Why are we crazy about dogs? SAD

This is sad, but a good end.

My wife was one of those painfully shy children. She and her sister didn't make friends easily, but the ones they did make will probably be friends forever. 15 years ago an acquaintance of hers asked that she watch his dog for a while. The dog was a Rot/Golden Lab mix. Dumber than a stick, but sweet as sin. A couple of months down the line that acquaintance saw how attached she had become to the dog and decided that she should keep him. She happily accepted.
My wife had a roommate to begin with, but after a few years she bought her own house. It was not in what I consider the best part of town. It was a bit of a clean enclave in an otherwise shady area. you could faintly hear gunshots every now and then. Single woman living alone downtown. She had her buddy though. He waited for her by the window every day and slept at the foot of her bed each night. When she went running (yes, in this shady neighborhood) he was right there with her. A young lady is always safe when she is running with a dog that is carying a 6 foot long, 3 inch in diameter stick in his mouth. Picture the neck muscles of a dog who can jog with a stick when 5 feet are hanging out of the left side of his mouth, and 1 foot out the right. Even more impressive is that his head stayed straight, and the stick parallel to the ground.
She had had this dog for 10 years by the time we married, and still brought him presents whenever we went out. I'm still not sure he took to me too well, I stole some of his attention. He wouldn't let us; actually he wouldn't let anyone hug in front of him. If you tried to hug him though, he would run off like you were some kinda deamon. We moved out to the country in Iowa where he was able to run free and chase cows. He still didn't like me much. One morning he even decided to poop on my shoe as I was trying to get him to go outside. Life was on his terms!
Monday, due to his advanced age it was decided that his time had come. He was so old that he couldn't get himself off of the floor to either eat or go outside and relieve himself. he had lost his vision and a lot of his hearing. I thought the smell of food was his main reason for sticking around. He proved me wrong this morning. He stuck around for my wife. Last night My wife's parents were having a dinner party. He was up and around almost like his old self. Stealing cheese and gingerbread cookies, flirting with all the ladies. His last hurrah.
Today was the day that the Vet was supposed to come get him. I don't think he accepted that though. From what I have found out, the Veterinarian here requires verbal confirmation from the owner before they render the needle. I've come to believe that, under his terms, he wasn't willing to force his "Mama" to make that statement. His appointment was at 4 this afternoon. An hour ago he died in my wife's arms.

So why are we crazy about dogs? what are they good for? They smell bad, stand in our way, drool, chew our stuff, throw up in the car, eat cat poop, bark at everything that dares to think of making noise on their turf, knock the groceries out of our hands and the plates off the table.

I wonder if it's the fact that they always want to be right next to us. Perhaps that they are always happy, always ready to curl up for a movie, always ready to put themselves between us and whatever that noise was in the middle of the night, always willing to absorb our tears when we cry, always ready to entertain, always ready to lend us their heads when we are lonely and need something to pet, always ready to play with and protect our children.
I suppose that it could also be that they never lecture, never judge, never look down on us, never have a foul word to say and they always return. Even if it is just for the food.

My wife loved everything about that dog.

I still don't think he cared much for me. I always liked him, but I was kindove indifferent in general. He was her dog. This morning I think I found a reason to love him. When it was his time to go he chose to go on his own terms, and his terms stated that my wife didn't have to make the choice.


  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    oh. my. God. My heart just shattered and the tears won't stop. I am SO sorry for your wife's loss.

    Why do we love dogs? Because they are loving, loyal, faithful, playful, funny, fun, etc...
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    oh. my. God. My heart just shattered and the tears won't stop. I am SO sorry for your wife's loss.

    Why do we love dogs? Because they are loving, loyal, faithful, playful, funny, fun, etc...

    Thanks. She has been dreading it for years. At 16 he outlivd everyone's expectations. Good life with her taking care of him.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    oh. my. God. My heart just shattered and the tears won't stop. I am SO sorry for your wife's loss.

    Why do we love dogs? Because they are loving, loyal, faithful, playful, funny, fun, etc...

    Thanks. She has been dreading it for years. At 16 he outlivd everyone's expectations. Good life with her taking care of him.

    and him of her, it would seem, right up until he passed on.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    OMG. Just cried. That is just so sweet and sad and touching, and I can't imagine the heartbreak your wife is going through right now. There is just something special about dogs. The bond they create with us. It's intangible, but it's there. I actually volunteer for an animal rescue organization that has successfully made Austin, TX officially a no-kill city, meaning we do not euthanize any adoptable pet (about 9-10% of surrendered cats and dogs are considering not adoptable due to health/behavioral reasons).

    While we do advocate for the kitties too, there is just something special about dogs. We adopted a puppy for my son for Christmas---she is his little protector, and I can't think of our family without her already. Look up American Pets Alive! for info about making your community no-kill and what organizations they partner with (our is called Austin Pets Alive!). Dogs really are man's best friend :)
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    OMG. Just cried. That is just so sweet and sad and touching, and I can't imagine the heartbreak your wife is going through right now. There is just something special about dogs. The bond they create with us. It's intangible, but it's there. I actually volunteer for an animal rescue organization that has successfully made Austin, TX officially a no-kill city, meaning we do not euthanize any adoptable pet (about 9-10% of surrendered cats and dogs are considering not adoptable due to health/behavioral reasons).

