Finally given up diet coke

Wow I haven't had diet coke in a week which is amazing for me. I used to have 1.5L+ a day for as long as I can remember and that included a large glass at breakfast ! I just decided to cut it completely and swap it for water mainly.

Also I used to have a constant fluctuation of being sleepy/alert throughout the day and now im alert all day. I'm not getting the caffeine from anything else like coffee either.

So basically I'm just posting to encourage anyone else thinking of doing the same thing. the first couple of days were hard as I felt feel a little tired, but after that I feel great. Think I must be saving around £2.50 per day aswell


  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    So great for you!!! It never hurts to check things out so see how it works for yourself. are you feeling any side effects? My cousin gave up diet coke and lost 12 pounds just from that. here's to new triumphs!
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    That is awesome. Well done. I know personally how hard it is not to have some diet coke when it's there in front of you (my family are big drinkers of it).
  • AndrewTub
    AndrewTub Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks ! Oh wow well I wouldn't mid that happening :P Only feeling positive effects after the first couple of days are over. I've noticed my stomach feels alot flatter as well must just be becasue there's not as much gas in me D:
  • lkwalker71
    lkwalker71 Posts: 131 Member
    I have done it in the past and lasted about 45 days. My sister gave up regular sodas 1/1/90 and only drinks water, milk or juice but pretty much only water and her kids were not raised on sodas either. I am seriously thinking about giving up diet coke/pepsi again and try to stick with it for good.
  • greatisbecky
    greatisbecky Posts: 7 Member
    Awesome! I just recently learned in class that the artificial sugars/sweeteners in diet sodas actually make you crave sugar more and a need to satisfy that sweet taste so you tend to drink/eat more and more stuff like diet coke. It's pretty much worse than regular coke in that sense so great job giving it up!
  • jobelle217
    jobelle217 Posts: 41 Member
    I have severely limited my diet coke consumption to ~ once a week and feel great! However, I can't seem to give up my splenda in my coffee....wish I could get away from that.
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    Good for you !!!! I gave it up a few months ago. I was still having one if we went to dinner or out of town for the weekend but I found I don't like the taste anymore.

    Congratulations on giving it up. I know it can be a hard habit to break :drinker: Yay water
  • meljusl
    meljusl Posts: 8
    Good job!!! It's been 15 months since i've had a sip of diet coke...or any soda!! It gave me a really bad ulcer so I just stopped drinking it.
  • tuppance
    tuppance Posts: 132 Member
    Well done you - the withdrawel headache is hell

    In the past I was on 4 - 5 cans a day and was quite aggressive if I didn't get my 'fix'

    I now drink 1 can most days - I am not addicted, I am not addicted, i could give it up, really I could - I don't want to

    I sound like an alcoholic

    When I have reached my goal and maintained then I too will take up the challenge to give up diet coke
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I used to drink 1 or 2 glasses of diet carbonated drinks. Usually Dr Pepper, Pepsi or Dandelion & Burdock. The only time I had a diet fizzy drink was last Saturday. There was half a small bottle left in the fridge and it was really tempting. I drank it, but since then I haven't had any. Been drinking a lot of water and a few cups of tea a day.

    I do have a pint or 2 of beer on the weekends. I enjoy me beer lol. Other than that, I just drink water.
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    We used to drink a LOT of diet coke products. For me it was a real bladder irritant, so when I got into long distance running the diet pop really interfered with my ability to just keep on running comfortably. Now when I think of drinking it, or if I try a sip, all I taste are chemicals and don't enjoy it at all.

    Congrats on your health choices!
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    I quit on Dec 31st. Damn hard. That stuff if bloody addictive and I craved it for ages (weeks and weeks).

    Aside from any health benefits that may or may not exist I must easily be £40 a month better off.
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    Money is the exact reason I quit! And I feel better, honestly. Good for you :)
  • AndrewTub
    AndrewTub Posts: 86 Member
    thanks for the encouragement people ! *sips water* !
  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    Congrats on kicking it to the curb.

    I'm 12 days diet coke (and artificial sweetener) free. The headache lasted 5 days - the craving is still with me.
  • debilyn574
    debilyn574 Posts: 92 Member
    Great job! I haven't had diet coke in 10 months now and honestly don't miss it at all! I used to only drink about a glass a day, so not a ton, but I'm happy that I was able to cut it out completely from my diet. It does get easier as time goes on.
    Now coffee on the other hand... was able to give that up for 6 weeks, but that's it!