Totally blowing it!

Does anyone else have days where they just totally blow their calories. I did it today. Finished my day with a burger and chips from the fish and chip store.
Im so annoyed with myself right now.


  • scorpiomfs
    scorpiomfs Posts: 167 Member
    start back over in the morning
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Me too! I ate everything in sight today! lol

    Tomorrow is a fresh start though.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Yep. Been way over by 400-500 calories in a day. As long as I don't do it very often, I won't beat myself up for it. Also, as long as your weekly calorie count is good all you're doing is slowing down your weight loss a little. Don't let one day stop you.
  • saralhm
    saralhm Posts: 26
    Hi! yes it happened to me a lot before i took this seriously.You didn´t blow it, you can not ruin a whole week of healthy eating with a burger, don´t be hard on yourself.
    This is a long journey, if you go over your limits often,it will take a lot longer to reach your goal, that all that will happen.If you prefer slow but steady, that's your choice,and there´s no point regretting now bout yesterdays choices,brand new day today xx
  • Gatominx
    Gatominx Posts: 61 Member
    You're human! Happens to me more than I would like! I get so pissed at myself and wonder why I do the things I do, or eat the things I eat I mean. My willpower is not always 100% but I'm not gonna beat myself up about it too much. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • I do it many times. For the last 3 months, my weakness has been any sweets (anything from cookies to Haagan Dazs).

    I also try to remember that I need to just start fresh the next day; and try to forgive myself and move on. But when I step on the scale or buton up my pants; its hard not to feel guilty.

    @ Ohtobe2 - don't feel too bad. At least you didn't get the shake with that burger.
    @ Saralhm - well put.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Yeah I went over by 1400 yesterday. Hating myself today.
  • LisaJ2904
    LisaJ2904 Posts: 157 Member
    Last Saturday I ate my body weight in food and drank a weeks calorie intake in Vodka , all in the name of ' blow it I'm not a machine' . I had a day and night to remember and got back on the plan the next day. You have got to blow it from time to time, nobody's perfect, so don't feel bad , just get back on it and start afresh xx
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Does anyone else have days where they just totally blow their calories.

    Yeah, everyone does. Congratulations, you're human. No get over it :) As long as you make most days good days then you will succeed in the long run.
  • countryviolet333
    countryviolet333 Posts: 10 Member
    Ate a whole block of caramello one day.:sad:
  • Trinketona
    Trinketona Posts: 190
    Did this last Friday :sick: It was only noon and had already eaten over 3,000 calories :sad:
  • Jessaustx
    Jessaustx Posts: 130
    Terrible example and terrible reasons - but yep. on a vodka and gin high right now. (stop judging mfp people!) but i feel i had good reason. but truth is that's just an excuse, old habits die hard.
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    Last Saturday I ate my body weight in food and drank a weeks calorie intake in Vodka , all in the name of ' blow it I'm not a machine' . I had a day and night to remember and got back on the plan the next day. You have got to blow it from time to time, nobody's perfect, so don't feel bad , just get back on it and start afresh xx

    LOL. The way you worded it just cracked me up. But your attitude is right on. "So what, keep going." Love it!
  • pippy04
    pippy04 Posts: 2
    I think everyone has days when they blow it. If I start eating bad foods in the morning it just goes down hill from there.
    But it is worth and it only happens once every so often.
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Yep, happened to me tonight. Chinese takeaways - didn't have any fried rice and still managed 900 calories for dinner. That's nearly my whole days allowance (1200.)
  • Been away from MFP..for a few days...starting over.. again
  • daniivdean
    daniivdean Posts: 105 Member
    For the last 8 days have eaten between 2500-4000 calories A DAY :(
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Heading over for sure today but too bad. It's unusual for me so I know it will be ok as long as it stays rare. And it's still not as bad as my previous behaviours!
  • jmobashrn11
    jmobashrn11 Posts: 120
    Definitely blew it on Tuesday - I had 500+ calories over and like 100 carbs over. Sodium was over too, and likely fat and sugars but I decided not to stress about it too much and haven't looked back at it since. I started over the next day and moved on.

    If I've had a crazy day and I just want some fast food, as long as I'm not getting it for the third time that week, I'm going to cut myself some slack and enjoy. I watch my calories for the week and readjust as needed. I know that I will *always* be under on Saturdays when I work a 16 hour shift, so going over during the week isn't such a bad thing for me.

    It's okay! As everyone else has said, we're only human and nothing wrong with a sweet dessert or greasy burger every now and then.
  • LittleElephant
    LittleElephant Posts: 106 Member
    I ate half a cheesecake last night and managed to double my calories for the day. It happens but hopefully it won't happen again soon now it's out of my system!