A little help here. ... How do YOU overcome eating sweets?



  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    We have bowls of candy...chips, cookies in the house all the time. I have to make the choice not to eat them. If I do I know I won't stop at one....so I don't have any!!

    Good luck : )
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Personally, I just don't need them anymore. I don't crave them either. I think as long as I'm eating enough each day I don't crave sugar. If I crave anything it is salty foods.

    Either way, I've read before that if you crave sugary snacks it is most likely due to being run down and tired. Try getting more sleep. You also may not be eating enough calories which can make you even more run down.
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    if i really want something, i will have at least a little bit. or if i want something, but am not dying for something specific, i'll likely just have some greek yogurt with a few drops of stevia. also i love hot tea.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    I do better avoiding sweets altogether. I crave them less when I avoid them totally. If I treat myself, I just want more. Cutting out sodas altogether helped. If I am tempted, I try to think about how many calories are there and how long I'll have to be on the elliptical to burn them back off. It doesn't solve it, but it does help.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Unless I'm fasting I don't ever cut anything out ... for me it's moderation.

    However ... lately (giving an example) I have found a new friend, figs! Wow are they yummy and sweet! I'm sure they would curve your appetite and loaded with good stuff (yes, still sugar) but far better than a snickers!
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I'd say if you plan to eat them in the future, learn to eat them in moderation now. You can indulge and still meet your calorie goals. If you don't eat them and then suddenly add them, who's to say you'll know how to exercise moderation and won't end up where you started.

    I live today the way I plan to live forever. It makes things so much more realistic and enjoyable.

    To answer the question, I eat them. I had a HUGE rice crispy treat tonight and still came in under, without even exercising.
  • drfalktorres
    drfalktorres Posts: 30 Member
    Moderation and I aren't friends either. ;-) It takes a while, and you may suffer a few headaches, but about two weeks of a total ban will help stop the cravings..but once you derail, you have to wean yourself off again. I fight this battle constantly.
  • TurnLeftNow
    TurnLeftNow Posts: 171
    I say learn how to eat it in moderation NOW. Don't wait until you have lost all the weight or you might end up going overboard because you've been avoiding it for so long. If you work it into your diet and lifestyle NOW you will be much more successful in the future. If you are eating really healthy at home and only giving into one sweet thing at work, you're doing extremely well.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    Go a month without having them, when you're tempted eat some then you'll feel awful the next day, not just from the guilt, but all the refined sugar will turn you into a monster.
    As long as I keep this in mind, I don't crave them. I remind myself how physically and mentally awful it makes me feel. I had to give up anything with gluten in it, so if I can do that, I can give up sweets.
    The thing is, I can't have sugary sweets in moderation. As someone once put in a previous thread, it's like telling a heroin addict it's okay to do heroin as long as they do it in moderation. I just don't have the discipline to do it, so I completely avoid it.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Have a sweet every now and then, just make sure to put in your food diary and stay under your caloric limit :]

    I also try for "healthier" sweets-I mix cocoa powder and honey into 2% greek yogurt-it's like pudding! I guess you could also eat sugar-free pudding or something.
  • elise106
    elise106 Posts: 3
    I think understanding what you weakness is is the first step. If sweets are your weakness then look at packing some with you. Check out those 100 calorie cookie snack packs. They are not the best for you, but can silence that craving and be better than the brownie option. If you try to resist all together you'll only end up over eating later.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    As long as I have calories left, I indulge. If I don't have the calories, I try to take one and put it away for the next day. Look at each bite as a choice. If I choose the brownie, I may not have enough calories left at the end of the day for the healthy dinner I have planned. But, it's ultimately my decision.
  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    I have the same sweet tooth that you do! I have given up all desserts and baked goods for lent and this past week was really tough! 8 days into it though and my cravings are almost gone! I have found that if I need something sweet (I usually have one serving of ice cream every night if its within my calories) I mix equal parts frozen fruit and nonfat milk into a super thick smoothie and satisfy my sweet tooth and ice cream craving generally for under 100 calls (1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup fruit).
  • I have learned that if I allow myself sugar, then I keep wanting sugar. Therefore I am trying to just not have any desserts at all.
    I do allow myself a little nutella on the weekend as a treat.
    When I don't eat sugary foods I don't crave them.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    I've found that there are some things (like donuts and cookies) where it IS easier to say "no" than to just have a little because I always want more. And there are some things where just having a little is ok ( ONE beer, one serving of gummy bears). See if you can figure out a few things you love but can handle small portions of to keep you sane. PS. Your bf sounds like a jerk. Unsupportive, at the least. My 2 cents...
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I eat sweets every day. I incorporate things I like. So for a daily snack for a while, I was having 1/4 c. roasted almonds plus 1 Tbsp of Nestle semi-sweet chocolate chips (morsels). To me, it's as good as a candy bar, but the nutrition is better. And I like the crunchiness of the almonds.

    Or I like Skinny Cow frozen bars (chocolate mousse or fudge). They're 100 calories.

    I no longer spend my calories on cake or ice cream on a regular basis, but if there's a special occasion, I will have them, too. Just not the seconds and thirds I used to have.

    So, figure out what you can live with...I also eat m&m's too. I just don't waste calories on things I don't like very much. So I try to eat healthfully most of the time and still indulge part of the time.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I keep a steady blood sugar, so now I rarely crave them! :)
    I also really don't regard junk food as food anymore. It;s all made up of garbage, not to mention the fact that my body almost breaks down when I eat it.
    You're better off eating the yummy, healthy alternatives like 70% dark chocolate, fruit or some homemade granola, made with manuka honey instead of sugar :)
    Will you elaborate on how you keep a steady blood sugar. Do you eat small meals frequently or do you eat a carb with a protein, etc?
  • If I am tempted, I try to think about how many calories are there and how long I'll have to be on the elliptical to burn them back off. It doesn't solve it, but it does help.

    Exactly what I was going to say :)
  • I eat fruit when I am craving sweets or I drink a Usana protein shake which is sweet but it is low glycemic so it is still good for you.
  • wmlpd6
    wmlpd6 Posts: 135
    Over the last few days I have found kidney stones to be an excellent deterrent... :(