Just started - not eating all my calories, is this a problem


I've just started with MFP and I love it! I'm aiming to lose 14lbs. My target is 1200 calories a day but at the moment I'm ending up with much less. I eat a salad at lunch which has a very small calorific value and my commute to work means I walk about 1hr a day so I always burn some off too. My first two days have been a total of 800ish calories after the exercise has been taken off. Is this too low? I usually eat more at weekends (no walk to work and time to eat properly!) so it might be that it'll balance out with the weekend total.

I don't want to try so hard and discover really I'll lose more weight if I have more calories!


  • Princessbrene
    Princessbrene Posts: 112 Member
    My Mom's endorinologist told her that she can do 800 calories a day for a short period of time, but not to do it long-term or go below that. IMHO- you should try to up it at least to 1000.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    Yes that is way too low, even if you don't feel hungry. You won't get all of your nutrients (or enough calories to function properly), and your body will go into starvation mode which will slow down weight loss. You should never eat less than 1200. I mean occasionally I might eat 1100 or so, but it is very rare. The next day I will eat more than 1300. Really one should not go below 1200.
  • xxsam_mcaleerxx
    Lol i have the same problem. Goal to eat 1,200 calories, and then after exercise it wants me to eat more! I cannot even meet the 1,200 mark =D
    I am going to eat for a few weeks under my calorie intake, and then i shall aim to eat my goal. Under eating is meant to put the body in starvation mode, and lowers the metabolism, bt i am not hungry and feel fat eating LOADS to meet the goal...

    Argh frustrating lol =D
    I shall test it out hahaha
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Very, very, very few people should ever eat less than 1200 a day. You are likely not one of the few.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    Not eating enough calories will put your body in starvation mode, which is not good.
    How many calories were you eating before you started dieting? That makes a difference.
    Good luck to you.
  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    I was still hungry doing 1200 calories a day... and lucky to lose a pound a week at first... then I upped my calories to 1300/day and lost 1.4 pounds that week. Raised it to 1350 the next week and lost 1.8 pounds! Last week I had trouble hitting my 1350 (+ exercise calories) and I came in under target every day... I did not lose even an ounce :-(

    Since Monday I have made sure to come as close as possible to target (1350 + exercise calories = approx. 1700-1800 per day) and I have lost .4 pounds so far this week.

    I am 32, 5'2 and as of today 174.8 pounds (I was 206 at my heaviest)... and I am slowly coming around to the idea that I have to eat more in order to lose!!
  • katiejneely
    Maybe add some protein to your salad to boost calorie count? I would definitely try to eat at least 1200 per day!
  • ericabrothers
    i think its different for everyone. i have mine set at 1200 and with exercise i normally come up under my goal. i used to eat back all my exercise calories and if i'm hungry i will eat all of them but if i'm not hungry i'm not going to eat just becasue my phone or computer tells me to. be prepaired to be raked over the coals about not eating the 1200 calories and people telling you that your body is going to go into starvation mode blah blah blah. i say do whatever you are comfortable with and tweek it until it works for you. everyone is different and in the beginning you will loose pretty quickly because its something new to your body and your body has to figure out what to do with it. you will plateau and have to change things up again and you will start loosing again. its kind of a hurry up and wait process. do before pix (front back and side), measurements and weight. you may not loose on the scale but you may be toning and replacing fat with muscle. take everyone's advise and use what you think will work for you. everyone here will have an opinion on the best way to loose weight and if it works for them great! but remember you are different from them and what works for them might not work for you. i'm doing intermitten fasting right now which just means i start eating at lunch and finish my eating around 8-9ish depending on how long i'm at the gym. some people think that is crazy but its the way i naturally eat. if i eat breakfast i'm hungry all day long and find it hard to stay under my calories or even close to it. plus sometimes breakfast and my stomach fight and my stomach quickly gets rid of breakfast if you know what i mean :smile: i've never been a big breakfast person and i think its stupid to force myself to eat it when i simply don't want it. i eat when i'm hungry and don't shovel food down my throat just becasue its time to eat or i've not met a certian goal for the day. good luck with your weight loss and feel free to add me if you want :flowerforyou:
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    You can always try a snack of almonds, or other nuts. They typically will keep you full, and help up your calories. At the end of the day it is your choice, and we all work differently. Ask your doctor what he/she thinks... I am sure he/she will say to eat more, but your doctor knows your body better than us on the internet. Good luck.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    oh and starvation mode is real..but it takes work to be in true starvation made, and you notice the term thrown around a lot.
  • ericabrothers
    watch the movie 127 hours. that guy was prob in starvation mode :smile: i personally want my body to eat some of my fat. i think people are paranoid about "going into starvation mode" your brain will make your body use its stores. your brain it kind of a narcissist
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    All you have to do is add an avocado (approximately 260 calories) to your salad and you'll be closer to the 1200 calorie mark. Also, add nuts as a good healthy fat. Most important is that you get the right nutrients to fuel your body. Vitamins don't provide everything that the body needs - you need to get it through your food.
  • filmbuff85
    thanks everybody, it's great to get all that feedback!