Open Food Log - What am I doing wrong?

I'm looking for feedback on my diet. I've had great success with low carb (South Beach) diets in the past. I would lose 2 pounds a week, easy. But nowadays, I just don't have the willpower to stick to a restrictive diet like that, so I've been trying portion control as a way to get a little taste of some not-so-healthy foods. I have been eating around 1200 calories a day without paying attention to macronutrients, and I'm beginning to think that it is wishful thinking to hope for the same rapid weight loss. I'm only losing half a pound a week! Should I stick with my calorie counting, or do I need to watch the macros too?


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  • 022412
    022412 Posts: 11
    Your diary isn't open ~
  • Thanks - should be fixed now.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    First you should ask yourself if your 1200 cal/day target is correct.

    Without knowing your weight and bodyfat%, there's no way to tell.
  • mandy2794
    mandy2794 Posts: 30
    you seem to be eating a lot of processed foods which leads to high levels of sodium, most probably can`t pronounce the ingredients in those processed foods
    try incorporating more fruits and vegetables! try smoothies, theyre always good for breakfast, and make sure you`re getting lots of protein :)
  • First you should ask yourself if your 1200 cal/day target is correct.

    Without knowing your weight and bodyfat%, there's no way to tell.

    MFP calculated for me to eat 1200 cal/day for 1 lb/week loss. I'm 5' 1" and weigh about 145 at the moment.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I actually think your diary is looking pretty darn good compared to many I've seen.
    I wish I knew the answer - I'm also on 1200 & haven't gone over even once in 60 days, yet weight loss is a constant battle.
    Now I'm trying to convince myself that slow is good, and better than nothing - but I'd still rather lose the fat more quickly.
    Keep at it - it WILL work (just maybe not quite as soon as you'd like) :smile:
  • Blees87
    Blees87 Posts: 10 Member
    Sometimes, eating too few calories can make your body cling to fat (feels like its starving). You could always bump it up 75-100cals and see if that makes a diff. Hope you get it figured out!
  • runeatrun
    runeatrun Posts: 11
    Maybe up your protein, and lower carbs a bit unless you are very active?
  • eblake111
    eblake111 Posts: 66 Member
    I really think you need to cut back on salt/sodium as its extremely high in the foods your choosing. Salt/sodium actually makes your body RETAIN water this may be the cause of slow weight loss. Drink more water and cut way back on the sodium and I think you will see better results.
    You can check out for yummy foods that are guilt free, taste great and have low sodium too! Good luck dont give up!!
  • sativo8339
    sativo8339 Posts: 39 Member
    You are eating a lot of processed foods. Your sodium and fat count were over the recommended level. High sodium will add 2-4 pounds of water weight at least! Eat less sodium and less processed (pre-packaged) foods. Tyson chicken is good, but try getting raw chicken breasts and cooking with them instead. You can control the fat and sodium if you do.
  • blessmy5
    blessmy5 Posts: 95
    I recommend less fat and up your protein. Maked a BIG difference in dropping the pounds!
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Hoooly... you're eating a TON of sodium!! :noway: Just on the strength of that I'm willing to bet that you're not losing because you're retaining water. Cut back your sodium intake to app. 1500 mg per day. Your body only needs about 1300 mg to function. Somebody else already mentioned that you're eating a lot of processed foods, and those are the main culprits when it comes to sodium. Try to get into the habit of preparing your own foods. Bottom line is: if you make it yourself, you know exactly what's in it.

    Also, I'd recommend you cut down your carbs to about 150 g per day and increase your protein intake. The easiest way to get there is fresh fruit and vegetables and lean protein--poultry, fish, lean beef.

    Hope this helps! :smile:
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    First you should ask yourself if your 1200 cal/day target is correct.

    Without knowing your weight and bodyfat%, there's no way to tell.

    MFP calculated for me to eat 1200 cal/day for 1 lb/week loss. I'm 5' 1" and weigh about 145 at the moment.

    MFP tells everyone to eat 1200 cals a day. It told me that and I've over 200lbs, and was over 270 at the time when I started. The calculator is broken, and always has been.

    With that out of the way, however, at 145lbs and an average American 30% bodyfat (no clue what yours is, and no height doesn't matter), you actually are looking at 1200 cals a day as your intake goal. Note that is a GOAL, not a cap. You should HIT THAT GOAL every day. Don't be under it. Hit it or go slightly over it (1300 max).

    Also your sodium is fine at 2500mg a day. Yes, you need about 1300-1500mg to function. Then you add in things like EXERCISE and suddenly you need another 1000mg sodium per hour of that. And one day at 3500mg won't kill you either, just drink more water and you'll be fine.

    Finally, as others are saying, eat simpler foods. Swap Tyson for actual chicken breasts/thighs/etc, swap breads out for loads of veggies, etc.
  • I upped my calories and lost weight unintentionally. To relly work out how many caloried you need per day, try the Harris Benedict equation. Try this site:

    I've found it helpful.
  • I upped my calories and lost weight unintentionally. To relly work out how many caloried you need per day, try the Harris Benedict equation. Try this site:

    I've found it helpful.

    Apologies for the typos!
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    You eat loads of foods with sodium, dont drink enough (if you are actually logging all your water) to balance that out. Also you are almost consistently over calories.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I switched from using MFP's calcs for my calorie goals to using a TDEE calculator. I plugged in my stats, got a TDEE for working out 3-5 times a week of 2200 cals, then I figured out my deficit from there, 1.5lbs/week ~ 750cal deficit/day, 2200-750=1450cals/day.

    I was eating 1200 cals/day and not eating back exercise calories, I lost steadily for 3 months (15lbs) then stalled out for 3 months following that. Since upping my calorie intake over the past couple weeks I am back to losing. The things I track closely are protein, fat, sodium, sugar and carbs. I also try to drink 1.5 to 2 gallons of water a day. I like using TDEE instead of BMR like MFP uses because I don't log my exercise because honestly I know I'm working hard and burning cals during my workouts just based on my HRM readings. With TDEE exercise is already accounted for so you don't have to worry about eating anything back.

    Also half a pound a week is not a bad rate to lose at, it will take some time but during that time you will really get a healthy lifestyle change out of it rather than just quick loss with no lessons learned.