Couch to 5K anyone???



  • nikki_geber
    nikki_geber Posts: 9 Member
    I just saw it on Facebook, and am going to start too :-) Happy running all!!
  • sarahsnowgirl
    sarahsnowgirl Posts: 6 Member
    I've done it before too (made it to 3 weeks) but I'd like to complete it this time. I plan to run a half marathon in August, so it would be a good time for me to start again! If anyone wants to be friends, I would love some motivation and to give some too.
  • I'm on week two .I've never been the distance running type, but figure i'de give it a go. So far so good!!!
  • Andybeth
    Andybeth Posts: 18 Member
    I found podcasts on internet that talk you thru the timing including the warmup and cool down. There are 9 weeks worth and makes it possible to follow.
  • BMMack
    BMMack Posts: 5 Member
    I've never been a runner, but I just started this (have only done day 1), but I'm determined to get into it.
  • fabmst
    fabmst Posts: 42 Member
    I just started myself. Will be on week 2 starting Sunday.
  • Congratulations on starting!

    I'm almost to the end of my 8 weeks... My first 5k is coming up on St. Patrick's Day! I'm pretty excited :)

    Keep up the good work and good luck!!
  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    I did it over Spring 2011 and finished it. Then I got a full time job and got lazy and stopped running over summer. Then I moved cities and started vet school. Excuses, excuses!

    I've just restarted on D1W1 with a view to getting in condition for when the six inches of ice melts off the sidewalks and trails, as well as getting a little faster then I used to run. I'm on the treadmill with a varied incline for now (from 0-4.3%, I just set it to random). But once spring arrives, I hope to be back outside.
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    I finished Week 1 Day 2 of C25K. I will admit, it was much harder then Day 1. Why, if I did the same workout on Tuesday? Because I did it on a track today and not a treadmill. It was REALLY hard for me. I had to stop in the middle go sit, drink some water and catch my breath and although I'm disappointed that I didn't do it all at once, at least I finished it and didn't quit. I got back up and finished!

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • KimLatte
    KimLatte Posts: 5
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    I'm glad to hear I am not the only one scared to go past week 1 I've been doing it for 3 weeks. Week 2 doesn't sound bad but by the time I do the 90 second intervals on week 1 I can't catch my breath until it's almost time to run again.:sad:
  • I'm starting at week 4!!! It's challenging, but I'm enjoying it!!!
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I finished Week 1 Day 2 of C25K. I will admit, it was much harder then Day 1. Why, if I did the same workout on Tuesday? Because I did it on a track today and not a treadmill. It was REALLY hard for me. I had to stop in the middle go sit, drink some water and catch my breath and although I'm disappointed that I didn't do it all at once, at least I finished it and didn't quit. I got back up and finished!

    Good luck to everyone!!!

    Yeah, I always find it much harder outdoors than on the treadmill, even if the ground outside is relatively flat and I do it on an incline on the treadmill. I had to stop to catch my breath yesterday, so I paused the podcast, then when I pressed play again I only had like ten seconds to go, so I didn't feel too bad haha.
  • JMac789
    JMac789 Posts: 1 Member
    C25K is awesome! My fat buddy and I both started it last year, and sure enough, by the end of the program we were running 5K or more!
  • MJTJ
    MJTJ Posts: 20 Member
    I started it last September. After W1 D1 I was still sore for D2. By W3 D3 I was jogging for 30 mins non-stop but as I jog very slow I cover 3.5k not 5. But given I still need to lose at leat 70lb I still regard this as a result :) So keep going y'all BTW I'm still jogging 3 times a week - do it in a gym now and go 6 days a week to the gym in total. One less couch potato :glasses:
  • vtaylo
    vtaylo Posts: 6 Member
    Just started it this past week! Legs are like jello but I've been doing one day for 2 days in a row for a total of 6 days of running a week. Even though I'm insanely sore it seems to be really increasing my stamina and my 2-year-old pitmatian(pit bull/dalmatian mix) has benefited as well by being able to run all his energy out instead of just our usual 45 minute walks.
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    I was actually going to ask something about this. I'd like to do it, but I don't have an app friendly device. Any tips on how to keep track of when to walk/run? Seems like it would be a pain to keep checking your watch and keeping track of how much time has gone by for each set.

    I found an ap for the iphone for the couch to 5k....its great

    I just started today and used the c25k app for my iphone and loved it! So easy to use. It tells you your warm up time, when to run and when to walk and tracks times completed and remaining time and you can listen to your music with it as well. AWESOME!
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    I was actually going to ask something about this. I'd like to do it, but I don't have an app friendly device. Any tips on how to keep track of when to walk/run? Seems like it would be a pain to keep checking your watch and keeping track of how much time has gone by for each set.

    I found an ap for the iphone for the couch to 5k....its great
    I just started today and used the c25k app for my iphone and loved it! So easy to use. It tells you your warm up time, when to run and when to walk and tracks times completed and remaining time and you can listen to your music with it as well. AWESOME!

    I like when you are doing the jogs towards the end and it's time to walk and she says "WHEEEEEW, Now Walk" lol It's makes me giggle when my body is screaming from working so hard.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I'm planning on starting it not this coming week but the week after that. I'm following a 4 week schedule for Turbo Jam and this will be my last week. It's hard for me to find time to go run though because I have a 4 year old and I don't have any options as far as having someone to watch him for me.
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    Me too! I just finished my third week and actually jogged for three minutes in a row! LOL! For me, that is a big deal. I am really enjoying it so far.