MFP since Jan 6th, can't lose more than 5 lbs. HELP PLEASE!

Okay, so I'm becoming quite frustrated at this whole process. I started January 6th and since then I have lost 5 lbs and now recently gained 2 lbs back. I did have a breakdown and binged over this past weekend. When I weighed myself the following the day the scale was back at my starting weight...I imagine some of that was water weight, but seriously after a binge can I have gained 2 lbs back?

Initially MFP had me eating 1360 calories and I have already decreased that down to 1220. I did JM 30 Day Shred and thought maybe that was the culprit ( I know people say they lost inches and not a lot of weight). So after I got over that frustration I added in spinning. I absolutely love it! I had finally lost 3 lbs pounds after adding spinning. I currently eat my exercise calories back like MFP suggests. I'm not sure if now I should try not eating exercise calories back or not as much of them back, but I thought women weren't suppose to eat less than 1200. I know I probably don't eat the "healthiest" of foods all the time, but I thought a calorie was a calorie. I know eating empty calories could lead me to eat more, but when it comes down to it a calorie is a calorie...right???? And I drink 4-8 glasses of water a day too. I don't always remember to log my water though.

I'm so ready to say F*&K it and give up and quit. My starting weight was 150lbs, Female 32 years old, 5'5" . My scale is currently sitting at 147 lbs. I use the same scale,same time of day without clothes. I use a HRM too, the Polar FT4. All my setting are correct. I workout 5-6 days a week for 45-60+ minutes at a time. ANY SUGGESTIONS WOULD BE SO HELPFUL AND APPRECIATED! :):):)


  • swyninger
    swyninger Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, your doing awesome girl! Have you measured yourself? are your clothes fitting differently? My suggestion is don't go below 1200 cal., if your working out hard everyday I would suggest eating more like 1500 cal/day. Eat more protein and drink even more water. My kettlebell instructer told us we should eat our bw x 0.75 grams= your daily protein intake. Also, I know your not big into supplements but I am telling ya I feel so much better using some of the advocare products and think it helps. Here is what someone( she is from Waukon and has before pics and progress pics. I can show them to you sometime just recently wrote after starting advocare in December " I've always been an athlete and in pretty good shape but as I got into my 30's and having 3 kids the weight started to creep up. I was a good one for losing weight just to gain it right back. I have tried everything you could think of to try and get it off and keep it off, but nothing worked. Then one day I said to my husband that I wanted to try AdvoCare, everyone I knew that was using it not only was super skinny but were toned and look really healthy and they always have a huge smile on their face. It was like the sun just shown off them a little brighter and I wanted the same thing. I started my 24 Day Challenge in Dec. of 2011 and since I started my 24 Day Challenge in Dec. of 2011 and since then I have lost 16lbs(4in. in my waist, 3in in my hips) and I'm stronger now then I was in high school. This has been my miracle and I won't go a day with out my AdvoCare. I finally figured out why everyone was so happy and healthy. Hope this helps a bit!!!!
  • northwjj
    northwjj Posts: 43 Member
    Hey, your doing awesome girl! Have you measured yourself? are your clothes fitting differently? My suggestion is don't go below 1200 cal., if your working out hard everyday I would suggest eating more like 1500 cal/day. Eat more protein and drink even more water. My kettlebell instructer told us we should eat our bw x 0.75 grams= your daily protein intake. Also, I know your not big into supplements but I am telling ya I feel so much better using some of the advocare products and think it helps. Here is what someone( she is from Waukon and has before pics and progress pics. I can show them to you sometime just recently wrote after starting advocare in December " I've always been an athlete and in pretty good shape but as I got into my 30's and having 3 kids the weight started to creep up. I was a good one for losing weight just to gain it right back. I have tried everything you could think of to try and get it off and keep it off, but nothing worked. Then one day I said to my husband that I wanted to try AdvoCare, everyone I knew that was using it not only was super skinny but were toned and look really healthy and they always have a huge smile on their face. It was like the sun just shown off them a little brighter and I wanted the same thing. I started my 24 Day Challenge in Dec. of 2011 and since I started my 24 Day Challenge in Dec. of 2011 and since then I have lost 16lbs(4in. in my waist, 3in in my hips) and I'm stronger now then I was in high school. This has been my miracle and I won't go a day with out my AdvoCare. I finally figured out why everyone was so happy and healthy. Hope this helps a bit!!!!

