30 day shred advice- sore sore sore



  • kerricolby
    kerricolby Posts: 232 Member
    I'm on day 20 of the shred and I've definitely had my sore days. I find just taking a walk at some point when I'm sore helps the soreness go away. Don't give up! The first few days of something are always the hardest!
  • stephl21uk
    stephl21uk Posts: 123 Member
    im on day 6 today and i to was in agony by day 3 couldnt walk down stairs couldnt get on or off the loo! haha i read jillians advice on facebook and she suggests lots of massage (i would lay on the settee any chance i got and massasge my legs for as long as poss) she also suggests repeating the warm up and reaping the cooldown 2-3 times if you need....she also said a protein shake as soon as you have finished helps to repair the muscles quicker.....i woke up on day 5 and my muscles felt great....i do it every day on a morning before my breakfast and get no pain at all now and i really go for it! stick to it...IT GETS EASIER!
  • antlergirl
    antlergirl Posts: 55 Member
    thanks for all your replies, i'm glad im not the only one struggling with stairs haha.
    I think im gonna go for a walk and then come back and do my work out.

    Thank you again feeling much more positive!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Take a day off when you need it. Hot baths with epson salt help. But everyone is right you will get better and stronger and be less sore.
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    for me it was my arms, ached so bad i wanted to curl up in a fetal position and rock back and forth, (i know, lil dramatic there lol) brought some protein shake, had one drink before and one after the workout, made all the difference. day 10 30ds here
  • I was super sore days 1-3 too, I pushed through on day 4 and then it got better from there.
  • Today is day 8 for me, and i can honestly say that yesterday was the first day i could go up and down the stairs w/out wincing in pain. I started last Tuesday and did it thru sat, took off Sunday....now i plan to do it Mon-Fri.
    I do 2 miles on the treadmill directly after, but my new plan is to do treadmill on M/T/Th/F with the shred, do shred only on Wed and treadmill only on Sat with Sunday as rest day.

    Dont give up, it gets easier and you will see results....i am down 1.7lb this week and i get AF in 2 days so i am super happy with that. Also my whole body is so more toned, i feel like i have more strength (even when i was in agony).
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    I agree with the other posts - stretch more, keep going it gets better, eat good protein... I would also add to not be afraid to take something over the counter for the muscle soreness (ibuprofen has anti inflammatory properties and is my go to for muscle aches) - some soreness is unavoidable. It does get better though - I thought I wasn't gonna be able to walk after a week, but by a week I was power thru the whole thing and feeling no pain (almost :))

    Good luck!
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    I was really sore on day 3, but it got easier to do. It goes away and then returns the first, second and third day of each level. Take some tylenol or something and when you get warmed up and going you won't notice it as much!
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    Pain is just weakness leaving the body ;)
  • rataliek
    rataliek Posts: 32 Member
    I'm on day 3 of the 30 day shred and I am really sore, wondering if anyone knows what could help this. (I dont have any fancy equipment like an elliptical available to me). I love the workout but am struggling with how sore I am, and as all my joints dislocate I do not want to cause more damage.
    Also I'm unsure about the rules- I've read that you do it 5 days a week and I thought you did it everyday? Also I'm doing it in the morning, is it okay to to do it in the evening when I have some more time?

    I'm on day 10 of level 1 and i've spread it out over 2 1/2 weeks. When I got to the point that I was so sore that I couldn't perform the moves properly or walk up and down the stairs, i took a rest day. I also combined this with the C25K program. I think it's meant to be 30 days of workouts not 30 straight days of doing the program. I would imagine that your muscles need time to repair themselves so a few days off here and there is beneficial as long as you do not stop the program. Taking weekends off or a day off when I'm sore hasn't made my results any less as I've already lost inches in my waist and my thighs. I'd just listen to what your body is telling you. Being sore is good but being in pain where you feel you may cause injury may be a sign that you should hold off for a day to recover. I'm obviously no expert, but this has worked for me!
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    Day 3 is the worst. After day 4 the soreness is mostly gone. If you continue to have pain check your form. Those jump squats are hard on the knees (I think they're in level 3 tho).

    Soreness is worst in the morning or after sitting a long time. It gets better as day goes on. For me soreness is always better after a workout or walking. Pain, however, feels different. If a move just plain hurts, don't do it. Modify it so it doesn't hurt.
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm on day 4 and am sore in places I didn't even realise I had muscles! I don't think she does enough stretching (for me) so might add a few of my own.
  • i was really sore whn i first started to, i stared to add my own cool down stretches, i dont think jillian has enough (for me), once i added the extra stretches the pain got better :)

    Agreed! I turn off the DVD after the last ab exercise and then do my own stretching. I have been a little sore here and there, but the longer cool down helps. I'm on Day 3 of Level 3 and I'm feeling it in the knees, but otherwise that only pain I feel is while I'm doing it!!
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    Do you guys know if there is a meal or diet plan with this workout?
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    Do you guys know if there is a meal or diet plan with this workout?

    I don't have one for the 30DS (If there is one) but I have picked this up somewhere along the way - not sure if it was from MFP.

  • antlergirl
    antlergirl Posts: 55 Member
    I decided to talk yesterday off but did lots of walking instead and stretching out my muscles really helped. I was back on it today and i didn't pause at all in the workout and my endurance is much better! already! I feel like my bum already looks tighter- maybe im imagining things...
    Anyway the day off really helped. Hoping that I can carry on now with no breaks and maybe start doing c25k next week too! I was worried all this exercise would disrupt my schedule, but I've ended up doing far more with my day, I even started to learn the ukulele. I love Jillian, even if i want to sometimes punch her in the face. :)