Need Advice- Kindle Owners!



  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    Wow, Thanks for all of the advice... Right now I may be leaning towards the Kindle Fire. I dont have a smart phone so it would be nice to have all those apps! I didnt realize you can get so many free books, yay!!!
  • DonnaLRB
    DonnaLRB Posts: 54 Member
    I spend so much time on my computer that I really wanted something that was easier on my eyes. I got the Kindle Touch, and I love it. I can also increase the font size without having to scroll, and that makes it more comfortable for me.
  • margeb102
    own a kindle fire and love it. you can do your finess pal and keep track of food and nutrition anywhere you can get wi fi.r
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    I have a plain Kindle which I adore. I prop it on the treadmill and read during my daily 2 mile walk. LOVE it!

    However, that being said, if I were to get another Kindle, I think I would get the Fire. So much more flexibility. I suppose it all depends on how much you want to spend. (And I'm assuming there is a monthly fee associated with the Fire that you don't have with the plain Kindle.) Could be wrong on that one, but it's worth asking.
  • barbscott1
    barbscott1 Posts: 6 Member
    I love my Kindle fire as well. Convenient and it fits in my purse. Love it. I can update MFP regularly in much larger print than my 3g phone. I recommend it.
  • milkandtea
    milkandtea Posts: 116 Member
    I have the Kindle Fire and I highly recommend it. MFP has an app for it too! :) You can adjust the font size, letter spacing, type face, brightness of the screen, and the color of the pages and text. I haven't found it any harder to read on compared to a normal book. If anything, I'd say it's easier. The email and apps are a nice bonus too.
  • vitahill
    vitahill Posts: 37 Member
    I have a Kindle Fire and I love it so much! I like it for magazine because while it's not as easy as reading the paper versions they are cheaper. I get OK and Us Weekly delivered to my kindle each week and it's great!
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    I have the regular kindle and you really can read it in direct sunlight (like on the beach) and it is the greatest thing ever. I don't have the Fire, so I can't speak to whether or not you can read it in direct sunlight, but most LED screens suffer from glare, which the Kindle Touch does not. It really does look and feel (to the eyes) just like a printed page.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    I have the kindle fire and absolutely love it! I would not trade it for the cheaper versions at all!
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    The kindle Fire is GREAT!!! I just got one for my 3 year old and i find myself stealing it every chance i get. lol Walmart had a deal a while back where the Fire was $199 and you got a $50 walmart gift card when you purchased it :)
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    I just bought a Kobo.
    Don't waste your money on the fire unless you will use it for things other than reading. Think of what you want it for and will use it for. Don't waste moeny!
  • Tulipgirl1223
    Tulipgirl1223 Posts: 91 Member
    I have the kindle keyboard and a kindle fire, I love both. I like the keyboard because it has the page turner buttons on the side, whereas the fire you have to touch the page or swipe it (it's really not a huge deal). The keyboard has an amazing battery life, the fire is ok battery wise (I just have to get into the habit of putting it on the charger every night cuz it sucks going to turn it on and crud dead battery LOL).

    Either one you can't go wrong on. When you purchase them I think you get a free month of Prime (at least that's how it was over the holidays) which gives you access to the lending library, only downfall is you get 1 book a month to borrow. There's always ways to get free books. kindle on the cheap is a facebook page, is another free site. If you google there's a ton of free sites as well, I don't know all of them off the top of my head.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    What do you want it to do? I could have gotten a Fire, but I was not looking for something to use with Apps I was looking for something that will let me read books for hours and carry around more books/articles with me at once. If you are looking to mostly read books and don't care about apps then the touch would be best. if you want apps, the touch would suck.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I don't know about kindle, but I have a kobo touch and I ultimately went with it over the kobo vox (tablet) because I wanted it to read books. No glaring screen, no chance to goof off on the internet. battery life.. it's light so I can hold it up for a long time and my arm doesn't tire. I have an ipad for work and I've tried to read on it and I just get annoyed - my eyes hurt, I need to prop it up on something and the battery dies really fast. I can have my kobo on for a couple of weeks straight without charging it. I also was at a beach and I could use it in the direct sun without any glare.

    So if you don't have a computer or you want games then get the colour one, but otherwise just get the one that is for reading if that's what your primary purpose is! Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time not reading :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Wow, Thanks for all of the advice... Right now I may be leaning towards the Kindle Fire. I dont have a smart phone so it would be nice to have all those apps! I didnt realize you can get so many free books, yay!!!

    I also do not have a smart phone. The Fire has pleased me so far, got it for Christmas. :)
  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    Ive been looking at reviews too!
    I was just thinking itd be nice to download magazines on it...for when I am on the elliptical and bike..

    I have and love the Kindle Fire, but I wouldn't recommend reading magazines on the elliptical/bike on it. It depends on the kind of magazine, I guess I should say. For long-form stories like in the New Yorker, Atlantic, etc., it's great because you can put it in text view and read it like a book. But for browsing a magazine with a lot of photos and layouts, like fashion or general interest magazines, the screen is really small for that, especially from a distance like on an exercise machine.

    But I LOVE the Kindle Fire. I resisted getting it because I thought it'd cause eye strain, but it doesn't and the backlighting is great for reading in bed at night without disturbing my other half.
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    I love my Kindle Fire. I use it all the time, and have no trouble with the color screen. I love the free options, both apps and books :)
  • zmzmzm19
    zmzmzm19 Posts: 155 Member
    I was thinking I wanted the Kindle touch, but my Family got me the Kindle Fire..........Love love love it!! It has so much to offer and is so portable. I also like that I can add my MFP entries quickly on it too. You won't be sorry!
  • Terk1968
    Terk1968 Posts: 25 Member
    I love my Kindle FIre. I play games, watch movies, listen to music and read. Some say if you're looking for more than just reading than the Kindle Fire is a good choice, if not go with the ereader.

    With the Kindle Fire you'll need a WiFi connection to down load anything. The Kindle reader you can down load books over a 3G connection.
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    If it is mainly for reading, I would get the Kindle Touch because the e-ink screen is much easier on the eyes & you can still read in sunlight. If you want the apps & stuff too, I'd say go for the Kindle Touch + the iPad. :P That's the combo I have & I couldn't be happier - but seriously, if you want the other stuff & you can deal with reading on the Kindle Fire screen, get the Fire for the best of both worlds at the cheapest price. Amazon's selection & support are both amazing!

    ETA: Oh yeah, you have to think about the 3G vs. WiFi option - you can't get 3G with the Kindle Fire, which means you will only be able to download books & visit the Kindle store when you have a wireless connection. I always download books & samples on the go, so I had to go with the Kindle Touch 3G.