Not great @ Intros

Hey everybody!

Just wanted to say hey and introduce myself. Name's David (obviously) and I started my weight loss journey several years ago. Looking for that last little bit to lose. I've been at my plateau for almost a year and just 2 weeks ago FINALLY broke it. Since then I've lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and motivated again!

Look forward to getting to know you all!


  • traceyjayne64
    Hi there,

    well done for the weight you have already lost :smile:
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    Very nice on breaking the plateau!! Looks like u r soo close!
  • bobbin1
    bobbin1 Posts: 60
    You have done excellent with your weight loss already and know you will get to your goal. Probably everyone on this site has hit a plateau at some time just keep trudging on. You can do it.
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    you could be like my MFP role modle man that rocks on just dont give up and keep up the great work
  • davidandrewwillis
    Aw thanks a bunch everybody! Some days it feels like there's SOOOO far still to go, but then I look back and am still a bit stunned it was so much easier than I went into it thinking it would be.