51 n fat

Hi all.. I ama 51 year old woman who would love to have a good bmi! Hopeing this site will help me to do the trick! Tired of my fat belly! If you have any good suggestions for me that may have helped you..Please drop me a note!Thanks and good luck to us all


  • Hi! I'm fairly new on here too and have been so surprised by how supportive everyone is, they really keep you motivated! My inspiration is my aunt who is 57 and recently lost 4 stone! She'd been overweight for 20 years and never thought she could do it, but she looks incredible now and has a whole new lease of life! Basically what I'm saying is we can do it! My aunts main piece of advice was to be patient. Small life long changes make the biggest differences. Wishing you lots of luck, just enjoy it!
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    Hi, I'm 53. I have had ups and downs with weight, but I have always been an exercise fan. I like to walk, bike ride, and some weight lifting, nothing major there. I watch what I eat, and since joining this site I have lost 6 pounds. I would like to lose about 5-9 more pounds. I never thought walking would benefit me as much as it has, and it is the simplest thing to do, and you can do it anywhere. I walk about 3-4 miles every time I go out, 3 - 4 times a week. When it's nice weather, I prefer bike riding, which I have done all of my life. My hope is one day to hear my grandkids say "Can I go bike riding with grandma?"