A Continuing Problem

Okay.........most everyone here has said that they eat and then they log it.........no guilt about anything.....BUUUUUTTTT we are all here to change lifestyles and be better about food choices. So, here's my issue........automatic eating. I see something like cake and immediately something goes off in my head like "ooooo cake".........sometimes nothing at all enters it, but that automatic reach happens and before the Angel on my shoulder starts talking (yeah, I am referring to the old cartoon image of the conscience), the "oh you shouldn't do that" gets clouded over and muted............it happens.

Happened to me last night.........it was about dinner time ONLY that I had to go to work for a meeting so I was going to eat later. Wasn't really all that hungry so I was able to resist the donuts that they had, but then........sure enough..........I had one. Yep, only one.........but I kept saying to myself that it shouldn't have happened. Total let down.........but I am not kicking myself for it or feeling down about making a bad choice........but somehow I need to stop this from happening.

Is there any methods or thought processes that you guys go through to help you deal? Or is it something to where you just thought "Okay, enough!! You can't do this all the time..........you've got to cut that cycle!!".


  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I have trouble with this too. I have to stay away from our main lounge where all kinds of goodies are. Simply avoiding where this stuff is at has really helped me control. Avoidance makes me realize I don't "really" want it. I had to go through that lounge the other day, and there were donuts. I did pick one up, but It had been so long since I had one, it didn't taste as good as I remember them being.

  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    I have trouble with this too. I have to stay away from our main lounge where all kinds of goodies are. Simply avoiding where this stuff is at has really helped me control. Avoidance makes me realize I don't "really" want it. I had to go through that lounge the other day, and there were donuts. I did pick one up, but It had been so long since I had one, it didn't taste as good as I remember them being.


    OMG!!! Thats what I had!! I had a meeting the last night and they had nice warm donuts!! At first I resisted saying to myself "I have lost two pounds today.......not going to do it" and I was sitting RIGHT by them..........then we take a walk and all I could think of was that damn donut that I passed up that was going to be in the room staring in my face the entire freakin time! And I had one........dang it.
  • shadee321
    shadee321 Posts: 30 Member
    I go thru it to. And avoiding the whole situation is a good start, but sometimes you cant avoid it like birthday party's and such. I used to live my day around food, like it s 12 time to eat , 5 time for dinner. I then started tell myself its ok to not eat exactly at 12. I think reprogram your brain. its all in our head and habit. every day tell your self im going to be aware of putting things in my mouth that i dont need, or im not going to eat anything until i sit down for my meal no snacks, Try always having water to sip on thru the day, keep a travel toothbrush close, brush your teeth before a situation you know will be hard not to snack freshly brushed teeth things dont taste as good, also strong gym like cinnamun,spearmint they also change the taste. Just some things i found to work maybe you could try some.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    I go thru it to. And avoiding the whole situation is a good start, but sometimes you cant avoid it like birthday party's and such. I used to live my day around food, like it s 12 time to eat , 5 time for dinner. I then started tell myself its ok to not eat exactly at 12. I think reprogram your brain. its all in our head and habit. every day tell your self im going to be aware of putting things in my mouth that i dont need, or im not going to eat anything until i sit down for my meal no snacks, Try always having water to sip on thru the day, keep a travel toothbrush close, brush your teeth before a situation you know will be hard not to snack freshly brushed teeth things dont taste as good, also strong gym like cinnamun,spearmint they also change the taste. Just some things i found to work maybe you could try some.

    Next time I will try the teeth brushing thing or maybe get my fav jolly ranchers and bring them to suck on!! Thanks for the idea!! :) Maybe if I keep them in stock I can say to myself in those situations........have one of your jolly ranchers........or wait til you get home and have a jolly rancher! I don't necessarily live around food like that........often times I wait til its like 1 or 2 for lunch sometimes..........and sometimes it can't be helped. And I have to have snacks during my day, but they are healthy ones!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Have you tried logging food BEFORE you eat it? As in "I'm reaching for that donut but I need to log it before I eat it." I find that the simple act of needing to log it first is enough to deter me from eating it probably because it gives me a couple more moments to think about it before I simply stick it in my mouth.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    Have you tried logging food BEFORE you eat it? As in "I'm reaching for that donut but I need to log it before I eat it." I find that the simple act of needing to log it first is enough to deter me from eating it probably because it gives me a couple more moments to think about it before I simply stick it in my mouth.

    Done it every single time, but I was at a meeting and no cells were allowed...........if they had been, I would have looked it up and realized "nope, not gonna do it no matter how much they stare at me"
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    I think it has to do with our old habits sneaking up on is... you used to eat a super sized big mac meal...so you do it again and ugh feel like crap afterwards
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    Quite possibly........
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    Eating mindfully is the key to this whole thing. 90% of this is a mental game. Feeling great about cherishing yourself and doing what is good for you.

    Give yourself lavish praise when you make the right decision. No matter how small a victory, claim it!! Tell yourself "I am so proud of you!"

    We all long for approval. Give it to yourself. Don't punish yourself when you make a mistake, praise yourself for doing well.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    Eating mindfully is the key to this whole thing. 90% of this is a mental game. Feeling great about cherishing yourself and doing what is good for you.

    Give yourself lavish praise when you make the right decision. No matter how small a victory, claim it!! Tell yourself "I am so proud of you!"

    We all long for approval. Give it to yourself. Don't punish yourself when you make a mistake, praise yourself for doing well.

    Very true........I could have had two to three donuts, but didn't.........stuck with one and was done with it. Yay me!