    I'm going to have to look it to Advocare more. One of my neighbors sells it and maybe I should talk to her too. This is becoming so frustrating. I think I will research the 24 day challenge here on MFP too.

    Somedays I'm over on protein and somedays I could eat more. Whatever is happening or not happening, I need to figure something out. LOL!
  • I had been going up and down in the same 5-6 Lb range and I thought I would give a 'old trick' a shot and see if it changed anything. I started drinking 2 tsp of all natural (Braggs apple cider vinegar) in 8 oz of cold water 3 times a day- within 2 days I dropped back down 3 lbs and I am consistantly losing again since.
  • swyninger
    swyninger Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting to sell advocare and my advocare coach is AMAZING and willing to talk over the phone. She is huge into nutrition and fitmess and her husband is a pharmacist and has done so much research on it. If you ever want to talk to her I can give them your number or give you their number. It's worth listening to even if you don't think you want to try it.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i really have no suggestion to you but i want to let you know you are NOT alone!!!! i started back on Nov 19th, i to date have only lost 7-8lbs ( on a good day),lol... I also threw in 30ds and i lost no weight and 1 inch off my waist and 2 off my hips and belly. That was back in dec. for the 1st 2 months i lost lbs and the inches... then i have only lost since the new year maybe 2 lbs, which keep coming and going. yesterday i was 135, today 132.2.... it is so frustrating. I am 5ft 2 inches and started at 140 wanting to get to 130 ( 1st goal) and then 128 ish for my final goal. i didn't think asking to loose 10 lbs was going to be so hard and i didn't think i was asking for too much...
  • AmyJackson1990
    AmyJackson1990 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey, dont worry about it i havent lost weight in 3 weeks but just posted in success 14lbs in 40days ... i lost it so fast and nothin for the past 3 weeks but what a diffrence my shape has taken. MEASURE AND TAKE PICS . SCREW THE SCALES Lol. i refuse to step on them until end of every month but still doesnt bother me if i look good one day at 160lbs im not guna care what i weigh. youll be ok xxx
  • Eplacy
    Eplacy Posts: 1 Member
    I used to think a calorie is a calorie, but having tried to diet both ways (normal food but less calories vs. healthy food with less calories) It's actually a huge difference. It's way more effective to eat lots of fiber through whole grains and fruits and veggies and protein through lean meat and fish than it is to eat a limited amount of processed fatty sugary foods. Just from my limited experience. When I eat healthy (and count calories) the weight drops off, but when I just count calories and eat what I want it doesn't work.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Your sugars are consistently over- try to limit them. Sugar isn't evil= but some of us have to be a bit more careful of them. Lots of 'diet' food actually trade fat for sugar- so keep an eye on that one.

    Have you checked your BMR on other websites or perhaps even your TDEE? Sometimes MFP puts us at too low of a BMR, or we have our weight loss set too high. I cannot lose much when I have MFP set at two pounds a week- I have to have one pound a week loss in order to see some movement.

    Eating back your exercise cals are good- make sure you're using a heart rate monitor to accurately track your cals burned. A home scale to measure food has really, really helped me. Even a set of measuring cups will go a long way.

    Don't freak out too badly- sometimes it just needs a little tweak :)
  • Lorrie_73
    Lorrie_73 Posts: 104 Member
    I used to think a calorie is a calorie, but having tried to diet both ways (normal food but less calories vs. healthy food with less calories) It's actually a huge difference. It's way more effective to eat lots of fiber through whole grains and fruits and veggies and protein through lean meat and fish than it is to eat a limited amount of processed fatty sugary foods. Just from my limited experience. When I eat healthy (and count calories) the weight drops off, but when I just count calories and eat what I want it doesn't work.

    Took the words right out of my mouth. I disagree that a calorie is a calorie. I also think that if weight loss is the goal, maybe don't eat back the exercise calories. Seems like by doing that you are just maintaining and not losing. IMO.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    I also think that if weight loss is the goal, maybe don't eat back the exercise calories. Seems like by doing that you are just maintaining and not losing. IMO.
    MFP already has our calories set at a deficit pre-exercise, so we don't need to remove any more calories. Have to have fuel to workout well :)
  • jewol
    jewol Posts: 74 Member
    Try to "shock" your body (within reason, of course) and, then, make a change. That has worked for me in the past when I have plateaued. For example, if you run a mile at a 10-minute pace (6 mph), slow down slightly and triple or quadruple your distance. After the shock event, change your routine. Over time, one's body gets acclimated to a certain speed, or distance, or exercise, or routine. Within those routine parameters, it becomes "efficient" at doing the work on fewer calories. You have to do something to turn the burn back up. Don't go more than three or four weeks without some sort of change. That's my two-cents worth...

    Best of luck to you.
  • northwjj
    northwjj Posts: 43 Member
    Your sugars are consistently over- try to limit them. Sugar isn't evil= but some of us have to be a bit more careful of them. Lots of 'diet' food actually trade fat for sugar- so keep an eye on that one.

    Have you checked your BMR on other websites or perhaps even your TDEE? Sometimes MFP puts us at too low of a BMR, or we have our weight loss set too high. I cannot lose much when I have MFP set at two pounds a week- I have to have one pound a week loss in order to see some movement.

    Eating back your exercise cals are good- make sure you're using a heart rate monitor to accurately track your cals burned. A home scale to measure food has really, really helped me. Even a set of measuring cups will go a long way.

    Don't freak out too badly- sometimes it just needs a little tweak :)

    I do use a digital food scale which has been great. I highly suggest one to everyone. As far as sugars, I do have a sweet tooth. But I also found some mornings I am over in sugars even after just eating fruit. That is frustrating too.

    I am going to reasearch other sites and see what they have to say. I have to figure something out, find that right "tweak". :)
  • northwjj
    northwjj Posts: 43 Member
    Try to "shock" your body (within reason, of course) and, then, make a change. That has worked for me in the past when I have plateaued. For example, if you run a mile at a 10-minute pace (6 mph), slow down slightly and triple or quadruple your distance. After the shock event, change your routine. Over time, one's body gets acclimated to a certain speed, or distance, or exercise, or routine. Within those routine parameters, it becomes "efficient" at doing the work on fewer calories. You have to do something to turn the burn back up. Don't go more than three or four weeks without some sort of change. That's my two-cents worth...

    Best of luck to you.

    I am going to try this. I have noticed since starting spinning over 3 or 4 weeks ago, my body has adjusted to the intensity of it. I have made some changes to the level and pace I set the bike at but I don't think it is enough. I will either try increasing the intensity more or trying out a different machine like the elliptical. Hopefully this trick works :) Thanks for the input!
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    I'd guess one or both of the following:

    1) Overestimating calories burned during workouts.


    2) Underestimating calories eaten.

    The idea of "eating back your execrice" works, but you have to be pretty accurate in your calculations. That means a food scale for weighing out what you eat, and a HRM or getting a good measure of what you burn. Alternatively, you might try eating back half of what you think you're burning for a week or more, to see if that starts pushing the needle on the scale in the right direction. The good thing is, once you figure out the balance of eat vs. burn that works for you, the scale keeps moving in the right direction.

    Personally, I only eat back exercise calories if I'm hungry. I often end up with a 500+ calorie deficit on workout days, especially during biking season.
  • northwjj
    northwjj Posts: 43 Member
    i really have no suggestion to you but i want to let you know you are NOT alone!!!! i started back on Nov 19th, i to date have only lost 7-8lbs ( on a good day),lol... I also threw in 30ds and i lost no weight and 1 inch off my waist and 2 off my hips and belly. That was back in dec. for the 1st 2 months i lost lbs and the inches... then i have only lost since the new year maybe 2 lbs, which keep coming and going. yesterday i was 135, today 132.2.... it is so frustrating. I am 5ft 2 inches and started at 140 wanting to get to 130 ( 1st goal) and then 128 ish for my final goal. i didn't think asking to loose 10 lbs was going to be so hard and i didn't think i was asking for too much...

    I too only wanted to lose 15 lbs initially, thinking it wasn't going to be too hard.....boy was I! I didn't lose a lot of inches either on 30 DS. I liked it, but was disappointed in all of the hype. Out of all of this, I know I"m more in shape and I'm sure physically the exercise is doing something, but I would love to see some other results :)
  • northwjj
    northwjj Posts: 43 Member
    I had been going up and down in the same 5-6 Lb range and I thought I would give a 'old trick' a shot and see if it changed anything. I started drinking 2 tsp of all natural (Braggs apple cider vinegar) in 8 oz of cold water 3 times a day- within 2 days I dropped back down 3 lbs and I am consistantly losing again since.

    Interesting, it's worth a! It is now written on the grocery list :) Oh, the many uses of
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    "One of the most frustrating moments for many dieters is the weekly weigh-in.

    Sometimes, the results on your scales seem to bear very little relation to the week you've just had.

    Maybe you've been really good - but not lost anything. Or you've had a couple of meals out, and eaten more than a few candy bars - and yet you've dropped a pound.

    What the heck's going on?

    If you weren't dieting and weighed yourself every day, you'd still find that your weight wasn't steady: it might fluctuate by as much as several pounds.

    These fluctuations in body weight are commonly due to 3 factors:

    Water retention
    Glycogen stores
    The amount you've eaten

    Water Retention

    Water retention is caused by drinking too little water, or eating too much salt.

    If you don't drink enough water, your body will cling onto its water supplies; make sure you're drinking enough. And if you eat too much salt, your kidneys hold onto water instead of excreting it.

    Women commonly retain water during the few days of the month just before their period. This "phantom" few pounds will drop off as quickly as it went on. Some medications can also cause water retention.

    Glycogen Stores

    Glycogen - sugar - is carbohydrate stored in the liver and muscles; usually more than a pound in total, along with three or four pounds of water. This is your body's energy reserve, and gets used up during the day if you're not taking in enough carbohydrates to supply your energy needs.

    When you eat, your body replaces the glycogen store and the water that goes with it - leading to a weight gain on the scales, even if you've only eaten a moderately-sized meal. This is absolutely normal and should not put you off eating carbohydrates!
    The Amount You've Eaten

    Don't think about the meal you've just eaten in terms of calories - think in terms of weight.

    You could stuff yourself with pounds of fruit or salad for under a few hundred calories - but these pounds will show up if you stand on the scales straight after a meal. (Just imagine weighing yourself with all that food in your hands.)

    Once your body's had a chance to digest it, that food will disappear. The same applies with water - which has 0 calories, but definitely weighs something!"
  • bennjammin
    bennjammin Posts: 40 Member
    IMHO I really think you need to change your diet. I'd suggest tracking your carbs instead of fiber and also make some tweaks to your daily nutrition. Tracking calories is the hard part, so you have that out of the way. I'd suggest increasing your protein and fat intake, and try to restrict sugar (not carbs) unless it's a big calorie burn day - I imagine you burn some serious calories spinning. Maybe save the apple and other fruits as a pre/post workout treat, but definitely try to replace bread, pizza, corn flakes, and frozen lunches and dinners with better alternatives. Definitely veggies and lean meat. I've acquired a taste for beans, lentils (a great carb resource low in sugar and high in fiber and protein), cottage cheese and hard boiled eggs. Good Luck!
  • I had been going up and down in the same 5-6 Lb range and I thought I would give a 'old trick' a shot and see if it changed anything. I started drinking 2 tsp of all natural (Braggs apple cider vinegar) in 8 oz of cold water 3 times a day- within 2 days I dropped back down 3 lbs and I am consistantly losing again since.

    Interesting, it's worth a! It is now written on the grocery list :) Oh, the many uses of

    Let me know if it works for you, make sure its the organic including the "mother" (says so on the label) You can find it at most health food stores or in the organic section of most grocery stores. Good luck!~