New Member From (NJ) - need some starter friends lol

My name is Dan, I'll be 29 this year. I used to be in the Service. I'm Currently in retail management. (Hopefully not for too long) I let me self get fat and lazy over the years and I want to take back my life. I'm Currently 5'9" and sitting at 210 Lbs. I just started the very vigorous INSANITY workout and hope to shed a big chunk of the weight off over the next 60 days. Nutrition is very new to me, even when i was in shape I never ate right. I am always open for gaining or giving information as it comes up. All Friends welcome ...


  • Natp274
    Natp274 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey ya! From NZ and looking for some new friends. Will send you a friend request. Good luck on your quest :)
  • EmilyStartzman
    EmilyStartzman Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Dan, I am a 19 year old female looking for a 29 year old guy that works in retail. ;)
    Kidding! I am actually quite new to this site as well. Though my profile is correct, I have been one of those people who decides "Hey! I am going to start dieting today!" and then goes to McDonalds for lunch. It's cool that you've decided to super-drop some weight, and I wish you all the luck. Hopefully this site can help with both of our weight loss goals.
    Nice to meet you!
    - Emily
  • caitmarshhh
    caitmarshhh Posts: 69 Member
    Hey I'm from Jersey! Feel free to add me and good luck :)
  • drpope83
    drpope83 Posts: 10
    Thx :P
  • zahidmahfooz
    zahidmahfooz Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me if u like!
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    Hey, congrats on doing Insanity. I've heard it's really hard. Kudos.
  • welcome! There are so many people here for support! you're in the right place! add me!