What's in your Pantry? (prefferably your "whole/clean foods"

I'm working on getting all of the processed food out of my pantry and refilling it with nutricious things like beans, and whole oats and the like.

What healthy foods do you "need" in your pantry?

Also, what are some foods that you refuse to buy anything but organic/natural and what do you compromise on?


  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    whole wheat pasta
    sunflower seeds
    white and brown rice...I like them both
    potatoes....the kind you actually have to peel not the ones in that box
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    how long to potatos last? Or do you go through them fast enough that you just restock them often? i always buy potatos then forget I have them :(
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Our pantry is under the stairs in the dining room so the temperature seems pretty great for the potatoes to last awhile. I've had this 10 lb bag for about 3 weeks, only ate about half if that and the rest are still in good condition.
  • jbdowns35
    jbdowns35 Posts: 352
    Whole wheat pasta
    brown rice
    steel cut oats (I cook up a batch & keep it in the fridge. re-heat during the week, add vanilla & dried cranberries)
    Yams or sweet potatos
    red onions
    Olive oil
    Red wine vinegar
    Garlic, Garlic, Garlic!!!!

    ....Come to think of it, I don't keep much in my pantry. Most of my foods are in the fridge or freezer. I grow a garden & in the winter, I buy fresh produce at a local indoor farmers market. I score my fresh produce first, then plan my meals for the week & make a list before I hit the grocery store. My staples are:

    cottage cheese, well, cheese of all kinds, actually
    fresh pineapple - I swear I eat an entire pineapple myself every week.
    salads. I grow my own mixed lettuces when I can
    Basil. I grow it, love it fresh, but I also freeze it or make pesto
    Sundried tomatoes

    I try to do the best I can with natural, whole foods, avoiding processed. I don't do organic basically because it's so expensive. Wish I could afford it, but trying to stay financially fit too!! I watch the grocery store adds & the local meat market. When meats go on sale, I buy bulk. We eat a ton of boneless, skinless, chicken breast. No, I don't buy organic or free roaming chickens, feeling horribly guilty about that, it all comes down to $. Another thing I'm guilty of is I haven't quite committed to eliminating artificial sweetners yet. I like a particular yogurt that contains aspertaime (spelling?) Other than that, artificial sweetners are rare in my diet. I would like to eliminate them completely.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    I try to do the best I can with natural, whole foods, avoiding processed. I don't do organic basically because it's so expensive. Wish I could afford it, but trying to stay financially fit too!! I watch the grocery store adds & the local meat market. When meats go on sale, I buy bulk. We eat a ton of boneless, skinless, chicken breast. No, I don't buy organic or free roaming chickens, feeling horribly guilty about that, it all comes down to $. Another thing I'm guilty of is I haven't quite committed to eliminating artificial sweetners yet. I like a particular yogurt that contains aspertaime (spelling?) Other than that, artificial sweetners are rare in my diet. I would like to eliminate them completely.

    I don't buy organic or free range chicken either. Wish I could but it's just not economical....maybe once I get my cards paid off I'll start doing that, the one thing I'm working on making sure I always buy organic is milk is not TOO much more expensive and I feel like it's a considerable amount better for me....too bad it's illegal to sell raw milk here! :(
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    Whole Wheat Pasta
    Brown Rice
    White Rice
    Every kind of spice
    Microwavable popcorn
    Regular popcorn
    Baking ingredients (baking soda, cocoa, sprinkles, etc.)
    Canned Jalapanos
    Canned Diced tomatoes
    Refried Beans
    Onions (which always seem to be going bad - but I always need)
  • nshartley
    Bump for more replies.....healthy pantry staples anybody????
  • ti2v78
    ti2v78 Posts: 26 Member
    Sweet potatoes, Splenda, spices, coffee, oatmeal, kix (the only cereal I buy much anymore), almond meal, raisins, vitamins, peanut / almond butter

