


  • annalee_1
    annalee_1 Posts: 235 Member
  • 651055
    651055 Posts: 32
    Easiest natural solution - drink a mug of warm water with a spoonful of honey an an empty stomach in the morning.

    Have had issues for years but this did the trick.
  • you need magnesium citrate. It's what we give patients before they undergo bowel surgery. Works every time.

    Take this only if you want to completely clean is just a temporary relief.

    I was going to say the same thing and if you take it for temporary relief don't plan on going anywhere. It will start about 30 mins to and hour after you drink it and generally the "results" will not stop for 24 hours. You have to stay close to a bathroom. I know because this is what they prescribed me (it's over the counter). For my severe constipation once.

    For upping your water intake, I had the same problem. I've never been able to drink more than about two cups of water a day because I wasn't thirsty. What I did is we buy Nestlé pure life bottle water, it's 16.9 oz per a bottle so ruffle 2 cups of water. I drink one full bottle of water at breakfast lunch and dinner. It is part of the dinner and helps with flushing the system also. Then I try to drink a full one at work during the day. If I do that I get my full 8 glasses of water. If I just do the meals I get 6. So right now as long as I strive to finish each bottle at the meal time I get close to if not my slotted amount of water and nestle pure life is cheaper than most bottled water so pretty in expensive. I have a water filter at work so I just use the same bottle and fill it up at lunch and drink it and then my during work ours water as well. It helps me maybe that will help you?
  • Curvy1taliana
    Curvy1taliana Posts: 371 Member
    3 magnesium caps at night, @250mg a piece, works like a charm when you wake up in the morning, and most Americans are deficient in it.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    ground flaxseed!
    Works a charm ;)
  • nikkillane
    nikkillane Posts: 9 Member
    High fiber is fantastic, but you have to remember to increase your water accordingly. I know all too well.. :(
  • My cousin with similar problems told me that he found on the help for his problems.I heard the tips from here are very goo to combat constipation problems.
    I hope this helps.
  • Soozie1978
    Soozie1978 Posts: 138 Member
    Prunes people, prunes!!!

    This! Worked for me!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
  • bump
  • Miralax is the answer......i mix it with my cream and baileys for a night time drink!!!
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    Never in my adult life have I been regular.

    This year, I finally went to a gastro doc. Despite eating better, drinking water, exercising, I was still irregular.

    We have ruled out any blockage of the colon (colonoscopy) as I was having some stomach pains that we now are thinking could be my ovaries so now seeing by gyn.

    In November, I started using Miralax per the doc. I have been the most regular I have ever been. I think there have only been a few days where I haven't gone.

    Long story short, definitely go to the doc. There are so many reasons why you might not be regular. For me, it is just my body's medical reason why.

    Same symptoms here. Miralax didn't work. Fiber made things worse. Turns out I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Most people think of diarrhea when they think of IBS, but it can also manifest itself in constipation. I take Amitiza for it. It's not a laxative. It's a muscle relaxer that specifically targets my colon, and it works wonders!
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    ummm bump lol
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Lots of water. Dried pluots work for me (when I don't want them to). Also try to up the fiber, maybe try chia seeds?

    I would say depending on how long, you should probably discuss with your MD.
  • Yeah, one would think starting this new healthy eating thing would smooth out tummy troubles! Now I'm taking a capsule probiotic and belladonna-phenobarbital to stop the constipation-diarrhea-gas-cramps cycles I've been going through. >_< RE: original poster have you tried probiotic capsules? Make sure they are enteric coated so that they make it to where they need to be and store in the fridge.
  • LydiaAlb
    LydiaAlb Posts: 3 Member
    Had a friend who had this problem and heard on Dr. Oz show to drink peppermint tea, she claims it worked for her after years of trying over the counter products...Good Luck!
  • Pifflesmom
    Pifflesmom Posts: 134 Member
    When people tell me I'm full of s**t, they really know what they're talking dietician recommended ground flax seed and my sister said to up my magnesium intake, so I'm trying that right now. It's hit and miss at the wine USED to keep me nice and regular, but that had to go bye bye when I started my new healthy eating plan!
  • demitraknows
    demitraknows Posts: 82 Member
    A hot cup of sea salt water first thing in the morning helps out alot. A elderly person advised me on this about 2yrs ago and I use it at least once a week. Stay close to home when you do it though..
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    It isn't just how much fiber you consume but also when you eat it. Try balancing fiber intake with every meal.

  • sonyalear2012
    sonyalear2012 Posts: 29 Member
    I have chronic constipation from taking years of pain meds...the best thing is to eat fiber one, lots of fruits and vegetables and if that doesnt work Miralax i put 2 cap fuls in sugarfree lemonade about 6 oz late at night and i go really good by morning...