What would you tell your 17 year old self if you had the cha



  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    "Guess what?? Fad diets don't work!"
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    I would have told myself I wasn't fat and to stop starving myself. 117 is totally acceptable for a person my height.

    Also, I would have warned myself that you never have life figured out and that plans constantly change.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Don't borrow money from the bank for your first car and second, just get a motorbike, way faster and cheaper. Listen to your parents... They know heaps more than you ever will. Get ripped now and maintain rather than start when your 28 lol
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Don't date that one guy, he's a jerk and you shouldn't tie yourself down senior year with a boy anyway!
  • CountDown321
    CountDown321 Posts: 117 Member
    Wow so many things. Stop eating so damned much and learn some self control. Also, pick a better and actually useful major so your bachelor's degree isnt nearly useless.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I would say "girl you aren't fat, sh** you don't know what fat is, but you will, ohhhh you will" then maybe I will have scared myself into dropping the burger
  • paletendril
    You are most certainly not fat but believing you are will make that come true. Oh, and the number of friends you have means nothing at all, it's the quality that counts.
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    Don't listen to your mom about going to a community college!! Follow your dream to become an architect and go to Cal Poly!!!! Also, stop being so damn shy and speak up! People will love you because you have a great personality! :flowerforyou:
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    Well assuming my 17 year old self would have listened to the current me, I would've told myself to shape up sooner and get my weight and lifestyle under control NOW and not let me get as big as I am now. I'm sure that my life would've been different than it is now because I probably would have had more self confidence if I had a better body image of myself. But of course, then I wouldn't have met my husband and had my two kids and then found this lovely website full of supportive people.
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 422 Member
    Buy stocks from Yahoo. Facebook, Microsoft, Apple etc...
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Respect yo self before you reck yo self.
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    DUMP the guy's *kitten* u are with now. He's not worth it and he will make u feel like complete garbage overall! You are NOT fat at the weight u are now (around 120) so shut up! Don't take being a size 5 for granted either. Take the damn sat's SERIOUSLY, you'll feel like a complete dumbass later on. Watch what the hell u ate or you'll end up in about 6 or 7 years feeling like a complete fatass 20 lbs heavier.
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    Buy property by the water it will go up heaps in value by the time your 50.
    travel a bit before having kids.
    dont lend money to friends you will never get it back so you may as well just give it to them as a gift.
    dont leave all your worldly possesions in the care of so called friends you will be lose the lot and never see your stuff or the friends again.
    If you live oin a flood prone area MOVE.
    Keep paint well away from your baby boy (if he read this he'd know what I mean, LOL)
    Do Not ride that moter bike through park You will have an accident.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    invest in Apple, keep an eye out for Google and for frack sakes finish that History paper early so that when Cherise spends the night while your parents are away and keep coming out to "talk" to you in less and less sleep wear you don't waste the evening on that fracking paper!!!!! .

    Other then that I would tell him to work out more, cuz I can kick the crap out of 17 year old me and that is just sad.

    Major points for the avatar... and *kitten* this made me laugh... Cherise totally wanted you man!!! *Shakes fist*
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    umm, way to go on doing Saba Zafar!!

    Edit: BTW, theres ALOT of bad things I could warn my 17 yrs old self, but tbh, I cherish every single mistake I made. Every bad thing that happened to me made me the man I am (that includes losing my mother at 19 when I was in US and she was in Asia)
  • dizzydi1968
    dizzydi1968 Posts: 564
    Hold on tight, its gonna be a bumpy ride!!

    Seriously though, I dont regret a thing even the bad stuff has made me what I am today.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Never let someone be your priority, while you remain their option.

    You will never look this good again, stop being so down on yourself.

    If you killed them all now, you would be out by the time you are writing this.
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    Buy stocks from Yahoo. Facebook, Microsoft, Apple etc...

    I was waiting to see someone post this! :laugh:
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    Call that boy you were nuts about that moved away when you were 15. That way you don't have to wait until you're 40 to marry him.

    Mom is right, the damage you do to your body now is REALLY gonna hurt when you're over 50!
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    Ask that cute girl you like at school out on a date