How are some people not hungry when below their calories?



  • missfancy1980
    I posted on this very issue earlier. I have eaten a ton today. then when I ate a few more things just to up my calories (i still needed 300) i felt horrible and bloated! Even when i wasn't eating the healthy stuff i am now, i was rarely over 1400 cals a day as I am vegetarian and don't eat calorie/ fat laden meats etc. I think this site overestimates how many cals certain ppl need. There are very few women i know who can eat above 1800 cals without feeling awful!
  • FitSuperwoman
    I workout in the mornings and burn around 700 calories a day and i always have trouble trying to to eat all my calories when i plan out my meals ...but when i dont plan them out im always overeating lol...but im not usually hungry because i snack between meals...and drink alot of water ? idk..
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I eat high protein and low processed foods so getting my calorie goal is difficult. I make it to about 1500 a day when working out hard but I choke myself doing it. I work out at night which makes it hard. I also drink a lot of coffee which takes away my appetite.

    Basically, I understand how you could think that but when you eat a lot of protein and wholesome foods your body just isn't hungry sometimes.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    after prolonged undereating you actually become less hungry.A huge part of it is mental but it's also physical. Your body learns to function on fewer calories which isn't ideal actually.

    exactly this!!!
  • AshleyTonks
    AshleyTonks Posts: 12 Member
    I think it's both mental and physical. I drink a lot more water now and that definitely helps.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I'm just not hungry, I drink plenty of water, and if I do get a little peckish but it is to late at night I have a green tea with honey (except last night when I had a sneaky treat lol). I put it down to eating good foods, spaced out nicely throughout the day.
    I am only just starting to get back into my exercise though, I plan to ramp it up again next week, so may be hungrier then.
  • WheyStrong
    WheyStrong Posts: 71 Member
    Depends what you eat. I've been upping my protein intake and avoiding high calorie dense foods and find it very easy to stay around or under my cal maintenance.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    Why is the sky blue?
    Why do people eat spam?
    Why do people watch American Idol?

    ...questions that will never be answered.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    There are a lot of hormonal things in triggering being hungry and things like that. I have also recently read (I have no source atm but feel free to google it) that if you're body is functioning fine and you haven't driven yourself with activity (extra activity) and eating regularly, your body will not send hunger signals because it knows that it will be fed.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    when i first started i had a very hard time eating all my calories, and quite often i forced myself to eat when i didnt feel hungry. part of it was that i under ate for so long, my body was used to it and it was rough to eat more than one meal a day. ive found that lately, i will start to feel a bit hungry if i miss a meal or snack as my body is now getting used to having enough food. though i still have times when i dont feel hungry at meal times. i eat what i can
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    The mind is a powerful thing.

    It's the same way we convince ourselves that we're hungry and over eat.

    Neither is healthy.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    well I barely ever go over my daily allowance, I'm usually not hungry. Eating say 2000 calories of lean proteins and fiber are going to fill someone up a lot better than 2000 calories of say twinkies and ho ho's. I guess quality of calories at least for me makes a huge difference if feeling hungry or feeling full. Also drinking a lot of water helps, cause many times when you think you are hungry you are really thirsty.
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    I'm on 1630 cals a day. I exercise 5 times a week, with an average of about 650 cals burn. I rarely eat my burned cals. 1630 seems enough for me. I have no idea why, will power? determination? i dont know its just the way it is at the moment.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I dont do it cus I just don't feel hungry. Its not because im used to undereating. I eat pretty much the same food except i no longer eat fried food and no more chips and doritos and such. I just dont feel hungry. One thing ive been doing to get closer to net is drinking extra protein shakes. Sip it througt out a few hours it makes it easier.If i try to eat anymore i feel sick. Some people just cant eat a lot. I also been adding a bit more milk in my cereal. Just add a few extra healthy food items if you can do it. Funny how some people think overweight people got that way from eating a lot and here we are saying we cant eat anymore. Irony anyone?
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 799 Member
    I always see posts about some people having trouble eating enough. I'd be so drained during my work outs if I don't eat enough.

    For everyone who has trouble eating enough is it more mental or are you just not hungry anymore?

    After i worked out really hard,sometimes i dont feel hungry at all and several times i forced myself to eat some snacks or cereal at night just so i dont get way too under from 1200 calories.. i try to eat exactly 1200 or a little over 1200... Sometimes i eat half of my calories burned from exercise back but i never eat them all...
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I dont do it cus I just don't feel hungry. Its not because im used to undereating. I eat pretty much the same food except i no longer eat fried food and no more chips and doritos and such. I just dont feel hungry. One thing ive been doing to get closer to net is drinking extra protein shakes. Sip it througt out a few hours it makes it easier.If i try to eat anymore i feel sick. Some people just cant eat a lot. I also been adding a bit more milk in my cereal. Just add a few extra healthy food items if you can do it. Funny how some people think overweight people got that way from eating a lot and here we are saying we cant eat anymore. Irony anyone?:tongue:
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I don't know why either. I finally decided on some rules:

    1. Always eat at least 1200 calories.
    2. On M/W/F- always eat back all my exercise calories.
    3. The rest of the week I attempt to eat at least half.

    I can tell you that since I started really exercising (Zumba and more) I do actually get hungry more. My body wants its exercise calories back!

    Re: feeling more hungry after working out, I'm kind of the opposite. Exercising suppresses my appetite. It's funny how people are so different!
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    Ive built myself to eating at least 1200 calories, when I first started I was around 1000 maybe, I just don't think about eating, now I have to make a mental note to take time to eat, I get so busy chasing my 3 kids around, I fix them meals, some would think this is a ideal time to eat, but it isnt, because I have to feed one of them, patrol the other as he enjoys dropping his food on the ground, and ensure the other one eats all her food, then after lunch comes naps, to get all 3 to nap at once is a battle, so hopefully I get to eat my lunch during naps, in the mornings the minute they wake up I am cooking/changing diapers/etc. I mean honestly for me it takes a effort to remember to eat and I think after a while, your body gets used to not eating much. I can eat very little during the day and not be phased, however I know that isn't ideal so I force myself to carve times in, set timers, etc on when to eat so time doesnt fly by and I turn and its already supper time and I havent eaten any solid meals. :)

    Im not saying this is how everyone manages to eat so low calories, just pointing out I can see how it happens.
  • nisemac
    nisemac Posts: 25 Member
    Since I joined MFPand started tracking my meals, I've had this issue. I'm noticing, as mentioned by others, my 'hunger' is dependent on many factors: mental (emotions, stress); physical (activity levels); consistency with diet and exercise; my schedule (there is a tendency to miss meals or fall off a normal regimen). Also important is the quality of my calories. Making better food choices on a regular basis seems to decrease my appetite, compared to when i just eat whatever.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    well I barely ever go over my daily allowance, I'm usually not hungry. Eating say 2000 calories of lean proteins and fiber are going to fill someone up a lot better than 2000 calories of say twinkies and ho ho's. I guess quality of calories at least for me makes a huge difference if feeling hungry or feeling full. Also drinking a lot of water helps, cause many times when you think you are hungry you are really thirsty.

    funny that at 4'11 and <100 pounds I can eat well over 2000 a day and still WANT more. lol.