Need some help here, people!

Okay, so, I'm frustrated and confused. For a month now I have been working out at least 5 days a week and watching what I eat. Not only has the scale not moved, it actually went up a pound yesterday. There are a lot of things that might be in play -- period water weight that might be creeping on right now; my scale being off -- Fiance said he has gotten drastically different measurements on it over the course of one day, like, 10lbs different -- or the fact that perhaps I was snacking more than I realized, something. But the end result is that I'm frustrated.

I did every thing well today, ate the healthy foods I had brought from home, had one calculated and healthy snack, sort of went overboard at dinner, but I'm about to workout for about an hour which will burn off all those cals and then some and put my final total under my daily goal. And this morning I adjusted my settings so that I am aiming for only 1 pound a week, thinking that maybe I wasn't eating enough or something. I can only wait and see if today's changes have any lasting effect.

I'm going to weigh myself on the gym scale tomorrow to see if I get a different result, but until then, ugh. My wedding is in less than 6 months, I want to lose between 30 and 50 pounds back then, or all my baby weight, really, and I feel like the clock is ticking. I can't afford to waste my time and efforts on strategies that aren't working.


  • They say that you should always weigh yourself at the same time of the day because our weight will fluctuate throughout the day. It's best not to weigh yourself every day, too. Also, I've read that as you are working out you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Hope that helps.
  • sandybeachez
    sandybeachez Posts: 69 Member
    My humble suggestion STOP weighing and start taping. Take measurements, arms, thighs, hips, bust , waist etc. Weigh one a month or even every 2 weeks. And if your not lifting yet begin. You will be surprised by what lifting des for your body.
  • nenar77
    nenar77 Posts: 21 Member
    I have SLOWLY lost weight. One of my MFP friends showed me how to add sugar and sodium on my log chart. Yep. Thats my problem. Even when I stay under my calorie goal, I am still over my sugar and sodium limits. I am still struggling, but I know what to fix. Finding what to fix is the frustration. Good luck with tomorrows weigh-in.
  • Yveydiva
    Yveydiva Posts: 2
    Hi there, well without sounding critical, It seems to me you're being a little inconsistent and not taking all into consideration as you could be. The PMS water weight is def a deterrence. Keep in mind its just water. I usually just subtract the amount from my normal weight cuz mine is always the same amount. You def need a new scale or just use the one at the gym until you get one, that can drive u bananas. Going overboard at one meal can throw off your whole day and then trick you into thinking you can burn them off by working out longer. Doesn't always work that way. If you do go overboard, try to cut back on your other meals, so you won't go over your daily limits. Yes, easier said than done, but keep the bigger picture in mind.

    Just try to be more consistent by sticking within your calorie range, exercising regularly and drinking plenty of water. Congrats on your wedding. I'm sure in 6 mos time you'll be a beautiful bride!
  • It sounds like a problem with your scale for sure. 10 pound fluctuation in 1 day!! Without reading a scale, do you feel and see a change in your body? If you are eating correctly and exercising you are definitely on the right track. Maybe try intensifying your workout... make your workouts worth your time! Good luck and keep it up!
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I bought a new digital scale that would make huge fluctuations. For a week or two, it had me so frustrated that I went back to my old scale. If you have a digital scale, seems like they are very sensitive. I think the main thing is to pick one scale and go by it because all scales can be a bit different. Like others have said - weigh the same time of day and only weigh once a week or every two weeks and check measurements to see if you have difference there. Good Luck
  • Bonnieelizabeth
    Bonnieelizabeth Posts: 68 Member
    I have the same problem with my scales. I can weigh at home and then when i go to the Dr I weigh 10 pounds or more heavier so I don't even weigh in until I get new scales. I am just going by how my clothes fit and will hopefully be suprised when I weigh in. Plus water weight and the lack of body functions can make you weigh more than you really do. During the week of a period you can actually figure on about 3 or 4 pounds of water weight. Who knows maybe I will have tipped the scales in my favor Hope I have helped! Have a great day!
  • Sounds as if you aren't really sure what you weigh or even how much you are actually eating, so, for what it's worth, here's what I suggest: 1) Make certain your scale is accurate (though how clothing fits is often a better gauge.) 2) For one week weigh/measure and WRITE DOWN absolutely every morsel that passes your lips; portion size takes some time to learn, and "mindless eating" and or "portion-creep" can carry lots of calories. 3) Sounds like you are working out a lot.....are you drinking enough water????? I have found that anything less than 8 cups per day (and I usually do 10) causes the weight number to stall.....that and too many simple carbs. I avoid (but indulge in a measured amount once a week or so) grains, sugar and alcohol, which generally switch on my craving for more grains, sugar and alcohol, sending me face-first into the trough!!! I am losing between 1 and 1 1/2 pounds each week (10 pounds so far.) This does mean that I am not eating any processed food at all, which requires some planning/time but not really that much, and everything I eat is beautiful/appetizing.....I eat lots of fresh food: veggies, a bit of fruit, dairy, lean protein, legumes, measured amounts of the"good" oils (olive and coconut)...even a bit of dark chocolate (but a measured bit, and only after a meal with a nice bit of protein in it. Don't give up, experiment and find what works for you (and then stick with it!!!)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Buy "New Rules of Lifting for Women." AND START LIFTING Now.

    Stop under-eating if you have been. That means eat your exercise calories.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    Weigh and measure all your food. Drink lots of water. I don't know if you have the time to lose 50 pounds or not, but if you are lifting weights, you will totally reshape your body and LOOK like you lost 50 pounds. You can do it!
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
  • Ok, so this is really difficult, but it works like gangbusters. Every time I cut out refined sugar, like really, no exceptions, I lose crazy weight. Even if I mess up and eat a pizza or something once or twice a week, if I cut out sugar, I will see abs in a few months. It's just so addictive I find that if I make it off-limits, after a while I don't even crave it anymore. Try it out. Also, remember to try to eat foods that are good for you, like veggies. Not just foods that are less bad for you, like 100 cal packs of crappy snack food. It makes a huge difference.