Any ex-smokers?



  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i quit in 2008. the improvement in lung function was faster than i expected. used the Allen Carr book to quit, and did not gain weight. i lost an extra 10 or so pounds in advance of quitting just in case, though.
  • manda68
    manda68 Posts: 16
    I stopped smoking 29 days ago , so i've now replaced the smoking with running and im beginning to feel great , i have loads more energy. I have continued to count my calories and have lost 7lb in the last 3 weeks
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    Stopped smoking, started running and reached 10 miles within a month... lost 30lbs in 2... killed my addiction with the running
  • tarynnmichelle
    tarynnmichelle Posts: 27 Member
    I started smoking when i was 12, I'm 26 now and just quit smoking on Jan. 3. this yr. I used Nicoderm patches and just made the commitment to myself that i was going to quit no matter what. I knew that without cigarettes i would crave carbs and sweets, so i let myself have whatever i wanted for 4 weeks as a kind of reward system for not smoking. I gained 8 lbs. When 4 weeks was up, i started eating a healthy, low sodium, low sugar diet and doing some form of exercise everyday and now I'm down 10 lbs. My boyfriend is still a smoker and i think he stinks now when he comes in from a smoke break. Once you break the habit, you will feel a million times better!
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    day 121, and feel great, yes I gained weight but now i'm running 4.5 miles 3 times a week and 6.2 miles on sat.. I generally finish WITH breath left ... before hand I couldn't come close to that and was basically dead out of air ... so worth it... I've dropped 40 lbs..

    just control what you eat and keep moving and it'll fall off again and you'll feel great.
  • ConnieB1979
    ConnieB1979 Posts: 239 Member
    Tomorrow will be 2wks since I had my last cigarette. The urge to smoke is still overwhelming at times but I chew sugar free gum and exercise more instead of snacking..... I havent gained any weight. One day at a time, it can be done! Good luck.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I know weight gain is not as important as being a non smoker, but you are underestimating how vain I am (that's a joke).

    I need to try convince my fiance to quit way I'll be able to if he's still smoking. I think he's ready too though.

    Will check out those links posted above, thanks.

    I quit 3 years ago. I used gum. It worked well because the gum would take the edge off the craving. Your fitness may not improve, but you will be a lot healthier and you will enjoy running a lot more. I am a runner now, and that helps me not want to start smoking again. I wish I had quit smoking a long time ago. It is hard at first, but just buckle down to it and you will be successful. You won't gain weight if you continue to monitor your calorie intake and exercise. I ate a lot of celery and baby carrots when I was quitting! Low calorie, and good for you, and helps soothe the hand-to-mouth habit.

    Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I am just as Vain!!!! Just quit last wed. Its been tough, i crave smoking and sweets bad!~
    I have been working out extra and havent gained any but havent lost either

    As for the vanity, think of all the wrinkles you WON'T have when you're 50+. Nothing like smoking to ruin your skin. I would rather be 5-10 pounds over weight with nice skin and fewer wrinkles... :wink:
  • Cheryl943
    Cheryl943 Posts: 83
    I've tried Allen Carr's books, patches, inhalors...will power, everything!

    I think the only thing left for me to try is an electric cigarette. Not sure where to buy one but I will google.

    Thanks everyone. I think I'm ready to finally give up.

    be careful if you try the electric cigs. the fluid is pretty toxic and can and will leak into your mouth. I quite cold turkey 11-11-11 gained some weight but now I'm working on that. I dreamed I was smoking last night. That's the first time for that in a long time. When I noticed what I was holding I had a really physical reaction to it. Picture a huge bug in you hand and that's how I reacted to the ciggy. Funny how our brains work.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I've tried Allen Carr's books, patches, inhalors...will power, everything!

    I think the only thing left for me to try is an electric cigarette. Not sure where to buy one but I will google.

    Thanks everyone. I think I'm ready to finally give up.

    be careful if you try the electric cigs. the fluid is pretty toxic and can and will leak into your mouth. I quite cold turkey 11-11-11 gained some weight but now I'm working on that. I dreamed I was smoking last night. That's the first time for that in a long time. When I noticed what I was holding I had a really physical reaction to it. Picture a huge bug in you hand and that's how I reacted to the ciggy. Funny how our brains work.

