Just starting with over 200 to lose

Hi Everyone!

My name is Krista. I'm new to MFP and I'm just starting on my journey. I have over 200 pounds to lose so I know I have a long way to go. I've been overweight all my life, tried just about ever diet (multiple times) and have finally figured out, or rather accepted and embraced the fact that I cannot do this alone. So I'm reaching out and would love to have some friends, motivators and support along the way.


  • myyovett
    myyovett Posts: 51 Member
    Hello Krista... I have about 150! I have tried every diet on the planet and trying again!! I would love to add you as a friend and help support your journey to the best of my ability!!!! Blessings and much success to you!!!
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    Hi Krista! Welcome to MFP. feel free to add me!!! good luck you can TOTALLY DO THIS
  • busymom50
    busymom50 Posts: 29
    Hi Krista, I'm Kathy and I also recently joined. I have 75 lbs. To lose. Looking forward to having friends to motivate me as well as maybe helping someone else. I'm glad I don't have to do this journey alone.
  • angeleyes2u78
    angeleyes2u78 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Krista. I'm new to MFP and I'm just starting on my journey. I have over 200 pounds to lose so I know I have a long way to go. I've been overweight all my life, tried just about ever diet (multiple times) and have finally figured out, or rather accepted and embraced the fact that I cannot do this alone. So I'm reaching out and would love to have some friends, motivators and support along the way.

    Hey Krista - - My name is Kim, I currently weigh 333,2 pounds give or take.... I have about 160 something to lose ... I understand what you are talking about, we can not do this on our own,,, this website has been a lifesaver for me.. it has gotten me motivated.... I will log on to see my food and I will log on to see what others have accomplished today and I will see that so and so worked out this long and burned this many calorires.... it makes me wanna try harder to keep up with them.... (i know I can't in most cases, but it pushes me to do more than what I WANT to do)..... it also has been good source of resources and information.... and friendship..... accountability etc...... private message me and we can talk more if you want..... YOU CAN DO THIS... if I CAN ... YOU CAN!!!!!
  • Hey Krista, Im Cheryl and I am going to be losing about 150 lbs. You can add me if you like:bigsmile:
  • DamaliAsabyiKioni
    DamaliAsabyiKioni Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome aboard Krista! We can do this together!!
  • Welcome, Krista! The most important thing is that you're starting even if it's not your first time! I have 131 pounds to lose, and I've already lost 60 of those. I'd love to help motivate you, and have you help motivate me! MFP is a great place with wonderful people to help one another. Congrats on starting your journey! You can DO this! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • tosmoothash
    tosmoothash Posts: 187 Member
    Hi Krista!!!! Welcome welcome welcome!!!I have 119lbs to lose. && you're right we can't do this thing alone!!!! I'm going to add you bc we all need some on to motivate each other!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!
  • Hi Krista, my starting weight was 379 so I have about 200 to lose as well. You're not alone here. Feel free to add me.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    you are in the right place and made the right move ... good luck .. lots of help here ...
  • Just keep on trucking. Every day is going to be different. Some good, some bad, but just remember on here, there are always people who are willing to support you--no matter what!
  • Hi Krista. I just joined MFP also. My starting weight (before joining) was 318. I'm down to 279, so I have about 104 more to go. Please feel free to add me. I'm finding this site to be a great distraction in the evening - instead of hitting the fridge.
  • lisarasch
    lisarasch Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Krista, I am also a beginner. We just need to find healthy filling foods, and cut down on portion size. Don"t forget to keep moving to burn calories. I am going to get a pedomiter to track my steps. Good luck
  • gail2002
    gail2002 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Krista...My Name is Gail, I have yo-yo dieted for years as well...always trying to do it on my own. In October of 2010 I joined a weight loss program because I was tired of it...I hated feeling the way I did. I successfully lost 50 lbs with them and my year membership was over...but didn't reach my goal. In December of 2011 I joined a gym. I am working with a trainer so he motivates me to keep working harder. You can't do it on your own. You definately need people around you. I am realizing that you also can't do it with diet alone. Exercise is very important. When I was joining the gym someone their said something to me that turned a lightbulb on for me I think...they said that everyones body will find its own plateau - a weight that it is happy at and stay there. Sadly ours isn't a good number. The only way to change that number(permanently) is by increasing the amount of muscle in your body....that means working on your core. With this in mind and the support of people around me and on MFP then hopefully I will get to my goal - for a total of 100lbs. Be patient, don't stress - if you have a bad day - tomorrows a new day you can start fresh, make appointments for your exercise and don't break them. Good luck would love to be your MFP friend!!
  • this is a great place to be! You'll do awesome!!!
  • gebe1231
    gebe1231 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Krista! I've just started this year as well! So far I've lost 20 lbs in 2 months with the help of MFP! Please feel free to add me if ya want to give & receive support!! As well as others who have commented on here! It's quite the journey & would love company along the way! We CAN do this!!!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    HI Krista and everyone else too! Welcome to MFP! I have been on here for almost 50 days now and have lost 18 pounds rather easily by just staying under that calorie that they recommend EVERYDAY. I am amazed at how easily this truly works. I eat out occasionally by planning my day in advance and still lose weight. I love it and the support I get from others. I am proud of you for making this start and know you can do it! I have 115 pounds left to lose and know I can do this with this site. I am like you and have done everything in the world out there, but this works with great results! Good luck in your endeavor!!:smile:
  • SheilaKT
    SheilaKT Posts: 9
    Hi, my name is Sheila and I just started last Saturday and need to lose about 150 pounds. So far the calories are going good. Just need help with exercising. I need help to stay motivated to exercise.
  • Welcome! As long as you try and get involved in changing your life, you will absolutely succeed on MFP. Feel free to add me for support.
  • MinimizingMichelle
    MinimizingMichelle Posts: 96 Member
    Hey Krista! I have 75 (well, 70 now) and I'm on day 10! Good luck! :)