I just REALLY need to vent....

LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
So, tonight I notice one of my old friends has a picture of her cat up with a "Free to Good Home" notice. I called and asked why on earth was she getting rid of him. The answer?? He pee'd on her new bed set. Seriously?!?!? You're going to kick him out for peeing on something? Cause it was new? You've had him in your life for the last 6 YEARS! And you're going to get rid of him for THAT?! Honestly..... This just pisses me off to no end. WHY would you bring him home into your home in the first place if you weren't prepared to keep him for the rest of his life? Wonder if she'll do that to her daughter when she starts potty training and pees on the floor, seat of the car, or heaven forbid her own bed?! Just asinine. Some people should not be allowed to "own" animals......


  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    I know, right? And the reason the cat probably peed on it because it was new. How can you have a cat for 6 years and not learn anything about them.
  • spiritcrusher
    spiritcrusher Posts: 326 Member
    You folks are weird...
  • paletendril
    Animals are not disposable :(
  • sunkissedbrunettte
    Shame on her. I HATE people that do that kinda stuff. It's not the cats fault...it's just a cat it doesn't know right from wrong. I have two cats, and they sometimes have "accidents" but I would never get rid of them for it.. i love em to death and my house is the only home they ever knew! it wouldn't be fair.
  • Tami113
    Tami113 Posts: 117 Member
    Animals are not disposable :(

    People people people!! This is so true!!! As someone who has a lot of pets (1 rabbit, 12 turtles, 2 guinea pigs, over 100 fish, 1 snake, 1 tarantula and a dog) i would not give any of them up for the world!! I spend thousands of dollars each year on the best food, the best vet care and pet hotels and it is worth every penny!!! I get so sickened when people do this. That is a life, a living, breatjing soul. Animals have feelings that we can not even understand. Honestly if your friend is like that then she doesn't deserve a pet. Hopefully she learned and does not put another animal through the same experience. Maddening i tell you!!!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    It's just a cat. If it was a dog on the other hand, then I could see your point.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    It's just a cat. If it was a dog on the other hand, then I could see your point.

    Lol... I'm the same. Though I hate the fact she would try and give it away.

    Dogs for the win. They can stay outside if need be. Cats just kill birds and other native animals.
  • jordean22
    jordean22 Posts: 3 Member
    It's just a cat. If it was a dog on the other hand, then I could see your point.
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Some people are dumb. Animals are a forever commitment. It makes me sad when people treat animals as if they are disposable. :(
  • Gatominx
    Gatominx Posts: 61 Member
    Funny you should say that. I have two cats, one of which, who has yet to come forward, crawled into the dryer and peed on clean clothes. I realize this is probably my fault since the kitty box could be a tad cleaner. However, I would never consider giving up a pet because of this, every now and then they will act like animals, shocking I know. I think that the way some people treat animals is a good way how to interpret what kind of person they are! I hope her poor kitty doesn't have a uti and couldn't help it.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I have an awesome mattress cover that's waterproof. It doesn't feel like plastic. I got it when I got my mattress. Everything else I put on my bed is washable... because I have a puppy that might pee on it. It's a lifestyle choice. Period. But once you make that choice, it's not reversible.
  • jordean22
    jordean22 Posts: 3 Member
    Im not sure how this posting works. I was trying to answer to quote I highlighted. I do not agree with that particular post. I was just going to say what a really nice thing to say.. NOT.
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    I have an awesome mattress cover that's waterproof. It doesn't feel like plastic. I got it when I got my mattress. Everything else I put on my bed is washable... because I have a puppy that might pee on it. It's a lifestyle choice. Period. But once you make that choice, it's not reversible.
    I had to get one of those too. I love my beagle to pieces, even if she does pee on the bed when she's mad at me.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    It's just a cat. If it was a dog on the other hand, then I could see your point.
    Truth! Ferrets are the best, though.
  • LoveAngie23
    It's just a cat. If it was a dog on the other hand, then I could see your point.

    Cats are capable of very deep and loving relationsips, just like dogs. They are more independent, but still just as sweet and loveable.

    I think a lot of people are unfortunately uneducated about their pets. It sounds like the cat just needs to be spayed or neutered to prevent "marking" problems like that. Cats are generally very clean animals and don't usually pee on things for the hell of it. I have had several cats (and dogs which I also love) and the cats have never peed on random things unless they were marking or if their litter box is dirty. Because they are such clean creatures they won't continue to go in a dirty litter box forever. They don't want to be in it and they don't want to contribute to the excess filth. It's a matter of misunderstanding.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    People think they "have" pets because humans have tamed animals. Relationships with pets are two-way. Humans, cats and dogs have chosen to associate with members of another species and have derived mutual benefit. The cat has you as a pet the same way you have the cat. You can't just make any random wild animal into a pet that will come back home even if not leashed or caged.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I have two cats. Luckily, my house has doors.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Licensing and a test should be required to be a pet owner. I hope this is not a male cat, and I hope this is not the first sign that he is developing a urethral obstruction (blocking).
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    Funny you should say that. I have two cats, one of which, who has yet to come forward, crawled into the dryer and peed on clean clothes. I realize this is probably my fault since the kitty box could be a tad cleaner. However, I would never consider giving up a pet because of this, every now and then they will act like animals, shocking I know. I think that the way some people treat animals is a good way how to interpret what kind of person they are! I hope her poor kitty doesn't have a uti and couldn't help it.

    So true! My cat peed on my duvet twice and I realised it was when her cat litter tray was a little dirty, I've lernt my lesson! Keep it clean or she has a dirty protest! :laugh:

    I've never given up a pet! Although I do work for Bio Alert dogs so I always have puppies I have to give back, it's so sad, but they go to the most amazing people who rely on them totally. They are never left in the house alone, forgotten, or given away. They are the most important friend these people can have.

  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    So glad to see I'm not the only one that this thinking aggravates.
    After the OP, I called her back to ask more questions about him. Has he done it before? Does he do this other places? Basically a "What's going on here" hunt.
    Well, he HAS done it before in "random" places around the house when they had another cat staying with them. Luckily it WASN'T theirs, they were just pet sitting. Ok. "Random" peeing isn't random to a cat. It's called marking. Not a big deal, but rather than address the problem promptly, they just let it go, and cleaned up when ever he did it. It stopped when the owner finally came to get the other cat.
    Then I asked about any other places that he might pee now that the other cat is gone. The answer? He likes to pee in the dirty clothes basket, (but that's not a big deal cause it's already dirty. Her words exactly)...cause it's right next to his littler box!
    Also, he likes to pee in her daughters bed after her diaper leaks.
    Seems to me that she's known for a while that he has a "Marking" problem, but rather than address it, she has just enabled it. Guess that Dry Clean Only bedding was the last straw cause it was "Hers". Oh, and she doesn't plan on getting it cleaned, "Just replacing it". Must be wonderful to be so clueless that you think everything in your life is "Just replaceable".
    Hope to heaven she never gets another pet. Not even a won at the fair Goldfish.