Weight Watchers

Hey everyone:

I'm joining weight watchers again tonight, but I'm going to join with my husband and daughter and a couple other family members.

Has anyone had any success with the new program that is used? or concerns or comments on it?

I'm ready to get serious and lose this weight i've carried along for the ride now. enough is enough :embarassed:


  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I haven't had much real success on WW since Momentum was the plan. Partially due to my own laziness though.
  • lilsis10
    lilsis10 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm on WW now. I'm a very slow loser, but I've lost 30 lbs in the last year. That (I think) averages out to 1/2 pound a week. I'm really good with that. I've joined WW before but this is the first time I've lost this much. Everyone loses differently, and this might not sound like a lot, but with my thyroid problems, I'm happy. I really need the meetings. I need the support I get there face-to-face and I also need the accountability of stepping on that scale. Sounds like you're bringing your support system along with you. I hope it works for you.
  • rumsuck8
    rumsuck8 Posts: 59 Member
    Weight Watchers is wonderful. NOw, having said that, I will add that I will never pay to join again. I am a repeat gainer and I dislike going and paying and learning their NEW program everytime. This time I have utilized every menu, recipe, points booklet etc that I saved in a binder from the last 3 times I paid for their common sense info. I am using some of it now and almost soley MFP!! I am having great success without the cost and obligation. Definately use them if you like, but copy and save everything. YOU have the inner knowledge to do what is right to change your fitness status. For me, I have spent my last hour and last dime. Good Luck to you.
  • miss_september
    My inlaws (husband's parents) started the new program in January, and are both watching the weight fall off like crazy! My mother in law even started working out (which she *never* does). I think some of the new "tools" are cool, but it is too expensive for someone like me. It totally works for them though! Just remember that you are using it as a way to learn new/healthy eating habits...unless you really want to count points for the rest of your live =-).
  • KanBrit
    KanBrit Posts: 26 Member
    I joined WW Oct of 2011 with a friend. I have lost almost 21 pounds and she has lost about 30. We both applied to WW for financial assistance. If you call the number and fill out an application and qualify they will give you a discount on the meetings. I love the program. It is easy to follow and works. But... I find the support system on mfp is much better than WW. I also find that when I log both for WW and mfp they are about the same. So although I am glad that i have joined now that I have been going for awhile I may just continue with WW diet but leave the meetings and support to my mfp family.
  • newcraft
    newcraft Posts: 11
    Points Plus is a little different, it's very generous in that you're not counting points as calories anymore, it's based more on the four main nutrients, fruits and vegetables don't count in your point total. Haven't felt limited at all, the tools are helpful. Meetings are more focused than they used to be. Very livable program. Good luck!
  • jackiesean
    Love weight watchers I have lost over 25 pounds
  • pagham
    pagham Posts: 29
    I have used Weight Watchers in the past (last time they were literally opposite my house so no excuse not to really). I really just used to go for the weigh in - I needed to see that drop every week. Then I moved to Australia and the lifestyle there contributed to weight gain - not huge but it was doing me no favours as it all settles on my lower half.

    I was considering going back onto WW two and a half weeks ago, chickened out and discovered My Fitness Pal instead and I have already lost 7lb with another 7lb to go and I will then decide if I need to lose more. So instead of my weekly weigh in at WW I now find following my progess on MFP much easier and its free! My confidence is up and my motivation is soaring. I want to make sure this is the last time I lose then gain - the food I eat now is mostly what I used to eat other than cutting potatoes, rice, bread and pasta (although I can't give up cereal), and I am more conscious now of reducing portion size. I am rarely tempted by biscuits and chocolate and only makes cakes/desserts if we are entertaining.

    WW and all these types of weight loss organisations, I am sure they thrive on people constantly gaining weight and then losing it again otherwise they won't be making any money!
  • mishmash81
    WW is a good program, teaches you about how to approach eating in moderation etc. However I'm a student, unable to afford the program - but I have had great success with them in the past. I actually find myfitnesspal keeps me just as accountable as WW - so I'm going to stick with this. I thought that counting points would conflict with calorie counting though??
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