Does the time of the day you work out actually affect the ca



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I've run any time from 7am to 11:30pm and I always burn the same approximate amount during the workout (an average of 100 cal per mile). And according to my BodyMedia Fit, I continue to burn at a slightly higher calorie per minute rate (about 2.5-3 calories per minute vs 1 calorie per minute) for about 20 minutes afterwards and then it settles back to my normal 1 per minute burn.

    And that's the same pattern for early morning, mid-morning, early afternoon, late afternoon, early evening, evening and late night. Because I have run (and lifted, and done cross-train cardio) during all of those different times. And I don't burn more calories or fewer for the day, collectively, based on the workout time alone either.

    So I'd say to workout when it best fits into your life and schedule. You'll be more likely to stick to it that way anyway. :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    In my personal experience, it's an individual thing. I know plenty of people prefer to exercise in the morning and supposedly that's the best time to go but most of the time when I try to do it, my calorie burns are crap. I'm not really a morning person, it takes me a while to wake up and feel like I have some energy and that reflects on my calorie burn because I'm not working as hard as I would later in the day and even if I do push it, my heart rate just doesn't get up there.

    I agree with those who say do it when you can and when it feels right to you! Better than sitting on your *kitten* on the couch!
  • pd_miller
    pd_miller Posts: 8 Member
    Ultimately, the best time to work out is determined by your own biological preferences and your lifestyle. You might be a night owl who does not come alive until the sun goes down, but your daily obligations might make training at night unfeasible. Or you might be a natural early riser, but your schedule does not allow for a training window two hours after awakening. The best workout is the one you will do consistently.

    The body naturally burns and stores when you sleep. Burns calories if you have fed it properly, hydrated it properly, and exercised it properly. If you don't eat, drink water, or exercise the body stores fat for energy wondering 'when is she/he going to feed/hydrate me again??' ... Depending on the type of exercises you do will also determine if your body will continue to burn calories throughout the day or night. Example, if you are weight lifting you are breaking down fibers that will in turn heal/build throughout resting periods...all of which uses energy/burns fat.

    Hope this was helpful..exercise when YOU feel at your best. Look at it this way, if you exercise in the morning and have time to do more at night.... BONUS!!! ;D Keep reaching for your goals... not the goals of others!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    No exercise is bad exercise.

    When do you have the most energy and time? If you're tired you probably won't put as much "oomph" into your work out and will burn less. Aside from that I highly doubt that the numbers on the clock will effect your workout in any significant way.