What program works best?

Hey everyone!!
Im new to the site and am amazed by some of these sucess stories and how quickly they get accomplished.
I was just wondering what works for you all? ex: 30 day shred, Jillian Michaels, P90X.
I have about 25 pounds I want to loose ontop of toning..so any information would be appreciated.

Thanks so much!!!


  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member

    There's some good info here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/510917-p-90x-insanity-30-day-shred

    There's been a really good case made for insanity
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I hate doing the same thing every week. It gets boring. So I take all of those workouts and mix them together. Haha. I don't know if that's necessarily the best thing to do, but it can't be the worst. :)
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    The bodies I like best seem to combine heavy lifting and HIIT workouts, but not on the same day.
  • wow..responses soo fast.
    Thanks so much for taking the time.
    Im having a hard time refraining from my normal habits.
    Soda is a biggg problem..I usually last about a week and make some exuse!
  • Thank you!.
    Have you tried any of these?:smile:
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    I have done p90x in the fall!
    Shred over christmas.
    Currently in week 7 of insanity.


    1. P90x lifting, some cardio 3 hours or so a week
    2. Shred - circuit training following her 3min -2min - 1 min plan
    3. Insanity 6-8 hours of hard core cardio a week. I am losing upper body strength.

    Best weightloss by far p90x
    Best for time vs results shred
    i literally can't think of anything nice to say about insanity. Shawn T has nice abs..
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    What finally moved my weight loss is increasing cardio to 60 min. I am almost 50, so don't want to do anything stupid. Invested in the heart monitor and watching my BPM at around 145. Amazingly it moved. Down 29 so far.

    For my diet - it is basically low carb. All my carbs are from veggies. Unfortunately no fruit at this time, and to be honest I miss it. But eventually I will resume. This is short term till I reach my goal of 40LBS weight loss. For my protein, I eat mainly fish. And good thing about fish is you can prepare it every day with different recipe, so I never get tired of it.

    Good luck with your progress...
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Honestly, I don't think it matters which exercise program or diet you follow (within reason of course!)
    The key thing is finding a way of eating and a kind of exercise that fits with your lifestyle and budget and suits your body and mind. And that you can keep doing!

    If you like the sound of those exercise programs, then go for it, if you are motivated and enjoy it, then it will work. If you start something that is too hard or too easy or too dull or too painful - you're not going to keep it up, and you won't see results.

    I've been reading this forum for over a year now and I'm amazed at how many different paths people have taken to get their results - and the common factor is sticking with it!

    For me, the "program" has been eating at a moderate deficit (not too little, not too much) and learning that I love to run.
  • I would like to know what are some good exercise programs? Are they better then using a treadmill or bike
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    I would like to know what are some good exercise programs? Are they better then using a treadmill or bike

    It's really what you like to do :).

    Dance - try zumba
    Do you like to lift things?
    Be outside (try running or walking)

    Anything that you think is fun and can do consistently :)
  • Hi, am fairly new to this! Started a few weeks ago and lost 8lb but went off track! Time to start again and stop getting annoyed about my weight and do something about it! Please feel free to add me x
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Honestly, I don't think it matters which exercise program or diet you follow (within reason of course!)
    The key thing is finding a way of eating and a kind of exercise that fits with your lifestyle and budget and suits your body and mind. And that you can keep doing!

    If you like the sound of those exercise programs, then go for it, if you are motivated and enjoy it, then it will work. If you start something that is too hard or too easy or too dull or too painful - you're not going to keep it up, and you won't see results.

    I've been reading this forum for over a year now and I'm amazed at how many different paths people have taken to get their results - and the common factor is sticking with it!

    For me, the "program" has been eating at a moderate deficit (not too little, not too much) and learning that I love to run.

    This. I wanted to come back and expand on my previous answer but you basically said what I wanted to say. The best exercise program is finding things you like enough to keep doing. And it's fun to keep trying new things for variety.

    While I strength train lifting heavy 2x/week, and usually incorporate some HIIT a few times a week, I also do a wide variety of exercises to keep from getting bored and so that I don't over-work or under-work any specific muscle groups. Some of these things I only do once or twice a month but I just rotate through various things based on what sounds like fun that day and what fits into my schedule: run, swim, hike, cycle, elliptical, yoga, kickboxing, spinning, step aerobics, stairmaster, zumba, pilates, hydro-fit, circuit-training, etc. Variety is the spice of life and, I believe, makes for a well-rounded exercise program.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    The program that you can stick with and fits your lifestyle will be the best. This may be different then what works/worked for most others.

    For me, I love mixing P90X with some of my own stuff.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Whatever keeps you motivated long-term is the best program. Those of us who have had success usually had a long road finding what was right for us personally - There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Some people do really well with short plans like P90X because they can focus a lot of intensity in a short amount of time, while others are a lot more successful with high endurance, low intensity programs. What worked for me was taking up a high-intensity sport (muay thai).

    If you're the kind of person who needs motivating, I highly suggest joining a class and doing something with other people under the guidance of an instructor. Conforming to a regular schedule with your peers is really great. For me it's muay thai, but I know a lot of people who swear by Crossfit. Of course, these people are already in decent shape as it is - If you've been out of the exercise world for some time, I would really recommend taking a class at the gym that appeals to you. Zumba, kickboxing, pilates, etc.

    The more you try, the more you know what you like/don't like :)
  • I do TurboFire 6 times a week in the morning, then after work about 3-4 days a week I go to the gym and sweat out my work frustrations for 45 minutes. TurboFire has various workouts including HIIT and Cardio along with a bit of toning. They vary in time from 15-55 minutes. I started orginally in November but I had stopped in January, now I'm back at square one.

    I also have Jillian Michaels Shred for when I get bored with TF. When I go to the gym I do my 5K training program on the treadmill, then go do abs/circuit training strength, and then just push myself on the bike. It's working so far!

    It's all about variety and making sure you don't get bored because otherwise you just don't do it...
  • jadamuriel76
    jadamuriel76 Posts: 58 Member
    I will echo what most of the others have said, "do something you like and you will stick with it". There is a twist though...your body gets used to patterns/routines so at some point you may find that switching things up will give you better results. As for me I have had success with walking/running (intervals) on the treadmill, light weights/high reps for strength training, and using a weighted ball for core excercises. The fad "programs" have never been my thing...oh yeah my husband who is a personal trainer is a big fan of plyometrics. Soda was also something difficult for me to give up but maybe you could try cutting back first instead of cold turkey. Good Luck!
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    Insanity mixed with a little of lifting in the gym, you cant go wrong
  • wow..responses soo fast.
    Thanks so much for taking the time.
    Im having a hard time refraining from my normal habits.
    Soda is a biggg problem..I usually last about a week and make some exuse!

    My big addiction is Mountain Dew. My son also drinks the MD's also. Luckily he likes them not refigerated, or room tempature rather, which I do not. So I still buy them, but keep the 24 pack set aside and he drinks one warm with his supper. And if I have the extra calories in the evening and I am having a meal that I would prefer a soda, I grab a glass and add ice to the drink.

    And I have been using the 30 day shred and lost about 6 total inches in my bust, hips and waist. I just finished my first month. I am getting ready to start it over again. All I know is I feel much better in my jeans. And my hubby tells me how much better I look in them. :blushing:

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