Am I in for a rude awakening? *Running*

I'm a fairly new runner, started in later November of last year. I couldn't run 1/4 mile then and now I'm up to about 5.5 miles per day (my long run days). I'm currently training for a 10k in May. I have only run on the treadmill so far.I do plan to run outdoors when it warms up a bit, but every time I try it's either pouring or we're having strong winds. Anyway, everyone keeps telling me that running outdoors is so much harder and I'm getting a little nervous. I run at 5.7-6.0 mph at a 2% incline on the treadmill right now, I try to mimic outdoor running with the incline. I've heard so many different things about running outside vs. running on a treadmill but I don't know what to believe. I've heard that a 1.5 incline mimics outside, I heard that my speed with significantly decrease when I start running outside, I've heard that for every 4 miles I run on the treadmill, I'm really only running 2 outside. I'm just confused!

What can I expect? Is it really that much harder?


  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    It's a little different but not really any harder. Since you are using a 2% incline on the treadmill you'll be fine when you move outside.
  • I actually find running outside easier b/c I don't get bored..I can go farther without wondering when I can stop. I am slow as crap, so IDK about the speed difference for 'normal' people, but I find that I'm pretty consistent wherever I run.

    I would suggest running outside in the wind/rain sometimes just so you know how it feels b/c you never know what will happen on race day. If you know the race course elevation, you can try to mimic it with the incline on the treadmill just to make sure you know what hills do for you endurance/speed wise. My May race has one super huge hill so I make sure I crank up the treadmill incline occasionally so that I'm not completely dead after the race's hill.

    overall, I think you'll be fine if you're at 5.5 now & your 10k isnt until may. have fun! :)
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I don't think anything on the treadmill really mimics outside. I run different outside - much more free and faster. I like running outside and prefer it. I wouldn't say it's harder - it's different. It's harder for me on the treadmill because for me it's such a bore unless something really interesting to me is on TV which is extremely rare. My music helps, but still a yawn, love being outside. Try it!
  • It will take you a while to adjust but you'll be fine in a few weeks. Although once I got used to running outside I find the treadmill next to impossible. I hate it. Now I run outside no matter how cold it is.
  • I agree with everything that everyone has said. I don't run much on the TM, but I can't say that it seems harder or easier - just different, like another person said. Also (like another person talked about), unless your 10k course is super flat, you'll want to get used to some uphills and downhills, which aren't a big deal, but just something you'll want to try out some before the race so you'll know what to expect.

    It might also be helpful to run outside in different weather conditions because you never know what race day will bring. In a way, you can think of it as part of the training - training yourself to figure out how to run in different conditions (what clothes you'll wear in different temps, how you'll deal with winds, sun, rain, or whatever).

    Have fun and have a great race!
  • Just from personal experience, I find maintaining pace outdoors a lot harder than the treadmill. The motorized treadmill is forcing me to move, outdoors its all me.
  • Agree with the masses here. I hate the treadmill and really never use it. I will run outside as long as it is above freezing. I get bored to death on the treadmill and it hurts my knees more as well.

    If you can run 5.5 miles, you can run 6.2 in your sleep. Don't sweat it.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 797 Member
    They are just scaring you for no reason. I do find it easier on the treadmill, however my neighborhood has 103ft elevation change from one end to the other. Where ever they are hosing your 10k will be predominately flat with no hills. You're already miles ahead of me when it comes to how far you can run in one sitting, just keep up your good work, you'll do absolutely fine.
  • pjc33
    pjc33 Posts: 2
    Agree with the above, I trained for a marathon last year and did a lot of my mid-week 'shorter' runs on the treadmill just to make sure I had time to get into work, but then did my longer runs outside at the weekend.

    I found myself doing more and more of my mid-week runs outside as I was getting bored inside after I discovered the fun of getting soaked and freezing but still having a massive grin on my face!

    I'd say it would be worth trying some outside running as part of your training as the treadmill is a little more cushioned/stable so when I first ran outside I did notice the adjustments your ankles make when you land can take a bit of getting used to (I had an ankle niggle anyway so just made it flare up to start with, soon settled).

    Well worth being prepared for race day so you don't get any surprises. Good luck with the training!
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    I'm with everyone else. Running outside is definitely a change from running exclusively on the TM. Make sure you get in a good amount of time pounding some pavement.

