to lose a pound a week so I see at least a 4lb weight loss on 1st April since I last weighed!
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    It's very do-able, even if a bad day occurs now and again. 1 pound a week provided your eating right and working out is very do-able.
  • Vicky_allum
    I think giving up the scales is a good idea. I like to put mine away in the cupboard for a week or two otherwise I'm forever weighing. One bad day isn't going to do you any harm. I have a meal at the weekends every week that I really like, because if you completely cut certain foods out of your life you end up craving them and "pigging out". Remember it's a lifestyle change and every day is a new day that you can continue on with your healthy diet etc regardless of what happened the day before.
  • Luvmyboxerboy
    Luvmyboxerboy Posts: 130 Member
    I really wouldn't get yourself down over it.....this is only day three for me and I've stuck to it, but hey, if my hubs ever wants to take me out for dinner one night, hey, I'm going! I don't think I could do this is I thought that I could NEVER "cheat". Just keep trucking and start a new day!
  • prettylittlechubby
    Its one day, learn from it and get sorted for tomorrow. You will be fine :D just keep positive :D xx
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    You worried about a bad day, i had a bad week. I exceeded my calorie limit by 300 to 800 every single day in the past 7days. But hey, im not worried. So dont worry, pick yourself up and dust yourself and get ready to roll. We will win the battle of the bulge :-)
  • falconspicegirl99
    Options can be so frustrating when you go over your daily calorie limit. Fear not! It happens to EVERYONE sometimes. The important thing is to not let one overindulgent meal turn into an overindulgent day/week/month.

    You should pat yourself on the back for recognizing that you slipped up and you came and posted it here! Great job!!
  • christinerush
    Hi I had a bad day too! Someone got me take out and I thought it was rude to refuse so ate it! Now im feeling quite sick as not used to things with so much fat in them or such a big meal! Tomorrow is another day and not beating myself up about it!