    While we do advocate for the kitties too, there is just something special about dogs. We adopted a puppy for my son for Christmas---she is his little protector, and I can't think of our family without her already. Look up American Pets Alive! for info about making your community no-kill and what organizations they partner with (our is called Austin Pets Alive!). Dogs really are man's best friend :)

    the more I read your posts, the more amazing I think you are. We adopted both of our girls, too. One who was never going to be accepted in any shelter (they ALL wanted to put her down, because she had been hit by a car and had a massive limp that you could NEVER tell at this point in her life and that was only 8 months ago, when she was maybe 2 months old).
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    We love dogs for exactly the reasons you speak of. They can heal broken hearts just by being by our side, licking away the falling tears. Make us laugh at their clown-like antics, and in the next moment put on public displays of their astounding intelligence, wowing friends and neighbors. The dogs I've had in my life, and the one I have now (Kitti) have always been, and always will be, among the best friends ever in my life.
    My condolences to you and your wife. I know what it's like to lose this friend. :flowerforyou:
  • AutumnsPassage
    AutumnsPassage Posts: 33 Member
    What a beautiful post about a wonderful dog. Our lab is fifteen and has been an amazing companion but I fear her time is closer than I'd like to think over the past few years her health has declined and she's barely mobile anymore. My heart goes out to your wife it's horrible to lose such a great friend.
  • Ajones33
    Wow, def. sobbing a bit.

    I wouldn't say it's just dogs but all pets. I've never really favored cats, i'm allergic to them and I can't take them outside for walks, to the beach ect..

    I rescued my cat four years ago when his mom was put down, i love him more than I have any pet. He's a big mamas boy and I love every part of his weird non-cat like personality. When he gets out of the house I cry like a baby because I fear him getting hurt or killed.

    Just a few days ago I also got a puppy, I haven't got that connection yet but just seeing their faces so happy when I come home everyday melts my heart. Animals will always be there for you and love you no matter what. They make mistakes just like humans but they are just like raising children. I dread the day when I lose one of mine because I will lose all the awesome times i've had with them and watch them grow and the adventures i've had with them (yes even the cat lol)

    I'm so sorry for both you and your wifes loss!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I am so sorry for your wife's loss! This made me cry! I sincerely thank you for sharing this.

    Why am I crazy about dogs? I do foster care for the local shelter and am receiving a new foster puppy today. A 7 month old Pit-Shepherd Mix who was nearly starved to death. You could count his ribs from across a room. I have seen a lot of dogs in my life who have had horrible horrible things done to them at the hands of humans and have seen these dogs turn around and be the best, most loving, faithful, and appreciative creatures a person could ever hope to encounter. This is why I love dogs.

    The loss of a dog is no different than the loss of any other family member. I hope your wife finds peace.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    We love our dogs because they give us so much and ask for so little in return. We just got a dog from a shelter that rescues dogs about to be put down. Our new baby is adjusting to the kids and our other dog. They are our companions and know our deepest needs and react to it. When my youngest had the flu last year, our puppy didn't leave his side until his fever broke.
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life...like loving everyone and being kind. Dogs already know how to do all that, so they don't have to stay as long...

    Every dog I've ever had will always have a special place in my heart.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    It's called unconditional love. They are always happy to see you when you come home even if you were angry at them when you left.

    They will even lick your tears when you are down. Who else treats you like this!!!!
  • BOATS52
    Nice story i love all my Dogs over the Years some better then others but there always up for a walk and make you feel better when your down in the dumps. There are dumb Dogs just like people. I have had Afghan hounds (4) there suppose to be a dumb breed a beg to differ my Dogs Sundance and Kasey were in the back of my pickup while i was in runnig an errand they managed to crawl thru the pass thru window from my canopy into the cab of my Truck where there was a big plastic jar of beef jerky that was screwed on tight.. I was not gone very long . But by the time i got back there was no beef jerky left of course they were smiling at me and wagging there tails like they had been the best Dogs in the world. I now own a Aussie shepard and before that a Border collie lab mix. There are Cat people and Dog people i am the latter. You are not a Dog Person ! The Dog was the Boss by pooping on your shoes ! Go-Go Fido !......Lol !
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    Absolutely beautiful story. Why am I crazy about dogs? The undconditional love, like some others have mentioned. We don't have to work or try for the love of our dogs. Thank you for sharing. I am trying desperately to dry my eyes since I'm at work, haha.
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    Bump! more people need to read this story. :)
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    We love our dogs because they give us so much and ask for so little in return. We just got a dog from a shelter that rescues dogs about to be put down. Our new baby is adjusting to the kids and our other dog. They are our companions and know our deepest needs and react to it. When my youngest had the flu last year, our puppy didn't leave his side until his fever broke.

    That (wanting to be with us) is one of the fun things. That's why this pic always makes me laugh:

  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    OMG tell your wife I am so sorry. I'm not sure what is worse. I had one of mine die right in front of me in 2006 and it was HORRIBLE. Last summer I had to put away our first dog (she was 13). My husband took her to the vet and I met him there after work. I told myself if she fights going with the vet I'll stop the procedure. DH said she didn't even fight him putting her in the car (she always did that and barked up a storm). He said she was quiet and laid where he put her. When the vet took her she didn't even fight him or look back at us. I knew then it was her time. When we got home I expected the other dogs to sniff at us and bark at us like where the heck is she, but they didn't. Apparently they knew it was her time too. I still miss her, but she had been gone from us for more than 6 months before we put her to sleep. My heart goes out to you guys!
  • giantsfaninvt
    giantsfaninvt Posts: 26 Member
    Wow. Your wife is truly blessed to have had such a wonderful and loyal friend.

    I, however, am now an emotional wreck.
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    Wow. Your wife is truly blessed to have had such a wonderful and loyal friend.

    I, however, am now an emotional wreck.

    Your not alone in that. She actually went back to work today just to have something to distract her so she wouldn't spend the whole day sobbing. Understandable.
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    *bump to read later*