    I keep my fruit / vegetables in the fridge or on the table otherwise. My freezer holds most of my meat and a good amount of frozen vegetables. My fridge has my dairy products, vegetables, eggs and leftovers
  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    *Cereal: whole grain oatmeal, kashi go lean
    *Peanut butter and almond butter
    *Beans of every variety (garbanzo, black, kidney, pinto, white, lentil, split pea), both dried and instant; sometimes I just don't have the time to soak and cook dried beans and find if I rinse the canned ones the salty taste is not there.
    *Pasta: I buy the Barilla that is whole grain and protein enhanced
    *Canned tuna (for me) and sardines (for hubby)
    *EAS AdvantEDGE carb control protein drink in chocolate fudge
    *almond milk
    *organic veggie broth
    *whole grain flours (wheat, oat, spelt) and ground flaxseed meal
    *whole grain couscous
    *quinoa (haven't made this in a while...hmmm, maybe with tonight's chicken breasts??)
    *raisins, dates and figs (mostly for cooking)
    *canned pumpkin (I love pumpkin and am NOT gonna cook it, even if I can find it!!)
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Organic basmati rice...we use it at LEAST once a week....we stock up on it when it's on clearance for $1/bag, vs. the $5+ it usually is. We're actually down to only 1 bag now...uh oh. :laugh:
    Natural peanut butter
    Unsalted chicken stock
    "Better Than Bouillon" vegetable stock (we make a lot of soups/stews, and this stuff is great!)
    Spices, of course
    I try to keep at least one box of Better Oats brand oatmeal, as well as one box of Cascadian Farms or Newman's Own cereal.

    As for organic stuff, I'm not picky to the point that every single food I consume must be organic, but I do prefer organic bananas over regular...people say I'm crazy, but I can totally tell a difference in taste. :tongue: They also last longer...my organic bananas have lasted up to almost 2 weeks, while non-organic bananas...I'm lucky if they last 3-4 days. I also prefer to use organic tomatoes when I make pasta and pizza sauces and chili. Organic fruits and veggies in general, really.
  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    We always have potatoes, we buy a bag small bag every two weeks (6 or 7 potatoes) and always need more on grocery day.

    We use white pasta....we just cant bring outselves to like the whole wheat

    Brown Rice
    Enjoy Life granola bars - gluten, nut, egg, soy, dairy free - we have all the kinds. Mostly for the kids, but once in awile I"ll sneak one.
    Canned tomatoes - stewed, diced, crushed etc.
    Triscuits and other whole wheat crackers
    Whole wheat flour
  • kleighsamboer
    I have splenda and truvia, tons of herbal tea so I don't get bored with one kind, organic pasta sauce(Muir Glen), coconut oil, honey, agave, lots of spices, I keep yams, sweet potatoes, and squashes on my counter, raisins, moringa powder, spirulina, green grasses powder, chlorella. I do buy organic when I can. I have an awesome asian market down the street that is filled with organic produce at great prices. I often walk out with 5 bags of produce for about $35-$40. So if you have one near you it is worth checking out
  • Porcelain1981
    Porcelain1981 Posts: 51 Member
    Oatley / soya milk
    tinned tomatoes + puree
    tinned tuna
    almonds, pistachios, walnuts
    quinoa (awesome)
    lots of herbs & spices
    brown rice
    dried ****ake mushrooms
    honey normal & manuka
    loads of vinegars: cider, balsamic, sherry, red wine, taragon, white wine
    1 cal spray, olive oil, seasame oil, coconut oil
    garlic & ginger root
    gluten free / low salt soy sauce
    rice noodles
    gluten free, dairy free kinnerton dark chocolate
    metcalfes gourmet popcorn (100 cals / bag)

    If I wasn't minimizing gluten, would also have rivitas
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    dried beans (all varieties)
    some canned beans (trying to move away from these)
    brown rice
    quinoa, barley, buckwheat and other whole grains
    canned tomatoes
    irish oats
    whole wheat pasta ( all shapes)
    lots of condiments! - Tamari ; balsamic, brown rice, wine and plum vinegars; hot sauces, olive oil ( other oils like sesame, walnut, etc. I keep in fridge), chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, capers, artichoke hearts, olives
    organic vegetable broth ( would like to make my own, but often am pressed for time)
    popcorn kernels
    Ryvita crackers
    some nuts (most I keep in fridge, almonds, pecans, walnuts)
    dried fruit
    flours - whole wheat, garbanzo bean, corn grits, masa harina
    baking supplies ( soda, powder, vanilla, molasses, honey)
    unopened jams (I try to buy 100% fruit and/or organic)
    natural nut butters (in summer these might go in fridge, but we use them fairly quickly so I don't usually worry about rancidity)
    Luna Bars
    On my counter I keep onions, potatoes (reg and sweet), apples, pears, bananas, avocados, and whole wheat bread
    I also have a fully stocked spice cabinet with standards and exotics. Got to be ready for anything:)
  • Woooolywool
    Woooolywool Posts: 136 Member
    Cereals: *Bran Flakes (the shop's brand), Granola (again, the shop's brand), oats (Just buy a big value bag, it'll last you much longer), and muesli. Buckwheat= it's kind of like oats, and they fill you up so much! I just add some honey and greek yoghurt with fruit to sweeten it up a bit.

