please review my diary?

posted here yesterday but only got one reply :-(

can anyone help??


  • mistymamas
    mistymamas Posts: 36 Member
    What is it you need help with? Are you looking for someone to check your diary out and give you tips?
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    I looked over your diary, its not bad. What are you looking for tips/help with.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    I'm no help with these things, you should know. The only thing I noticed was that it doesn't look like you have much weight to lose and therefore I'm assuming you are already fairly small. If you're small, your calorie goal might be a bit high for someone your size. I'm rather small as well and for my last 5 pounds, mfp has dropped my calorie goal to 1220 a day. Now, you may exercise a lot more than I do...I only exercise 2-3 times a week, and so for me 1220 is doable (not that fun, but that's because I'm a snacker). If you are getting more exercise than I am, 1220 would be pretty low. Are you having trouble dropping weight or are you just wanting someone to look at the quality of food you are eating? Looks like you're getting plenty of protein which is usually a good thing. :)
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    You look like you are eating right. at your height and weight 5'2'' 122 you are at a healthy weight. If you do not like the way your body looks, ad some strength training exersizes to tone your body and replace your body fat with lean muscle. I like to use the Kettlebells, they work the whole body very quickly.

    Good luck
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    What exactly are you looking for?
  • Ok I'm confused why people think I'm small??! I'm 251lbs at 5"6 :-(

    I'm really looking for assurance that net cals are on track for loss.

    Thanks guys!
  • peggy2165
    peggy2165 Posts: 12 Member
    i am in the same weight loss area as you and my calories are pretty much the same as yours i have lost a average of one pound a week. if your looking for friends for your journey feel free to add me looking at other peoples diaries has really helped me!!
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    I apologize! I thought that I had seen your ticker and it said your goal weight was only like 10 pounds away or something. I must have been mistaken. Or maybe you have set up a short-term goal to start with. Either way, sorry about the confusion. I am guessing you will lose at this rate...does it feel like you are eating fewer calories than you were before you started mfp?
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    Looks great to me.... you're doing really well with keeping your sodium low! I would recommend that you go in and adjust your goals. Set your fiber to minimum 30g per day, then it won't be giving you red numbers for being "over" on fiber - that's a good thing!!
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    A couple of observations - well actually three!
    1. You have a sweet tooth - try and swop one of your sweet treats with a piece of fruit or a small glass of fruit juice. Try that for a week and if successful do the same with another sweet treat so that you end up reducing your refined sugar, high fat treats with good sugars and some fibre which should stabilise your blood sugar which will help to reduce the craving! Don't aim to eliminate all your sweet treats - you will never stick to it if you do because you will crave them. The trick is to gradually change your diet and find something healthy and sustainable.
    2. You do not eat many veg - they are a great way to add bulk to meals and are generally very low in calories - the exceptions are peas, beans and sweetcorn which have more calories. I do not limit veg at all! Including the latter!
    3. You are over your recommended calorie intake so try to stick to your target each day.

    Hope that helps!
  • Thanks all :-)

    So today I've netted 872 but there is NO way I can eat anymore! As you can see, my diary is stuffed so it's not like I'm starving lol!! So it appears that basically I'm not eating back my exercise cals big deal right??
  • I can tell you why you aren't losing weight. You aren't eating nearly enough greens or fruit. your diet should be made up of primarily fresh fruits and veggies. All the processed foods will clog your system and make it harder to lose weight. I would recommend getting Detox for Women by Natalia Rose. Hope this helps!
  • Hi, thanks for your input!

    Tbh I never said there was a problem losing weight..I'm actually on day 3 and down 4lbs but I'll wait until day 7 for my official WI. I find that the diary doesn't allow me to be clear about actual nutrition when eating homemade stuff... for eg today my salsa was totally homemade with
    1 red bell pepper
    1 green red pepper
    2 tomatoes
    1red onion

    However the most accurate I could find was the commercial brand I added.

    My 'mcdonalds' garden salad was actually a homemade mixed leaf with added grated carrot, onion slices.

    My dinner included cauliflower broccoli and a ton of steamed carrots.

    So I'm very confident that I have plentybof produce in my diet!

    I also had a pear this morning.
  • Just as a suggestion for your homemade items, use the "recipe builder" function in your food area. I used to add up all my homemade stuff by hand, then I figured out how the recipe builder works, and I LOVE it!!
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Annemarie, my recommendation would be to cut down on the carbs--aim for about 150 g a day (never mind what the counter says you can have)--and don't have more than 1500 mg of sodium a day. I also notice that there's quite a bit of processed food in there. Baked beans?? :tongue: I know it's a staple of an English breakfast, but that's exactly the kind of thing you need to be careful with. Even if they're sugar free, beans (like all legumes) are starches and incredibly high in carbs.

    I'd suggest changing over to fresh fruit and veg, and lean protein--skinless chicken or turkey breast, fish (no, fish & chips is not a good idea! :wink:), or tofu products. Don't trust packaged foods! Bottom line is: if you prepare it yourself, you know what's in it. Many of the fat-free products you would imagine are good for you actually contain a lot of sugar and/or sodium to make up for lost flavor.

    Also, portion control. One serving size that leaped out at me were the 250+ g of potato as a side. One serving of potato is the amount that fits in the palm of your hand. I bet that whopper didn't fit! :wink:

    Excellent job on the water! Keep drinking the stuff! :happy:
  • Hey - I just looked at your dairy too! Firstly congrats on taking the step to start one in the first place! That's awesome! I think your meals are pretty okay for starting out - its the snacking thats doing ya in! Something I do is write in my diary a day or two in advance, so I am meal planning allowing room for a afternoon snack (usually an apple) and something later after dins, because I know I like to snack before bed (typically greek yogurt and granola) This all helps me stay on track! Make sure your getting enough protein!! 1g/kg of your body weight, it will help ya lose weight! :)
  • Great advice from Sabine!
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Hi, thanks for your input!

    Tbh I never said there was a problem losing weight..I'm actually on day 3 and down 4lbs but I'll wait until day 7 for my official WI. I find that the diary doesn't allow me to be clear about actual nutrition when eating homemade stuff... for eg today my salsa was totally homemade with
    1 red bell pepper
    1 green red pepper
    2 tomatoes
    1red onion

    However the most accurate I could find was the commercial brand I added.

    My 'mcdonalds' garden salad was actually a homemade mixed leaf with added grated carrot, onion slices.

    My dinner included cauliflower broccoli and a ton of steamed carrots.

    So I'm very confident that I have plentybof produce in my diet!

    I also had a pear this morning.

    Annemarie, you can log your own recipes. On your food diary page is a 'Recipes' tab, where you can input your fresh ingredients and the program will calculate the calories etc. per serving of the finished product.