sooo much work for nothing back :(

Morning peeps, happy 1st march :flowerforyou:

aaaaargh how frustrating.... since last thursday which is my weigh day, I have done half hour spin class, half hour abs class, 1 hour aqua zumba, 1 session swimming with my children, 1 hour zumba 1 and half hour yoga and 1 hour aqua aerobics, 1 hour boxing and 1 hour body balance.... and the scales did not budge... not even one ounce ..... :brokenheart:

I won't be beaten I will carry on regardless but I just find it sooooooo frustrating.... other people could do this and shed half a stone. under active thryiod and PCOS really has alot to pay for GRRR!!!!!

sorry to moan :flowerforyou:


  • mscargill
    mscargill Posts: 13 Member
    Don't worry sometimes it takes a week for things to turn around. It will show up eventually and you are probably building muscle which weighs more than fat.
  • kiwi1855
    kiwi1855 Posts: 218 Member
    It really isn't nothing back. Think of it this way: because you did all that, your body is healthier, you are in better shape because of it, and the scales certainly didn't increase! As a side note, have you/are you measuring yourself? If not, start taking measurements (hips/waist/chest/thighs/whatever) - even if the scale doesn't move, it doesn't mean you aren't toning and losing inches!
  • JannineOwen
    JannineOwen Posts: 92 Member
    with all that exercise you could be retaining water to help repair your muscles, drink plenty of water and try not to worry too much, the scales will catch up :)
  • tuppance
    tuppance Posts: 132 Member
    I bet you're looking more toned and feeling more energetic? To be able to do all that excercise and not feel like death shows your fitness levels are good

    Well done - keep it up
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Measure! You'll see a difference :smile:
  • suzycav77
    suzycav77 Posts: 189 Member
    It was exactly the same for me until i measured myself and found i'de lost inches :smile: so now i don't bother with the scales that much!! try doing that u may be surprised, hope this helps :smile:
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    I was the same weight for nearly two and a half weeks. Frustrating? Just a little. It's finally dropping off but it was discouraging and I went nuts with cinching up exactly what I was eating, drinking ONLY water, changing my sleep schedule, and eating no sugar besides fruit. Even then, it didn't budge right away.
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 187 Member
    Aww, I can totally appreciate how you must be feeling - you really deserved a good loss after all that hard work :frown: But it might still happen - I sometimes find it takes a couple of weeks for a supreme effort to register on the scales (and by the same token, if I have a not-so-good week, I sometimes think I've got away with it, and then the damage registers the following week!).

    It must be really difficult for you with your medical problems - but don't lose heart, you can do this! Hope the scales are kinder to you next time :flowerforyou:
  • yp77
    yp77 Posts: 25
    awwwwwww thank you peeps, its really encouraging to have your feed back, I will measure your right, I should do that I havent for a month now,
    Im off to spin and abs to blast of that deflation

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • AnotherJenn
    AnotherJenn Posts: 62 Member
    I feel your pain! I've started a new program 2 months ago with a nutrituionist and personal trainer and haven't lost 1 &@$! pound. So frustrating and they keep telling me to stick with it. It's really getting very depressing since I've been doing boot camp 3 days a week, running sprints 2 times a week and longer runs once a week. I rest one day, I just don't get it!
  • yp77
    yp77 Posts: 25
    I feel your pain! I've started a new program 2 months ago with a nutrituionist and personal trainer and haven't lost 1 &@$! pound. So frustrating and they keep telling me to stick with it. It's really getting very depressing since I've been doing boot camp 3 days a week, running sprints 2 times a week and longer runs once a week. I rest one day, I just don't get it!

    awww hun thats proper harsh, but I bet as the others have said to me that if you measured you'd see a huge difference too
    as deflated as I was I WONT BE BEATEN!!!! haha :) keep going chick, what other option do we have?? I sure don't like the second, thats why I'm here in the first place xx
  • I have the same medical issues - I wish I could give you some secret that would fix it but I haven't discovered it yet!! Just feel better knowing there's people like you out here going through the same unfair crap you are!! I know you're probably doing way better than the average person who loses 2 pounds a week... feel good knowing you're actually healthier and in better shape than lots of them :-)
  • roadworthy
    roadworthy Posts: 130
    Yes! Please measure!:)

    I too have PCOS but I am determined to lose this weight. For a couple of weeks my scale didn't budge, I was stuck on a 6lb loss. I thought I would get out the tape measure and to my surprise I had lost 11 inches.
  • 0AmyMarie0
    0AmyMarie0 Posts: 315
    I bet you've lost inches. I went 2 1/2 weeks without losing a pound despite working out and eating 1200 calories a day. Even though I didn't lose weight, I went down a pants size! So I bet you're kind of in the same boat. Keep it up, you're still getting healthy :)

    ETA: I also have PCOS and Hypothyroid
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    I have PCOS and I know that sometimes it feels as if your body is against you. You've done great though and I'm sure it'll show up somewhere - whether that's on the tape measure or scales eventually. You certainly have the right attitude!
  • kps1104
    kps1104 Posts: 58
    I know your frustrations all too well...I am in the same boat right now :/ So much work and I just feel like it's never gonna change; I am not letting it discourage me, I know I am doing this for me, and I hope that the scale and my body budges soon ;p Good luck and keep going!!!
  • LizCO2DC
    LizCO2DC Posts: 92 Member
    I feel EXACTLY the same way! I have PCOS and hypothyroidism too, and no matter what I do the scale seems to go UP, not down. I've started running and doing various cardio throughout the week, and I eat about 1500 calories a day with no results. I know that regardless of weight, it's healthier to live this way, but sometimes I wonder how worth it this daily struggle is.
  • yp77
    yp77 Posts: 25
    awww thanks soooo muc guys, your words are inspiring, its nice to know I am not the only one out there feeling like this,

    I wont be beaten I will carry on regardless, because at the end of the day, I am healthier and fitter and thats what counts, loosing weight is just a bonus at the end .

    any one like to add me for moral supportt please do :)

    have a great weekend people :drinker: :flowerforyou: