back hurts?

foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
maybe i just slept wrong


i hurt it doing '10 minute: dance fat away fast' dvd. i did three of the circuits. and i woke up and it is just sore on the lower part, like i had a lombard puncture

what did i do wrong? are there stretches for the back?:indifferent:


  • ptrad
    ptrad Posts: 22
    I would put ice on it for 20 minutes, yes ice to decrease the swelling in the muscle tissue. Sit up straight in a chair with feet on the ground. Roll your neck and back forward to feel a stretch in the lower and upper back. Also, make sure you are stretching your hamstrings out well. A good YOGA stretch is the down dog, where you stand tall, feet shoulder width apart, walk your hands out in a crouched position and push your hips to the sky. Find a comfortable distance between hands and feet, and stretch gently about 10-20 seconds, repeat 3 times. All stretches are done for this time. Also, lie on your back on the floor, knees bent, feet on the floor, and slowly bring one knee to your nose, holding for 10-20 seconds repeat 3 X several times throughout the day, then bring alternate knee to nose, then both knees. Your head can come up to meet your knees. You just go to the point of pain and back off. I would not dance again until you have this pain controlled.

    I find that these dvds are wonderful but do not teach proper or complete stretching techniques.

    Paula , LATC