Wheatabix ...doesnt fill me up!



  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Ok so I in fact I was wrong - whetabix have the same values as quaker oats - I just checked. I was quite convinced oats had more fibers that Whetabix.
    Regarding your breakfast - there are things to know :

    #1 - If you are not hungry in the morning, skip the breakfast. Have it when you are really hungry

    #2 - The feeling of being hunger is controller by an hormon called "Ghrelin". This one adapats to your feeding habits. If you maintain meals at fixed hour, you'll be hunger when the time comes. Good news is, the hormons adapt. If you constantly skip a meal, the first week you'll be hungry, then lately less.

    #3- Forget the whole timing, think in tern of total calories : You need (assuming yout goals are good) to eat a certain amount. The timing doesn't matter AT ALL. So if you are hungry in the beginning of the day - never in the end : prepare yourselves cabbage breaksfasts (eat 1000 calories if you want), and just don't eat in the end of the day

    #4- Now here is what I call a pretty solid breakfast (I myself don't eat anymore in the morning, I'm on IF)
    : 80 grams of Quaker Oats
    : 50 grams of SEMI-skimmed milk
    : 15 grams or strawberry coulis
    : 20 grams of nuts OR 2 tbsp of ground almonds

    Next to that :
    : 150 grams of 20% greek yogurt
    : 10 grams of coca powder

    A high-fiber fruit (a nice red apple for instance)

    I let you check the total cals - but basically I'd say 650-700 calories (60% carbs, 30% fat, 10% proteins)

    #5- Through my endless mistakes I've learned that wanting to track always the lowest caloric food is useless, since in the end of the week you'd end with a bigger exceed

    #6- I've purposely included a 20% and not a 0% yogurt. It is more dense and contains more proteins

    #7- Try that and let me know how it went

    #8- Remember the hormonal response - meaning the first days you'd still be hunger, eaven if you have a royal feast. by forcing yourself the first day, the level of ghrelin should remain low in that time window
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Put the savage breakfast in the microwave, during 3 minutes, oatmeals will be hot, it's even more delicious mmmmmmmm :)
    The glycemic index increases when oatmeals are hotter, meaning you could have an bigger insulin response (You would slightly feel it after 2,5 - 3 hours), but it's no biggie at all :)
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    I have the same breakfast most every morning. It is not a traditional breakfast, but it can keep me going at least until lunch if not well after.

    1 cup full fat cottage cheese
    1/2 cup beans (black, kidney, etc. - it does not matter)

    Cal: 322 Carbs: 25g Fiber: 8g Fat: 11g Protein: 35g

    If you want a traditional breakfast, then this is not for you. I wanted something easy to prepare ahead of time that I could travel with and had over 30g of protein.
  • siobhanhannon
    siobhanhannon Posts: 12 Member
    I agree Weetabix isnt filling despite its claims.

    I always have porridge, made with Soy milk and a tablespoon of Linseed (Flaxseed).
    Filling, slow release energy, low cal, and the linseed is full of omega 3 and helps digestion.

    Add some berries or banana to mix it up.

    Also, I defenitely agree with previous poster- you should eat if you are starving...I usually have breakfast about 7am and then have a piece of fruit or a few nuts at 10.30am ish. Most successful slim people who maintain their weight (rather than yo yo) state that they do it by managing their hunger. They eat small meals every 3-4 hours so they never get so hungry that they over eat- they keep their energy levels stable.

    Also....drink lots. If you think the hunger is emotional not physical then when youre hungry wait ten minutes (distract yourself with a chore) and if you still feel hungry then have your snack....just keep it healthy.
  • kc_miles
    kc_miles Posts: 4
    I must be odd then... 3 weetabix and 150ml of skimmed milk at 7am. No lunch yet but quite hungry. (its now 12.30).
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I agree Weetabix isnt filling despite its claims.

    I always have porridge, made with Soy milk and a tablespoon of Linseed (Flaxseed).
    Filling, slow release energy, low cal, and the linseed is full of omega 3 and helps digestion.

    Add some berries or banana to mix it up.

    Also, I defenitely agree with previous poster- you should eat if you are starving...I usually have breakfast about 7am and then have a piece of fruit or a few nuts at 10.30am ish. Most successful slim people who maintain their weight (rather than yo yo) state that they do it by managing their hunger. They eat small meals every 3-4 hours so they never get so hungry that they over eat- they keep their energy levels stable.

    Also....drink lots. If you think the hunger is emotional not physical then when youre hungry wait ten minutes (distract yourself with a chore) and if you still feel hungry then have your snack....just keep it healthy.

    Wrong :-)
    It's the so-called "metabolic fire" that doesn't exist. I tried the whole 6 meals. Now I've two meals, works better, and you don't end up bringing 45 tupperwares at work.
    In fact there is also a psycological sphere in that : Eating more meals means smaller ones (eg : Kitten plates), there is a high chance that the proportions leave you with the feeling of having eating nothing (trust me I've been there ahaha), and I was always waiting for the next tiny meal to come --> unavoidable binges
    Rather, 2 or 3 meals, or just one, but hell-sized 1- physically fills you 2- brings the satiety
  • siobhanhannon
    siobhanhannon Posts: 12 Member
    Maybe to each their own but I use the 3-4hours rule and have lost 3 stone and dont feel hungry or cravings.
    Its also what I have read in most of the research I have read. I have tried it, found it successful and so shared my findings.

