Facial Hair

I suppose this has nothing to do with fitness but hey.

I'm a Mechnical Services Engineer/ Estimator, i'm office based and wear a suit to work. I had no meetings/ visits this week and thought i'd grow a bit of a beard.

I'm just wondering what your views are on stubble? Especially the girls views.

Do i get rid of it, style it, make a goatie?

What you think, lol



  • AlbertSchwartz
    I suppose this has nothing to do with fitness but hey.

    I'm a Mechnical Services Engineer/ Estimator, i'm office based and wear a suit to work. I had no meetings/ visits this week and thought i'd grow a bit of a beard.

    I'm just wondering what your views are on stubble? Especially the girls views.

    Do i get rid of it, style it, make a goatie?

    What you think, lol

  • greysweatshirt
    Hey there! I know I'm not a girl, but, I did the same thing a few years back..I decided to go for the goatee and have been wearing it ever since!
  • greysweatshirt
    Hey there! I know I'm not a girl, but, I did the same thing a few years back..I decided to go for the goatee and have been wearing it ever since!
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    I personaly love the scruffy look, messed up hair and messy beard although i'm an not sure it fit everybody, my boyfriend does it all the time, although i'm sure its out of lazyness rather then trying to please me lol :laugh:
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    I personally LOVE the goatee it is nice..just keep it trimmed and looking good :wink:

  • AlbertSchwartz

    Thanks for the comments

    anyone else?
  • yenn
    yenn Posts: 48 Member
    GROW IT but don't style it. Scruffy = better than specific facial hair shape (goatee, moustache, soul patch (ugh) and if you want before you shave the whole thing off try a "shape" for a day and see how you like it !! I like a guy who tries new looks. But the same thing all the time gets tired. Just my opinion !!!
  • Poisonyve
  • squankish
    squankish Posts: 78 Member
    i hate facial hair on men usually in general, but that's probably because i'm a jawbone-type girl.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Most facial hair depends on them man, but I love the goatee (neat and trimmed) but hair grow it away. love long hair as well. :wink:
  • AlbertSchwartz
    lol, my brother has long hair and a goatie... and hes not fat like me, but he's married lol

    umm... does it irritate the skin?, it used to on my wife if it was short. But as i'm single i certainly don't want to put women off, my fat will do that lmao

  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    lol, my brother has long hair and a goatie... and hes not fat like me, but he's married lol

    umm... does it irritate the skin?, it used to on my wife if it was short. But as i'm single i certainly don't want to put women off, my fat will do that lmao


    It may get itchy at first and irritate a little.
  • AlbertSchwartz
    for me or her?

    I've been growing it for a week :wink:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    for me or her?

    I've been growing it for a week :wink:

    irritate her, itch you LOL
  • kelpie06
    kelpie06 Posts: 93 Member
    My husband tends to let his scruff grow on the weekends and I have to say by Sunday evening I don't want him anywhere near me. lol. It's really scratchy. My daughter complains too.

    I like the way facial hair looks on most men, but for anything other than looking, I like a clean shavin jaw bone. :wink:
  • chiefiron
    chiefiron Posts: 305 Member
    I think it was 1999.....last time i didnt have some sort of facial hair. Ive been going between a close trimed beard and goatee since 2003. My GF says shes gone if i shave it off so i guess she likes it.

  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    I love, love, love my man being scruffy... very sexy!
    But I also like the goatee... but I pick scruffy over anything.

  • Soniabruja
    I love the look of a long goatee, no mustache...
    So sexy :love:

    Good luck with yours!!
  • AlbertSchwartz
    hmm.. not sure what to do now...

    However, it ok at the mo but will start to catch on my shirt collar and that is a bit anoying, also once it reaches that stage if find it itches when i sweat, so the gym might cause a problem.

    It may look ok but if it keeps the ladies away.. it'll have to go..

    I could go out to night and see how i get on... theres an excuse if i've ever heard one lol

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Wow, you look so much like that actor from Nacho Libre!!!!!!!!!!!! hee hee I like the way some facial hair looks like and the goatee if it is trimmed but it does irritate my skin when kissing. My husband grew some facial hair after he retired from the ARMY but went back to shaving when I told him his hair was scratching my face...:laugh: