Lunches to take to work?



  • kaisap
    kaisap Posts: 1
    I make an entire spaghetti squash and boil 3 chicken breasts on Sunday. Add a little bit of your favorite low-calorie hot sauce, spray butter and sea salt. Pre-portion your meals and you're set for the week.
  • magoch
    magoch Posts: 134
    if they have a microwave it's easy.

    sometimes I bring brown rice with a little hot sauce and heat that up, then add avocado (cube it in the morning and put in a baggie with a little lemon or line) and a can of tuna. yummy and filling.

    I also keep protein powder and a blender bottle at my desk just in case I don't have time for breakfast or lunch that day.

    +1 to this --- I work at home now (consulting), but when I worked in an office (18+ years) here's what I'd keep in my drawer for instant heathy lunches (breakfasts & dinners):

    - brown rice (the pre-cooked kind that comes in a bowl)
    - cans of salmon and tuna (I'd heat up the rice, then add in the salmon or tuna with some light soy sauce + chives)
    - dried chives
    - cans of sardines or kippers (watch how they are packed -- e.g. not in too much oil,or at least in olive oil, and make sure you throw out the can somewhere you won't offend people :)
    - wasa crackers (for eating with the sardines or kippers)
    - walnuts and dried fruit (in pre-measured bags I did at home) for snacks

    I was also able to bring in a little dorm fridge (some offices let you, some don't), and that greatly increased what I could keep around.
  • I detest sandwiches that you make and then they sit in the fridge all day.

    If at all possible, I make 4 servings of dinner and then pack 2 of the servings for lunches the next day. I grab one and the husband grabs one. I make sure to portion them out before we eat so there's no chance of seconds!

    I also try to keep around things I can grab & go: a pouch of tuna with some crackers, prewashed salad fixings & grape tomatoes, low-sodium soups, Laughing Cow cheese wedges, apples, oranges, pre-portioned nuts, that kind of thing. Anything to keep me from visiting the cafeteria or snack machines here at work.
  • jenn5686
    jenn5686 Posts: 16 Member
    I usually bring some turkey, tuna, roast beef w/ low fat cheese and make lettuce wraps...sometimes I grab a small soup to go with it from the deli downstairs from my office...sometimes I also bring salads or leftovers from dinner

    It's crazy to watch how much junk my coworkers eat (pizza, fries, candy, mcdonalds, pasta - like every day!! Doing that is what made me end up w/ 10 lbs to lose in the 1st place!!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    This may seem silly and I originally saved this website for when my son is old enough to start but they have 171 ideas for healthy "lunch box" meals and a lot of them seem really tasty! I hope it brings you some good ideas :)!i=696914291&k=YxmUd

    ^ ^ ^ This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
  • cccgrillo
    cccgrillo Posts: 42 Member
    My favorite lunch is turkey chili. It's so easy to make and quite versatile, plus you can just add whatever you have in the pantry. I top w a dollop of plain ff Greek yogurt.

    Here is my rough weekly meal schedule:

    Mon- grilled chicken salad
    Tues- turkey wrap, w spinach, peppers, red onion, horseradish for a kick!,
    Wed- tuna (made w 1 tsp lf mayo/Greek yogurt), add lots of fresh veg, I eat on celery or make a wrap out of romaine lettuce
    Thur- same as Tues
    Fri- chili day. (I make a big batch and freeze into 1 cup portions, take out night before and it is ready to reheat by lunch).

    I also like to add some fresh peppers, carrots, celery w light laughing cow cheese. An apple/banana w 1 T natural peanut butter.
  • cccgrillo
    cccgrillo Posts: 42 Member
    I also like to boil up a dozen eggs on the weekend to keep on hand for quick breakfasts, (I eat 2) or snacks (1)