    If 2 meals works for you then obviously you should continue with that.

    As for tupperware...can't say it bothers me...I just remind myself of my old clothes and the money bringing preprepared food over convenience shopping and that works! :happy:
  • kototo
    kototo Posts: 49 Member
    Guys I use to do Whetabix - useless fly's weight food
    Now I eat quaker oats
    Trust me 50-100 grams with everything <--- no more hunger

    I agree! I use steel cut oats and cook it with frozen fruits and nuts... its got stick to yer ribs goodness!!!
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I was reffering to the meals one needs to eat every 3 or 4 hours, to maintain high energy levels (the so-called metabolic fire). This is wrong :drinker:
    What is right, it's the fact that it does work for you ;-)
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    English Muffin with peanutbutter....keeps me nice and full!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Thats why i call it, cardboard. It tastes like one. I stopped eating it years ago.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Guys I use to do Whetabix - useless fly's weight food
    Now I eat quaker oats
    Trust me 50-100 grams with everything <--- no more hunger

    ^^^^ agreed!
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I highly suggest eggs and egg whites. It really makes a difference. I also love protein bars.

    I have the same issue with pasta. You would think something so high in carbs would fill me up but I can eat like 2-3 servings no problem, I stay away from it as much as possible because its a trigger food for me.
  • LostScarecrow
    LostScarecrow Posts: 5 Member
    Weetabix is fabulous. Just try heating the milk, warming and even more delicious. But that aside, try it with raisens or banana.. most fruits really. blueberries are especially good. If you have the calories/inclination, sometimes with a drop of honey. Mix it up. It's great, and with a little bot of fruit I find it tends to be more filling.
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    No matter what I eat for breakfast I can be hungry at approx 11am, mostly I eat porridge oats with skimmed milk or 2 weetabix.

    I usually have to have a banana or kiwi fruit mid morning, or a piece of wholemeal toast.

    What I find interesting is if I don't eat breakfast (not very often) I don't seem to be hungry mind morning!!
  • Zarienz
    Zarienz Posts: 60
    Guys I use to do Whetabix - useless fly's weight food
    Now I eat quaker oats
    Trust me 50-100 grams with everything <--- no more hunger

    Weetabix - creates hunger pangs later on, I too stick to oats, and eggs every other day.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member

    Tesco - Semi-Skimmed Milk, 200 ml 100 cals
    Myprotein - Impact Whey Protein (Unflavoured), 25 g 98 cals
    Myprotein - Instant Oats, 100 g 388 cals
    Blueberries - Raw, 1 cup 83 cals

    total: 669 calories c:104 f:14 p:37 fiber:12 sugar: 25

    Dawn my calories guess were right :smokin:

    The amount of protein is solid - no need to add more (except if you like them)

    Beware - supplements (eg protein powder) should remain as they are called - supplements.
    They are two kinds of protein that are extracted from the milk : Whey which about 20% and Micellar casein (80%). That last is an anti-catabolic one, preventing protein-breakdown. It's interesting because of the speed it's assimilated - the assimilation can last up to 8 hours! That is why I've included a 20% yogurt :) Some people include casein in the end of the day- others in the morning.

    So I think protein intake is good here ;)
  • ravihira1892

    Tesco - Semi-Skimmed Milk, 200 ml 100 cals
    Myprotein - Impact Whey Protein (Unflavoured), 25 g 98 cals
    Myprotein - Instant Oats, 100 g 388 cals
    Blueberries - Raw, 1 cup 83 cals

    total: 669 calories c:104 f:14 p:37 fiber:12 sugar: 25

    Dawn my calories guess were right :smokin:

    The amount of protein is solid - no need to add more (except if you like them)

    Beware - supplements (eg protein powder) should remain as they are called - supplements.
    They are two kinds of protein that are extracted from the milk : Whey which about 20% and Micellar casein (80%). That last is an anti-catabolic one, preventing protein-breakdown. It's interesting because of the speed it's assimilated - the assimilation can last up to 8 hours! That is why I've included a 20% yogurt :) Some people include casein in the end of the day- others in the morning.

    So I think protein intake is good here ;)

    Thanks bro means alot taking time & effort to reply!

    I think i'll stick to that meal for breakfast then! You think i should have impact whey or casein powder in the morning then?
  • Emagali74
    Emagali74 Posts: 132 Member
    I find that after I pile on about 250g of sugar, as required to make Weetabix taste like real food, then I'm so hyper I forget about being hungry.

    lol :0)
  • maurodim
    maurodim Posts: 28
    I eat 5min to cook Ouaker Oats with a little milk, splenda and a little fruit.....I find this keeps me easily until noon and I think it also helps me to not be so hungry after supper.....