Pest at the gym. I am looking for suggestions and support, P



  • His interruption timing is wrong, but his advice is right, holding on the sides or handles on a treadmill kills roughly 50% of the effort. 15% incline while holding on is no more effective than a 7% incline while not holding on. Never hold the sides on a treadmill, it's just cheating.

    So what? If she is happy with the results and feels more comfortable holding on, then it's better she does it at a high level and it's halved than do it lower and feel uncomfortable not holding on. She gets the same results either way, so let her get on with how she chooses to do it and you do it your way.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    It is up to you how and why you work out the way you do. I would wait and see if he does it again and if he doesn just say you'd rather just be left alone as you know what works for you and he should concentrate on whats working for him

  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    His interruption timing is wrong, but his advice is right, holding on the sides or handles on a treadmill kills roughly 50% of the effort. 15% incline while holding on is no more effective than a 7% incline while not holding on. Never hold the sides on a treadmill, it's just cheating.

    So what? If she is happy with the results and feels more comfortable holding on, then it's better she does it at a high level and it's halved than do it lower and feel uncomfortable not holding on. She gets the same results either way, so let her get on with how she chooses to do it and you do it your way.

    He was just letting her know the reason why they guy said what he did,and its 100% true if you set the incline then hold on it changes your whole posture and you might as well not even set the incline. Tiger was just giving advice in a very non rude way,maybe you need to unbunch your panties now. For all you know she might have thought she was getting a better workout that way,and the advice could have been helpfull
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    Jerk alert!
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    If somebody wants my advice, they can pay for it.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    If it happens again, say "I heard you the first time, but with my experience as a marathon runner, I know what works for me."
  • Tajdancer
    Tajdancer Posts: 82 Member
    "Your advice: worth every penny I paid for it."
  • NatalieBrooke88
    NatalieBrooke88 Posts: 240 Member
    His interruption timing is wrong, but his advice is right, holding on the sides or handles on a treadmill kills roughly 50% of the effort. 15% incline while holding on is no more effective than a 7% incline while not holding on. Never hold the sides on a treadmill, it's just cheating.

    Who are you to tell someone what's cheating? And, I think you missed the point of this post.
  • I'd smile sweetly and tell him his wife and I are having a lesbian affair.... put headphones back on and give him the thumbs up.. x
  • I think that that was his way of flirting with you, he was trying to impress you with his fitness "Knownledge" as idiotic as it was....
  • worej
    worej Posts: 108
    If it happened again, I wouldn't even try to justify it, or say why I'm right, or anything like that. All I'd say is, "You're not entitled to my attention" and then ignore him again.

    Maybe he means well, maybe there is (or maybe there isn't) truth to his advice. But the fact that he was so persistent in interrupting you, and seemed to think he was entitled to do so, is the most annoying part to me.
  • Can I say STALKER!!!!!.....SHEEZ! I know that i have a mouth and I would've started something, that would've made me HOT HOT HOT...FLAMING HOT! Does he know how dangerous it is for him to first of all "whip a towel in your face" while walking on a treadmill???? What if he hit you and then you went crashing down? Honestly, if you're not the type to go off, I would turn him into someone who works in the gym, let them know what he did and if he does it again they should band him from that praticular gym. That was uncalled for. I give you so much credit for not slapping a B***H!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Maybe he means well, maybe there is (or maybe there isn't) truth to his advice. But the fact that he was so persistent in interrupting you, and seemed to think he was entitled to do so, is the most annoying part to me.

  • That is annoying!!! So much for doing your thing...I HATE being interrupted!
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Standard New Yorker reply is to tell the guy to go F himself and that if I wanted your F'in opinion I would have asked.
    Minnesota Nice is highly overrated sometimes.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    oooh I don't know what to suggest now it's happened. I mean I would have been so offended, I hold on to everything as I have dizzy spells. I'd get your towel and flick him and keep flicking him while he's trying to work out, when he's in a ball on the floor keep flicking, when they drag you off him keep flicking him! but that's because I get aggressive, I'm pretty sure that's not the right answer.

    :laugh: :love: :drinker:

    I have balance issues that are slowly improving due to getting fitter. However, due to an old injury, I have one hip that is much weaker than the other which makes me feel unbalanced and I can't even walk on the treadmill at a very slow speed, at an even level, without holding on. It makes me dizzy and I have had numerous near-falls when I've tried to not hold on. However, I can easily walk at 4+MPH and run at around 6MPH for short bursts and those speeds and the length of duration are increasing as I get fitter. Yup, holding on the whole time. When I started, I could barely walk 3MPH and running at any speed, forgeddiboutit, running was not in my repertoire at all. Same on the elliptical, must hold on but can really pump it out with much harder resistance and faster speeds than I could when I started. Nobody can convince me that holding on negates what you're doing.
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    Standard New Yorker reply is to tell the guy to go F himself and that if I wanted your F'in opinion I would have asked.
    Minnesota Nice is highly overrated sometimes.

    Wow, thanks for the support.

    Yes, I'm from Edina...Minnesota nice is over-rated.

    Thank you all for you support. I told one of the trainers, whom I get along with very well. He told me that this guy is a "know-it-all" and he comes in a shadow boxes in the mirror where people warm up. Apparently he's entitled, too. :laugh: It seems as if the guy does not have a lot of fans at the gym. So, apparently I'm not the only one he's done this, too. We're not sure about the towel flipping.

    Curtis, the trainer, told me that if he sees him speak to me again, he will just come up and tell him to leave me alone. He also said that if speaks to me and he doesn't see him do so, tell him and he will tell him to leave me alone. :flowerforyou: Bless him!

    I never pay attention to anyone at the gym until they are taking up residence on a piece of equipment. Then I normally don't remember after I've used the piece of equipment. I'm in there doing my own thing. It's just creepy. :noway:

    As for those of you whom said that he was right...uh...sod off. :grumble: I've taken off a ton of inches in the last two weeks with this. If it's cheating, I'll take the cheat....because it's working.. I don't fancy his idea. I do what I can and what I"m capable of. Even if I were in perfect shape, I'd not do that on the tread mill. I'd go out side to a water fall area that is fun to hike up hill.

    By the way, Curtis told me that this guy isn't really in the best of shape, either. He's had the unfortunate experience of running into him in the locker room, disrobing. :laugh: :tongue:

    Thanks for supporting my "HIIT". It's helped whipped me back in to shape very quickly.
  • He is lucky he did not break your focus more then he did and cause you to fall! I think you handled him just fine... but I agree with others, if he does it again, tell him to mind his own business....
  • Antigone
    Antigone Posts: 70 Member
    If it happens again, say "I heard you the first time, but with my experience as a marathon runner, I know what works for me."

    This is exactly what I'd do. If he persists I'd give him a more forecful STFU.
  • chrissismone
    chrissismone Posts: 116 Member
    Your better than I OP I would have cursed him and told him to go to don't come to strangers and start talking foolishness. Some douche bags really need to grow a pair and grow up. I guess he thought you were dumb.