Needing to get healthy for pregnancy



  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    I am in the same boat. A while back, I went to the OB/GYN to talk to her about getting pregnant. She advised me not to, until I could get my weight, Diabetes, and blood pressure under control. It was really hard to hear, but I know she is right. I spent the last year really battling some health concerns, but am finally feeling like myself again. I really want to lose this weight to get my health back on track so that my new husband and I can have a beautiful baby.

    My sister is a NICU nurse, and has warned me about what can happen if I don't get my body into a healthier situation, so I am really motivated to do this!!

    Feel free to add me (any of you!) and we can continue to support each other.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    I have 3 kids & have been overweight for all of them. Pregnancies were not bad other than with my middle son I was very close to having GD.

    My oldest 2 are 5 yrs apart. I had to take Metformin before I got pregnant. I most likely have PCOS (although it was never "confirmed" by my dr) and insulin resistance. The reality is that for some people, yes, your weight can affect your ability to conceive. That doesn't mean that is the case for everyone, obviously - but it is a very real possibility.

    Husband & I are on the fence about another..some days yes, some days a resounding no...but I told him either way I want to be thin enough that I look pregnant - not just fatter. I want to do those cute maternity pics... =)
    So far I have lost about 17 lbs but I really need to ramp up my exercise - and I still have a long way to go to my goal weight.

    Best of luck to everyone on their journeys!! =)
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Yes! I am going through the same thing. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 6 months now all the while I need to lose approx. 30 lbs. I don't know if the extra weight has something to do with not getting preggers but I definitely don't want to go into it being this overweight. I would love to go into pregnancy trusting that my body is healthy and ready to nourish a baby, and I can't imagine what it will feel like to have 30-40 extra lbs on my already overweight frame!

    I have found this site to be helpful in keeping me accountable but would also like to find some friends for some extra accountability. It would also be nice to have someone to go through this with. I have a friend I meet weekly with to exercise and we touch base daily about exercise and food but, she is not in the slightest interested in children. And all my other friends either are single or already have kids. It would be nice to have someone to chat with that's in the same situation as me :)
  • kdhill27
    kdhill27 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been dealing with infertility for the last 15 years. My husband and I went thru an IVF treament last fall, with negative results. They had to up my dose of meds because I was not responding and my doctor attributes some of it to being overweight. We plan on trying again but my doctor wants me to lose a minimum of 40lbs. My goal is a lot higher by the time we try again this fall. MFP has definitely helped me keep on track and accountable.
  • viclee1
    viclee1 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm another one. Although it isn't a primary reason for weightloss, it's definately in my mind. DH and I want to start trying in the fall (sept/ oct) for #3 and I hope to be at my goal weight before then :)
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Looks like I figured out how to start a group. What should be we call it? Any suggestions?

    Healthy Bodies, Healthy Babies (?)
  • For those of you that are interested. There is a MFP group for folks Trying to Conceive (TTC) and one for women who are pregnant. I’m a member of "TTC-For future mommies to be" and the other one is titled "Fit, Fabulous, & pregnant!" Hope this helps!

    Feel free to add me as a friend as well. I'm trying to get fit and continue to tone while TTC. Hoping to get pregnant and maintain a healthy weight through the pregnancy. But one step at a time, this TTC thing is proving to be harder than i thought.
  • Ok ladies. I put together a group called "Healthy Mommy To Be." Check it out!
  • CurveAppeal86
    CurveAppeal86 Posts: 272 Member
    My husband and I have been trying for a year and a half to get pregnant, so I am definitely looking into your new group!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I know how you feel... 3 years ago I lost 50 lbs just because we wanted to get pregnant later on.... when I did I gained 35 lbs, and now 3 months post baby only have 10 left to go... It was soo worth all the hard work. I got to enjoy being pregnant and hearing how good I looked instead of going over 200 lbs. The weight has fallen off and I feel better than ever, and enjoy not having to stress so much about baby weight

    Here is the link to my before/after/before/ after lol if you want to know more

    Good luck to you, and remember that you aren't just doing it for you, but the baby also :)
  • timetogetfitter
    timetogetfitter Posts: 26 Member
    Hows everyone doing?
  • timetogetfitter
    timetogetfitter Posts: 26 Member
    I know how you feel... 3 years ago I lost 50 lbs just because we wanted to get pregnant later on.... when I did I gained 35 lbs, and now 3 months post baby only have 10 left to go... It was soo worth all the hard work. I got to enjoy being pregnant and hearing how good I looked instead of going over 200 lbs. The weight has fallen off and I feel better than ever, and enjoy not having to stress so much about baby weight

    Here is the link to my before/after/before/ after lol if you want to know more

    Good luck to you, and remember that you aren't just doing it for you, but the baby also :)

    You look amazing well done x