80lbs in 1 year!

Hi! I just joined this site yesterday! I'm a military wife stationed in Naples, Italy and I'm about 80lbs over weight which is a crime to most Italians, i can't even buy the clothes here because these people a crazy skinny! Even though it doesn't fit, i did buy a cute shirt which my goal is to fit into by September. I'm looking for a little competition/ motivator to help with my goals. I want to eat healthy and exercise on a daily basis to help lose the weight. The goal is to reach your goal weight by this time next year. If anyone wants to take me up on this challenge then friend request me. I have a lot of experience with cooking so I can help with recipes for people if they are in the dark. i can always use good recipes as well :)


  • kristypie
    kristypie Posts: 102 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP. I am part of a Military Wives group here (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/802-military-wives). Someone posted in there just a few days ago that is living in Naples. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • ChiefWhitesWife
    ChiefWhitesWife Posts: 32 Member
    I'll join you. I'm a military wife also. My husband just deployed to Afghanistan and I'm working on changing my lifestyle, eating habits, and exercise while he is gone. I have a dress hanging in my closet that I am hoping to wear the day he returns home!
  • ladyfranck
    That's awesome Amber! I hope you get into that dress! I'm sure you'll rock it! I'm half tempted to put on that shirt I mentioned now and get a picture with all my glory hanging out and then take pictures when I hit my short term goals! Lol! I don't think I'd get any friend requests if I used that as my profile pic :)