    Spreads: Organic crunchy Peanut butter (That's one of the main things I go for that's always organic, simply because the oil they use is better in some way. It's quite expensive, but I see it as a treat just after a workout.)

    General snacks: Ricecakes! (organic, wholegrain, shop brand. I swear by ricecakes! I love them!) Fruit and fibre cereal bars (shop brand, great for snacking on..)

    Other stuff: Tinned salmon + Tuna (I know they're expensive, but it's well worth having them around. Shop brand.). Tinned fruit in natural juice (NO syrup!), shop brand. Microwaveable brown rice (great to have when you just don't feel like cooking). Pumpkin seeds. Mixed herbs for added flavour when cooking.

    Drinks: Green tea with added honey.

    Generally, I don't actually buy much for the cupboards, but I do LOVE fruit (major sweet tooth), and I buy them to keep in the fridge= Loose bananas (loose, not the bagged version, they're usually cheaper this way), Bag of oranges, iceberg lettuce (not bagged, it lasts longer this way + is cheaper, but you do have to prepare it yourself), a cucumber, eggs (but preferably free range), I ALWAYS have blueberries around to add to my breakfasts :) ... Stir fry ingredients to cook, then freeze the leftovers.

    I could go on, and on, and on, more so than I already have, but no one's probably taken any notice of this comment. :')
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    Brown basmati rice
    Sweet potatoes
    Tinned tuna, Wild salmon and skinless & boneless sardines
    Sweet chilli sauce ( I put this on everything!)
    Organic free range eggs
    Rolled oats
    Protein Powder
    Almond butter/peanut butter
    Jasmine green tea and peppermint
    Puy lentils
    Lots of veggies
    Organic natural low fat yoghurt
    Organic skimmed milk
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have a little cupboard separate from the rest of the family.

    - Oats (several different kinds. looove oatmeal)
    - Roasted Almonds
    - Trail bars
    - Wholegrain & Barley wraps
    - Tuna
    - Spelt cereal
    - Light whole meal pita pockets
    - Natural PB
    - Natural Almond butter
    - 70% dark chocolate
    - Wholegrain bread
    - Low sugar, high protein diet yoghurt
    - Soy milk
    - Fruit
    - Veggies
    - Spelt muesli crackers
    - Mungbean crackers
    - Buckwheat ramen noodles
    - Low carb protein powder
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Nicky, that's hillarious that you have your own cupboard!

    Reading these has reminded me that I have veggies in the crisper. i really need to cook those up tonight!
  • emberin
    emberin Posts: 56 Member
    Brown rice, Whole wheat pasta, quinoa, millet, barley, jasmine rice. (we have a great international grocery where you can get good grains for cheap)
    Oatmeal, whole and steel ground
    almonds and mixed nuts
    Fiber one brownies. I love these things.
    Garbanzo beans
    garlic and ginger root
    Homemade soup that I canned (easy and great when veggies are in season)
    Sweet potatoes and spaghetti squash
    PB2 or other powdered peanut butter. I also have almond butter and natural peanut butter.
    Broth, veggie, chicken and beef, all low sodium and fat free
    grapefruit, clementines, bananas
    Frozen wild blueberries
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    Quinoa, bulgar wheat, brown & white rice
    Wheat flour,multigrain flour, chickpea flour, rolled oats
    Whole wheat pasta
    many types of lentils
    chickpeas (white), black chickpeas, red kidney beans, black beans (all dry..no cans)
    walnuts, pistachios, almonds, cashews, unroasted peanuts
    PB, honey
    various fruits, veggies and greens in the fridge
    red onions, russet potatoes, sweet potatoes