Ready for change, Nacole is gonna be hott!!!

Ok so i added this app to my phone and now I am beginning a journey that I am hoping has a great outcome I am watching what I eat and exercising as much as I can however, I am not really sure how well the eating is gonna go I am not very educated on good healthy food when i think of healthy I think yuck lol well today i have almost ate half of my allowed calories at just breakfast I need some friends on here to help me out thanks in return!!


  • jeremysnacole
    oh yeah i started back in November but didnt continue and i began at 176 so that explains the 9 pounds lost thanks
  • ywolfie
    ywolfie Posts: 76 Member
    I'm in! Add me as a friend. We can do this!
  • RCadence
    RCadence Posts: 79
    Hey I added you as a friend. Welcome to the world of MFP!
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    you got it!!! keep that attitude, its neccessary!!
  • merlegirl88
    I have no friends on this site yet, been lowing low for last week to see how I do on this thing, (lost 2 pounds, and 2 inches first week) I have lost over 36 pounds since August and thought id try this site cause I hit a plateau but beginning my second week i need encouragement and help along the way , so if you want to add me feel free, thanks :)
  • mae1020
    mae1020 Posts: 234 Member
    I've done really bad in the fast few months but today I start over. Good luck! Feel free to add me too.
  • Ryn1982
    Ryn1982 Posts: 13
    Welcome back to MFP! :) Add me if you would like!!

    I have found that knowledge is key and the more you know about what goes into your daily foods the more you can control and stay under your daily calorie allowance! Once you get going and taking control, it becomes fun! Just look at this as your first challenge!.. learn about foods that become your staples and go from there!!

    Take Care,