    The fluid is not toxic, it is just nicotine and glycerine water. I actually put some on my tongue when my ecig was in my car and my husband had it. My doctor loves them and recommends them to all his patients that are coming down with COPD as a way to ween of traditional cigarettes.

    Cold turkey does not work for every one, it did not work for me, and I tried for years and years and years to stop. The most important thing to understand is that the ecig is ONLY nicotine and that the cigarette companies put many other additives in cigarettes to make them more addictive. It will take a few days of getting used to not having those other chemicals when you use the ecig. After about 3 days, I was over it.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Ex-Smoker here! I've struggled with nicotine addiction since I was 14 years old. I haven't had a cigarette in over 3 years but I became addicted to nicotine replacement products off and on since I quit smoking. I've been addicted to nicotine gum, lozenges and even patches. It sounds crazy but it's true. I've recently put it all down and been nicotine free for a few months now. Luckily with no weight gain (yay!)

    There is hope for anyone out there struggling with this. I was taking COPD medications 3 years ago when I was smoking because I could barely breath (and I was in my early 20's). Today I don't need any medications except my rescue inhaler for my asthma, I can do intense cardio without feeling like my lungs are going to melt and I feel great. It takes time but the lungs do heal, the sooner you stop smoking the sooner the healing process will begin.

    Good luck!
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Just worked out I'd be saving €40 a week, and my fiance would be saving about €70.

    So that's €440 every 4 weeks. And we think we can't afford to get married yet? We can't afford to SMOKE!!

    I'm going to find out where I can get e-cigs here in Ireland and my quit date is going to be 12th March.
    Thanks for all of your stories and motivation, really appreciate it xx
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    I'm 33 and smoked (about a pack a day) for 17 years.I quit smoking cold turkey on Jan 1st of this year. So, I'm a recovering smoker. I have NOT gained weight. (Lost actually). You just have to be mindful of it. And, my breathing is SOOOOO much better. I can exercise longer now. I realized it wasn't my legs holding me back on the treadmill. It was my lungs!
  • ConnieB1979
    ConnieB1979 Posts: 239 Member
    Its only been two weeks since I quit, but the difference is amazing..... I have alot more endurance when I walk/run. I no longer gasp for breath. AND I havnt gained a pound.:bigsmile:
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Just worked out I'd be saving €40 a week, and my fiance would be saving about €70.

    So that's €440 every 4 weeks. And we think we can't afford to get married yet? We can't afford to SMOKE!!

    I'm going to find out where I can get e-cigs here in Ireland and my quit date is going to be 12th March.
    Thanks for all of your stories and motivation, really appreciate it xx
    That's fantastic! I promise, you'll never regret it!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Just worked out I'd be saving €40 a week, and my fiance would be saving about €70.

    So that's €440 every 4 weeks. And we think we can't afford to get married yet? We can't afford to SMOKE!!

    I'm going to find out where I can get e-cigs here in Ireland and my quit date is going to be 12th March.
    Thanks for all of your stories and motivation, really appreciate it xx

    Scary when you do the math isn't it? Assuming no increase in prices that's €5,720 (approx $7,900) per year.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    I smoked for 18 year, quit back in Sept 2011, I can RUN now which I used to do ( more like a jog) but got winded super easy! Now I can push through it so much easier! I am so glad I quit! Not to mention, how much better my chest feels in the morning, and being able to have time to workout instead of always thinking of getting to my next cigg break :)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I quit smoking in 2009 after 34 years of 2-4 packs a day. I joined a gym and MFP. I lost 15 pounds that year and increased my endurance/stamina and all around health a thousandfold.

    In 2010, I stalled out because the gym equipment and MFP told me I burned a lot more than I really do during cardio, coupled with inaccurate estimations of my food intake. But I was off all my asthma medications and inhaler!!

    In 2011, I started running (yeah, me!) and lost 29 pounds. I was able to do a 5k by September. In October, I stopped logging and working out and put 9 pounds back on.

    This year, I've lost the 9 pounds and am doing zumba and kickboxing and heavy weight lifting. I feel great and can actually see some definition in my abs and glutes and arms/shoulders. That is really saying something since I'm 51 years old!!