Forget the "Freshman 15".... how about the "World of Warcraf

LOL.... cut my title off..... "World of Warcraft 25".

My family and I play the World of Warcraft online game.. And while I take responsibility for my actions, I know that indirectly, playing that game helped me gain 25 pounds over the years. Before my finding MFP, I was always bring a " little something " into the office when I played..... nuts, chips, coffee...... since MFP, I have basically eliminated that. But here is something I now do... Just started last week:

Whenever I finish running an instance, I make myself walk to the top floor of my 3 story house 5x, before I can do another.... Sure, that's not much, but it might be 15 flights of stairs a day.

Anybody else here think that this game indirectly affected your weight in a bad way?


  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    C'mon, there are 12 million players, surely some of you can admit it! :)
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    dont play WoW but i get what you mean about gaming. Sometimes you are just playing and eating not even realizing you just finished a whole bag of chips with little to no workout to make up for it
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    All I can think about is the South Park WoW episode...
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    All I can think about is the South Park WoW episode...

    LOL, THAT was pure genius!
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
    Don't play WoW, but wanted to chime in and say that your stair-breaks are brilliant.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Yeah I quit the game for the 6 months to lose my 100+ now I am playing it again... The big difference from before is I sit to play one or two instances or one raid then Im done. I don't do it 7 days per week either... Lately I have due to stress at work but the big difference is I was 330 calories short today.. Instead of chips... a coke and two plates of dinner scarfing down during a raid... I had half a pepsi max can... and a bottle of water.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    Well I used to sit around a lot playing facebook games that wasted a lot of my time, and didn't help me take any weight off that's for sure. But I have traded them in for Kinect Games on the Xbox like Your shape and I love the dancing ones.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Not sure if WoW more induces eating, but my boyfriend has actually lost weight because he's played skyrim hours into the night without taking a break for even food, and then he wakes up in the afternoon and skips breakfast, often having dinner as his only meal on saturdays. xD
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I can relate. While I didn't play "World of Warcraft", I played a game called "Eve:Online". I would get off of work, go to Dunkin Donuts. Get some coffee rolls and a ice coffee. I would then head home and play for hours. I had some great times, gained a lot of weight too.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    I had to stop playing WoW as it took up too much of my time. Not only bad for my health but it was not fair on my family.

    If I could play something like WoW 2-4 hours per week I would happily play the games again, but I simply can't, I don't think the games are designed for players who only 'put in' a little bit of time. I certainly am enjoying spending the majority of my own time with my wife and kids rather than randoms on line.
  • sld_12
    sld_12 Posts: 11
    I actually found the opposite to be true. When I used to play I was way TOO into it and would actually eat less because I was too busy running instances and raiding. And then I went to university and found that I snack while I read. Go figure.. lol
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I actually found the opposite to be true. When I used to play I was way TOO into it and would actually eat less because I was too busy running instances and raiding. And then I went to university and found that I snack while I read. Go figure.. lol

    Further proof that reading is bad for your health...
  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    Yep, I totally gained weight from gaming, especially WoW. Well, not from it, but 4-6hr raids, soda + snacks during them, you ge tthe point :)
  • k43la
    k43la Posts: 18
    I gained the WoW 40..ish in the years I spent playing. I've quit for good though. It's just not conducive to a healthy lifestyle, at least for me. It's either play for 12 hours straight or don't play at all. I've been WoW free for a year and I've lost about 25 pounds :D

    I just try to keep myself off Skyrim so the same thing doesn't happen.
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    Nope. I'm usually too busy in WoW to get my hands icky with chips or snacks - I'm kinda fussy, I hate it when there are like grease stains on my mouse or salt on my keyboard... etc. Sure, at times I have no choice but to have my meals when I raid, but that's pretty much it. No extra food.

    My "extra food" intake problem comes when I sit down and watch a movie, or chain watch eps of a drama :grumble:
  • kiwiclove
    kiwiclove Posts: 24 Member
    I didn't play wow but I used to play ffxi for years and for hours at a time and I know what you mean. I used to auto munch horribly too when I played but I found if you just keep that stuff out of reach or put something you can tear through and not ruin your waist over, like a bag of carrots, you'll be too busy to bother getting up to get it when you in the middle of leveling or I guess questing for wow.
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Hah I'm sure WoW did affect my weight, as up until very recently I used to raid for 3.5 hours, 4 nights a week. I've since cut way back and have been using that time to hit the gym! Will probably start playing more again when Mists of Pandaria comes out >.>

    Here's my poor, now-neglected toon:

    Feel free to add me, would love to have some WoW buddies on this site, since I'm talking to my guildies a lot less lately!
  • vancil01
    vancil01 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey there fellow WoW player :) I know what it is like to stay sedentary for a long period of time while gearing up and I have never found a way to stay gamer fit with WoW. The stairs thing is a great idea! Maybe add some pushups and body weight squats or lunges as well!! When I am playing the 360 like MW3 for instance, I will do as many pushups or squats as I can between matches.

    For WoW, maybe run a couple instances with your main, then hop on a DPS toon and workout while you are waiting for your queue to pop? :D
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286

    For WoW, maybe run a couple instances with your main, then hop on a DPS toon and workout while you are waiting for your queue to pop? :D

    Ain't that the truth, LOL.
  • SFalconStorm
    SFalconStorm Posts: 77 Member
    I remember when I played WoW, I used to think that if I actually did everything my character did, I would be tiny. I think the game industries need to invent a new type of MMORPG with VR where you actually have to DO everything your character does...except the dying. Lol. Unfit gamers would go the way of the dodo!