Cutting Out the Beer?



  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Of course I know that almost every country makes some good beer, I was just talking about your regular beer. It's tosh and shouldn't even be allowed to be called beer.
    Compared to European or Australian regular beer or lager it's like drinking a soft drink.

    I don't know how you manage to have alcoholics with that kind of weak nonsense around.

    I think the US really should make more effort in the drinking department. :drinker:

    Quite a TROLL aren't you Mr. Bowie?
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    I don't mean to sound rude but doesn't the beer you drink in the States count towards your daily water intake?

    Cos if it's as weak as some of the American beers they sell over here in England then it should be classified as water. ;-)

    Myself, I couldn't dream of giving up red wine, brandy or bottled cider. Nothing beats an ice cold Magners on a sunny day.

    HAHAHHAHAH. No. Craft beer in the US is freaking amazing. Please do not think of Coors, Miller, Budweiser, etc. as the figureheads of American beer. I could rattle off two dozen flavourful, high ABV, truly delicious and well-crafted beers and that wouldn't even be the tip of the iceberg. (you may find me around the internet as denverbeerchick ... my beer-love credentials are legit.)

    Dogfish, Troeggs, Boulevard Brewing, Left Hand.....I mean the list is endless.....If you drink coors, miller or bud, by all means log it as water but if you drink real beer, log it as the calories!:happy:
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Of course I know that almost every country makes some good beer, I was just talking about your regular beer. It's tosh and shouldn't even be allowed to be called beer.
    Compared to European or Australian regular beer or lager it's like drinking a soft drink.

    I don't know how you manage to have alcoholics with that kind of weak nonsense around.

    I think the US really should make more effort in the drinking department. :drinker:

    I think you may be conflating "regular beer" with "mass-produced InBev ****e."

    The craft brewing market is growing, both in the US and Canada. Those who want to drink Bud Lite will do so; those who want to drink beer will seek out and support craft & microbreweries. Though, by all means, go ahead and assume that the US isn't "making an effort" in the drinking department and ignore the multitudes of delicious brews that are being produced every day - really, it just leaves more for me! :laugh: :drinker:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Give up beer what are you nuts? I drink one day of every weekend as many as 8 beers. I don't keep track of the food that day and that day only. Can not and will not give up my weekly beers.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    I love beer :drinker: love it!! However, recently switched to raspberry vodka w/ seltzer and a lime. It was quite good and I think it will hold me until warmer weather approaches, but I will NEVER give up beer! :laugh:
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    I drink 1-2 glasses of red wine a day for the cardiovascular benefits. At the beginning of the day, I go ahead and log in at least 1 glass and if I have a couple extra calories come night time and things are going well................ At 44 calories for a 5 ozs, pour the lady and I another glass!

    You can always add seltzer to wine to stretch 2 glasses in to 4 :drinker:
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Of course I know that almost every country makes some good beer, I was just talking about your regular beer. It's tosh and shouldn't even be allowed to be called beer.
    Compared to European or Australian regular beer or lager it's like drinking a soft drink.

    I don't know how you manage to have alcoholics with that kind of weak nonsense around.

    I think the US really should make more effort in the drinking department. :drinker:

    I think you may be conflating "regular beer" with "mass-produced InBev ****e."

    The craft brewing market is growing, both in the US and Canada. Those who want to drink Bud Lite will do so; those who want to drink beer will seek out and support craft & microbreweries. Though, by all means, go ahead and assume that the US isn't "making an effort" in the drinking department and ignore the multitudes of delicious brews that are being produced every day - really, it just leaves more for me! :laugh: :drinker:

    I may have to tell my wife that I heart you:drinker:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Anytime you cut out empty calories there's a good chance you'll lose more. Truthfully, I'd rather weigh a little more and keep my beer and wine. It didn't keep me from reaching my goal though, but I may have met it faster if I'd given them up. But since I have no intention of giving them up forever I didn't see the point of doing it while trying to lose.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I love beer and wine in copious amounts...Sat. will be day 60 of none. Empty calorie will lead to health issues. If you can not have it for the time you are trying to lose,you may find you can live without it. Once in awile for those who can,would be no worse than an occasional cupcake. just log the calories....
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I still drink beer :x I just make sure I have the calories for it and drink a crap ton of water the next day..and I mean a CRAP ton of water.

  • LOVE THE BEER ! I would like to get home from work have a beer and relax - BUT I look at beer and gain weight. With that said, I am going to limit if its a weekend than I can have 1-2... to relax but honestly they are not worth it till I reach my goal weight but I also do not want to cut beer out completely have one and gain all the weight back... argh.. why is beer bad really !
  • jasonr1442
    jasonr1442 Posts: 67 Member
    I did both until last week. I cut out beer for Vodka. No carbs in Vodka so I feel I'm doing something besides screwing myself. The fruit will cancel the no carbs out though. I'm doing vodka soda's.
  • gkobes
    gkobes Posts: 2 Member
    The only reason I exercise is to be able to drink alcohol guilt free :-)
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    I love my beer....and I have lost quite a bit of weight, while still partaking in my beverages :drinker: . I just make sure it fits into my allotted calories for the day. Also, I switched to MGD 64. Less calories and less alchohol per serving, so it's "better" for you.
  • No... Cut down the beer! You need the little 'treats'. Just keep it within your calorie allowance. If you are going to be drinking later that day 'earn' some more calories by exercising- go to the gym, for a long walk, a run etc. I actually struggle to consume my daily allowance after I've exercised unless I have a beer.
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    I couldn't cut vodka out of my diet so I started drinking it with flavoured water instead of juice or pop...the only calories you get are from the vodka you're drinking water to help stay hydrated...I see it as a win win :) I also make sure I work off those calories either that day and/or the day after!!! Cheers!!! :drinker:
  • srobelia
    srobelia Posts: 2 Member
    I also drink the vodka with some flavored water, I agree.... cuts way back on the calories, and not nearly as bad for you :)
  • Absolutely. Because I don't like beer; only if I'm already intoxicated and out of other options will i drink it. Cocktails, however, I will not give up.
  • I loved having a glass or 2 (or 3) of chardonnay with my dinners a few nights a week... Until I logged it on and to my horror, found out it has 188 calories per cup!!! EEEK!

    My husband brews his own beer (ales and such...) but I know those must contain 200-400 calories per glass...

    You just gotta add it in to your log and try and estimate your other intakes with it.

  • Of course I know that almost every country makes some good beer, I was just talking about your regular beer. It's tosh and shouldn't even be allowed to be called beer.
    Compared to European or Australian regular beer or lager it's like drinking a soft drink.

    I don't know how you manage to have alcoholics with that kind of weak nonsense around.

    I think the US really should make more effort in the drinking department. :drinker:

    Budweiser is owned by a Belgian company.

    Miller by a South African company.

    Coors by a Canadian company.

    However, Sweetwater is locally owned (Atlanta). RedHook, Flying Dog, and New Belgium are also US based companies, to give a few examples.