    The incline thing is kind of controversial. Some say it replicates outdoor running, some say it's just a myth. Either way, it isn't as good as running outside (or as fun). If your race is on pavement, run on the pavement when you can. But i'd start with 3ish miles and see how it goes before you tackle 5.

    Plus, running outside in the rain/wind/cold makes you feel ridiculously Bad A**!
  • batlou
    batlou Posts: 97 Member
    The best way to ease your mind is to just go outside and run. Their is no guarantee that on race day the weather conditions will be a perfect 60 degrees and sunny.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    It's different for sure, but for me it's much easier to run outside. I find myself "fighting" the treadmill trying to find the right speed. I naturally speed up and slow down during my runs and of course this is much easier to do when you are not being guided by a moving belt. I'm just trying to build my way up to running longer distances but I can go much further outside. For me it's easier to have visual cues or goals than time goals on the treadmill. AND race day is even more different...the adrenaline takes over and somehow you can run more/faster than you ever did in training. You'll be fine! :)
  • Eponine7
    Eponine7 Posts: 161
    i could have written your post a year ago.

    i finally got the courage to run outside....and I've never looked back. physically it seems the same to me but mentally it is SO SO SO much easier. No boredom!

    fear will love it!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I think that MENTALLY it is harder to run on a treadmill. I ran on a treadmill for about 3 months before I ventured outdoors. I will NEVER step foot on a treadmill again. I just can't anymore. It's so much more inviting to run outdoors, see the sights, hear the sounds, feel the breeze and feel like you're actually MOVING somewhere. I wouldn't say it's "harder" with the inclines and the winds etc. The experience itself makes up for anything that might be slightly more difficult than running on a treadmill.
  • I'm weird but I love my treadmill! I live in a very HOT, HUMID, RAINY area and sometimes my only free time to run is in the middle of the day or in the middle of the storm... so if I didn't have this thing there are many days when I probably wouldn't train!

    I think since you are setting the incline you will be fine. I trained for my last half-marathon probably 60% of the time on my treadmill due to weather -- it rained for about two months solid during my training cycle! -- and I finished the race pretty much exactly as I expected.

    Like many said, the excitement and adrenaline of race conditions will carry you through the whole thing, possibly faster than you imagined :)

    I live at sea level, though, lol, so if you live at a high elevation YMMV.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I don't know what to believe.

    Start running outside and find out for yourself. There's no rule that says race day weather will be perfect. It might be windy and rainy that day too.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Just from personal experience, I find maintaining pace outdoors a lot harder than the treadmill. The motorized treadmill is forcing me to move, outdoors its all me.

    This is true, but so is the opposite. Based on terrian your outside pace will not stay a constant X.0 miles per hour, a little slower for an uphill, a little faster for a downhill and you can make those minute adjustments outside. Sometimes being forced into a constant pace may be a bad thing.

    I run on the treadmill because I HAVE to. I dont like it, I find it harder than outside, but I can run faster on the treadmill than outside, but I sweat more on the treadmill and feel miserable when i finish.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I'm not very fast nor am I a great (good) runner but here's how it works for me. Due to weather and timing I spend most of my time in teh gym (I won't run outdoors in the dark or extreme weather), I've been running four miles with mixed terrain once a week out doors and I seem to overall go faster outside. When I am on the treadmill I do 1-2 interval walk 4.0 and am working my running up to 5.7 (at this time). I actually think this is helping me run better outdoors. I've been doing actual (outdoor, at a highschool stadium) stairs every other week since Jan. I really want to run at 8 mph outdoors, and I'd like to be able to do a half marathon by the end of the year at that pace (possible, I don't know). I know if I don't have my music on I am super, super slow, I need distraction.

    Last year when I started running I remember running to school to pick up my girls and another mom comes up to me and says, 'Hey, I saw you walking to school today. (and she was actually trying to be encouraging)" I was pretty sad because I thought I was working my but off and I was sweaty, and red-faced to boot. lol
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I think running outside is easier than running on the treadmill. Often when I need to work on speed I'll go to the tread mill and when I want to run longer distances I'll go outside. It's way less boring outside. They both have their place though.
  • carynlondon
    carynlondon Posts: 7 Member
    You should also run outside to practice having adults/children/pets in your way. On race day, it's hard to run in a straight line as you'll be passing people and people could be stopping in front of you. You could sign up for a 5k just to get used to the feeling.