Wheatabix ...doesnt fill me up!

Ok so in the mornings i typically have

2 sticks of Wheatabix
200ml skimmed milk
25g whey protein
15ml Aloe Vera juice
Spirulina tablets
Multi-vitamin tablet
1000mg omega 3 tablet

Now this all comes to 324 kcals, 4g fat, 39g carbs & 33g protein.

I eat my breakfast around 7.30am and by 10:30am my stomach is just rumbling so much, why is this?? I end up having to eat a banana or some almonds or just something! Shouldn't my meal last me till atleast lunch time? Am i burning it off that quickly? someone kindly explain!



  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Lots of people find that cereal doesn't fill them up for very long. Try adding some protein from real sources into your breakfast - yoghurt, eggs, cheese, lean meats.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'm always hungry mid-morning so I eat mid-morning. Simple!
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    cereal never fills me up!
    They claim they do. But I think it usually fills you up until your mid morning snack!!

    Eggs and soldiers always fill me till dinner time :D
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I find I am the same with cereal sometimes. Well I used to have Coco Pops, but I tried Ready Brek today for the first time with Sweetener and a banana sliced. The banana was quite high in sugar and I had to start using the Semi-Skimmed Milk until it's gone then I can go back to Skimmed Milk. Overall it was 315 calories, 61g carbs, 28g sugar, 5g fiber, 14g protein, and 9g of fat.

    I actually don't feel too hungry, I felt a little empty about half an hour ago, but I had some water just in case. Will probably have a few snack a jacks to tide me over till lunch.

    Anyway, when I did have Coco Pops for breakfast, I would usually have a Banana and even that didn't fill me up at all. I was craving anything pretty bad.

    If I have an Omelette with Baked Beans (Reduced Sugar and Salt) I feel fuller for a lot longer and don't usually go mad on snacks in between breakfast and lunch. Will usually grab a homemade banana oatmeal cookie.

    I've been trying to find a few ways to reduce my carb and sugar intake lately and I had a look at my breakfast this morning and I am going to get rid of the banana and replace it with some berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc). I had a look at them and they are way lower in carbs and sugar. After I have used the Semi Skimmed Milk I will go back to Skimmed Milk and that will help reduce my sugar intake.

    I think the best thing to have I would say is have eggs if you are having an early breakfast, I would consider 7:30am quite early for breakfast, especially if you are going to wait till 12pm or 1pm for lunch. That's almost 5 hours till lunch. So try an omelette or something that looks like it will fill you up because when you look at cereal it really doesn't look like it will fill you up for the amount that's in the bowl. My omelette's usually fill half of the plate then I have a quarter of the tin of baked beans so my plate is pretty much full and it's really low in calories, carbs and sugar, but high in protein and fiber.

    For later breakfasts, like say around 9am to 10am have some cereal, some fruit with natural fat free yoghurt. I've never tried the natural yoghurts before, but you could stick some low sugar and low carb fruits in there to mix up the taste I guess. Then a few hours later you have your lunch instead of waiting like 5 hours for it lol.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Guys I use to do Whetabix - useless fly's weight food
    Now I eat quaker oats
    Trust me 50-100 grams with everything <--- no more hunger
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member

    I eat my breakfast around 7.30am and by 10:30am my stomach is just rumbling so much, why is this?? I end up having to eat a banana or some almonds or just something! Shouldn't my meal last me till atleast lunch time? Am i burning it off that quickly? someone kindly explain!

    3 hours later i would definately be hungry regardless of what i had for breakfast - Having a banana is great.

    I have a mixture of oats, fruits, nuts and soya yogurt then a snack 2- 3 hours later - it's all good as long as it's healthy :happy:
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Plus the Whetabix is not very interesting, regarding it's nutritive property.
    I think it's interesting for a snack, maybe a pre-wo, or after a cardio session. But if you are a "breakfast" type, I wouldn' count on that in order to start the day. Or that could do it if you eat like the whole container. Try oatmelas :)
  • AnnieFJ
    AnnieFJ Posts: 82 Member
    Porridge - its the only way!!

  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    I have given up on eating cereal, they never fill me up, and I find it’s just empty calories.
    My favourite is porridge, I find this fills me up the best.
    But regardless, if I ate at 7.30 I would be starving by 10.00.
    I eat at 9am and by 10.30 I’m having a snack. You want to eat every 2-4 hours to keep your metabolism going and not end up starving.
  • ravihira1892
    Guys I use to do Whetabix - useless fly's weight food
    Now I eat quaker oats
    Trust me 50-100 grams with everything <--- no more hunger

    is that oats with milk or water?

    When i was bulking i used to have instant oats, milk, whey protein & mixed berries in my shake but even then i used to be hungry at 10:30 at the latest 11am! I thought when bulking you should eat every 2-3 hours and when loosing weight its not?

    P.S how many grams of oats do you use? also what type of milk?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I haven't eaten Weetabix for years, does it still taste like cardboard? LOL

    At 300 cal your breakfast may be a little light, you could add some fruit or berries (1/2 cup frozen blueberries is only 40 cal) to fill you up a bit more and maybe a bit more protein or just have a healthy snack if you're hungry mid-morning.
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    I love my weet bix (not sure if there is a difference to wheatabix). Every morning I have 2 with 1/4 cup of musli on top and half a banana (saving the other half for a snack inbetween meals). The musli is low GI, so it helps a lot. I do need to eat again at 10am, but this is only natural. Your body functions better with more smaller meals throughout the day. I find a cup of grapes at 10 gets me through until I have lunch at 12:30. I also make sure I have drunk 1L of water by midday. If I am still hungry, because I have been a little more active, I always have some nuts on the side to nibble on.

    Hope this helps.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I find whatever i eat in a morning i'm still hungry by 10. Be it omellete, weetabix or porridge. Nothing seems to make me last any longer.
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    I find that after I pile on about 250g of sugar, as required to make Weetabix taste like real food, then I'm so hyper I forget about being hungry.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member

    is that oats with milk or water?

    When i was bulking i used to have instant oats, milk, whey protein & mixed berries in my shake but even then i used to be hungry at 10:30 at the latest 11am! I thought when bulking you should eat every 2-3 hours and when loosing weight its not?

    P.S how many grams of oats do you use? also what type of milk?

    It doesn't matter how often you eat when you're bulking or cutting, as long as your calorie total ends up for the day where you want it.

    When I have oats, I always have with milk (semi skimmed) - On a bulk I would try and have ~100g oats, which is VERY filling. On a cut, around 60-70g.
  • elarvor
    elarvor Posts: 12 Member
    I used to have the same issue with weetabix so no longer eat them anymore. I now have 2 finn crips rye breads, 1 banana and a fruit tea which comes to about 140-145kcals. The other thing I do is to eat my breakfast slightly later than normal, say around 9:30-10; I'm lucky enough to be able to do that in my office without a problem.

    It's trying to find that balance isn't it!? Eating bacon, mushrooms, eggs, that sort of thing is great but actually fill me up too much in the morning and I end up skipping lunch.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Why would Weetabix fill anyone up?

    Try having bacon and eggs, or a omlette with plenty of veg.

    Try and get nutrition instead of empty calorie manufactured junk.
  • capperboy
    capperboy Posts: 99 Member
    Try adding All-Bran, works for me
  • KiiAttitude
    KiiAttitude Posts: 207 Member
    i think its normal , your bodys burning and using the energy , id say having a fruit mid morning is the right thing to do to keep your metablolism running as it should do. so dont worry.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    No matter what I have for breakfast I'm hungry 3 hours later... Even if I have 600 calories of oats, fruit, eggs and meat. So I eat 3 hours later!