Why are we crazy about dogs? SAD



  • Damn it now I can't stop crying. Very well said!
  • eclaire9
    eclaire9 Posts: 44

    I have a 4 year old Doberman and she is my life (my husband loves it when I say that lol). I can't imagine how your wife is feeling. She just said good bye to her best friend... so sad and heart breaking. This post made me give my pup the biggest snuggle hug. xx
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    What a wonderful story. Crying in my coffee here. I emapthize for your wife, and my heartfelt condolences go out to her. I had to put my dog down in January 2011. I wish they could live longer...can remember thinking on a hike years ago that she was going to be an old dog one day...and now she's gone. But, anyone who has had the love of a good dog is blessed. Amazing animals.
    Thank you for sharing this story. You wrote it beautifully.
  • wilberfamily
    wilberfamily Posts: 99 Member
    I'm sorry for the loss of your wife's dog. Dogs do so much to enrich our lives. I have 4 - 2 are mine and 2 are fosters. I love each of them so much. The bond they create with us is so strong it is amazing. One of my dogs has gone with me to a nursing home and we visited with alzheimers patients. They are still talking about those visits. A visit has healing powers. She gave him a gift when she took him into her home and he gave her a gift in return of not making her make that choice. (HUGS) to both of you.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I've had a number of dogs throughout my life and losing each one is devastating.

    I'm crazy about all my dogs (I have 4 small ones now), present and past, because they are the most honest and instinctive things out there. I'll trust a dog over any human! Every one of my dogs, through their actions, have told me who's a good person and who's not. Kind of funny how all my dogs never liked my one brother and his wife (drug addicts). They just know. :)
  • GoldenDaze
    GoldenDaze Posts: 3 Member
    Sorry to read about the loss of your wife's dog. I had a "heart" dog that I lost 4 years ago and still tear up when I think of him. My boy had a way of making me feel that I was the centre of his world and nothing else mattered as long as "The Mom" was in his sights. My husband and I have always had multiple dogs and love each one dearly but I was lucky to get a dog that just seemed to understand me and formed a bond of love and devotion that we both shared. Having 3 dogs keeps me amused, happy and I am never lonely. I hope in time your wife and you will find another dog that will make a great walking partner for both of you. You gotta know there is no excuse that works when a dog needs to go out.
  • cbh142
    cbh142 Posts: 270 Member
    I am a die hard cat person and two years ago i finally gave in and we got the bulldog my Marine husband dreamed about. He is a PAIN! You are right though, they just want to love us and be with us. Geno (named after Evgeni Malkin) has grown on me and he is a big part of the family.
  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    So sorry for your loss of your beloved dog. I cried reading your post and can't stop. I believe in the Rainbow Bridge, as these special animals have the power to change someone's life, and always to the better.

    He had a long, full life. Hopes of comfort to you and your wife.
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    I'm going to have to join in the group of people who teared up a bit. I run with my dog too--she somehow knows the difference between running clothes and everyday clothes and gets too excited when we lace up for us to leave her at home, even if it means dropping her back off after a few miles and then finishing our run after.

    I looked down after I finished reading, and, sure enough, my favorite girl was right there at my feet snoozing while I worked. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what I'll be like when that time comes for our girl. Hopefully she'll be able to live as long a life as yours. I made sure to play a little bit of rope with her now (she gets SOO excited) just because I can. I'll keep your wife in my thoughts. Thank you for sharing your story and for reminding all of us to take a moment or two to really be thankful and appreciate the unconditional love of our furry friends.
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    What was your dog's name? This story made me cry like a baby. We lost our Bubba 7 years ago, and it was just this past year that I was able to allow us to have another dog. Her name is Kitana. We still hang Bubba's Christmas stalking every year, she was almost 12 when she past. Big ol woof woof's to your wife, I understand the pain. A nice gesture is to get a stepping stone, and you can have the dog's name put into it and even a picture if you want, and it will always stay safe with your flowers. Hugs to your wife, and prayers for healing.
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    This is the Original Poster's Wife -

    I really want to thank everyone for sharing their stories and support on this crappy of crappiest days. I got home from forcing myself to go to work to Rob taking the baby for a walk and making me read all this. My buddy is gone, I loved him very much. I can't imagine not having my husband and baby girl to help me through this. He was such a Mama's boy to the end, and the best friend, body guard, and psychiatrist I could ever have asked for. If you have an older dog, trust your instincts like I did. They will let you know when they are ready.

    I want everyone to hug their wonderful dogs and appreciate every day you have with them. If you are like I was, a single woman with no kids, your dog is your family. Don't feel guily about taking them everywhere instead of a boyfriend, knowing they will be the life of the party instead of you....I even had one friend say "just put Soloman in a cab, send him to my house for the party". He was that dog :)

    It is amazing what people can say to make you feel better that you don't even know. Since you don't know me or my Soloman, you could share your own stories of your dogs. That has really helped, along with my own family and friends reminding me of what he was like when he was younger. I'm not one to post "tragedys" on Facebook, so the fact that Rob did this for me means alot.

    If you end up adopting a dog that was born on leap year day, and really likes cheese, that's my boy, he's a keeper.
  • peaches712799
    peaches712799 Posts: 18 Member
    What a touching story! Like everyone else, I was in tears, as well. My sympathies to you and your wife, but you'll always have him in your heart.