Could it really happen to me?



  • aptipton
    aptipton Posts: 13
    I could have written your post myself. I have a very similar story and in my mind I am a skinny girl still. Unfortunately, I realized I couldn’t climb stairs without breathing heavily and having my heart beat fast. I had no get up and go to do the things I used to enjoy. I am trying to look at this as a lifestyle change vs. a diet. Looking at making healthy choices, exercising, even some vs. none, is an improvement. Don’t look for a quick fix, work for a steady life change, make better choices and you will quickly start to see it pay off. I started January 2nd after much pushing from my fitness nut sister who I have scoffed at and made fun of. She loves me and wants me to be healthy, so I finally gave in but the thing is...I like what I am seeing and how I am feeling. Once you start to feel the difference, you will want to stay the course. Do what you can by the time you go to Miami, you will feel better and look better than you do today and your confidence will be stronger. You can do this, we all can...with commitment and control. You can be in control, not the food. Good luck and keep us posted :)
  • Amazingday
    Amazingday Posts: 682 Member
    A year ago I would have laughed in your face if you told me I would be 66 lbs down and 189 ( a # I haven't seen since the mid 90's. I am 42.... I have had some health issues that made me start being a conscious eater. Redefining how I looked at food was key for me. Instead of it being my pick me up and best friend food started to make me sick. And it was all the foods I loved that made me sick. Now, I look at food and it's not my friend anymore, it's fuel. Nothing more. I treat myself with red grapes or red raspberries...... no it's not some decadent chocolate cake but in my eyes it is. And I don't go to the gym, I walk.... and walk, and walk. And this is me...... (hopefully I did the pic right)


    Am I ready for a, but ask me in 34 lbs when I hit my 100lbs lost...... friend me if you want support, I am on everyday. This site has kept me going! Family and friends aren't always as supportive as we need, and on this site we are all working for the same goal. But, it is up to you to put in the work. OH, take your measurements! The scale never tells the whole story!!!
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    I like you - have about 100 pounds I need to lose. I'd like to drop about 40 by May.I'm still new to this whole thing myself- however I can say that if you put your mind to it you can do it. I've tried so many different things and never made it stick. I usually just gained what I lost and about 10 more pounds each time. I can honestly say in the last week I have spoke to some truely amazing people and it's so nice to have people tell you that even when you have an off day you still can make it. Now maybe I'm just ready to finally stop being considered the " fat" girl- but I can honestly say after day one it hasnt been to hard to eat healthier. Yes you'll see some people on here change everything they eat. I havent- I've added alot more healthy things but I also eat things I like- just in moderation. Having the people on here will make it seem a lot easier! Seeing peoples success stories and pics will inspire you along with their kind and encouraging words! Hope you reach your goal hun- you'll have a lot of people cheering for ya along the way!
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    As other have said, it can't happen TO YOU, rather you have to MAKE IT happen. Check out others success stories, join challenge groups, make small goals, add friends to help motivate you (and vice versa), have fun with this process and finally be realistic. You didn't gain the weight overnight. It will take effort and determination on your part to get it off. Enjoy your journey!
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    You have the support here already! I just finished losing my weight, so I don't have 100 to lose, but I would love to add you as a friend to support you. Sometimes we just aren't ready, and then we wake up and we are ready. You are there now! That's what is important!! You can do this, and we are all here to support you!! Small steps, and you will get there. You need us to hold you up for some support, or encouragement just shout to us!! You're going to be fine!!!
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! But you have to get to that point where you want to make a permanent lifestyle change and it sounds like you are at that point. And during this process you need to set realistic goals for yourself. I have been overweight most of my life too. And please remember you are not your sister and you should never compair yourself to them because you are you and you are BEAUTIFUL. One more thing, if your friends are true friends they won't care how you look. They will just be happy that you are becoming healthy.

    And one really good rule of thumb to go by when getting food is:

    "If it sounds like a science project you probably don't want to eat it :D."

    Which means you want to go for foods that are not as processed because it won't have the same nutritional value as something unprocessed. Fruits and veggies will become really tasty. But it is really hard for me to eat all of my fruits and veggie but fortunatly I have a juicer at my house which makes it a lot easier. But for a fast breakfast I can recommend the brand "Naked Juice" in the flavor "Green Machine" which you can get at almost any grocery store. Plus, it's tasty!

    Oh! And a workout tip! To make working out fun watch one of your favorite TV shows while working out. I like to watch something really high energy which makes me perky!

    So I hope I helped and just always remember YOU CAN DO IT and don't let the scale control you also keep track of your measurement. Because as you exercise you will gain muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.

    I wish you the best of luck on your journey :)

    Keep Calm and Carry On,
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    I agree with all the encouragement you are receiving here. I have one thing to add, Join a challenge. You don't have to have a goal the same as anyone else. Just a goal for yourself. I did a Feb one to lose 10 pounds. I was thrilled to be able to lose 4 pounds for the month. I was not able to do too much exercise because of injuries. I still lost.

    Now I am on a challenge for 90 days and It keeps me going. In my head if I can post 1 pound or even 1/2 pound when we check in bi-monthly I will feel successful. It does something for your self confidence. It also shows that you can make it happen. And yes, be sure to take your measurements. I have a winter top that was real tight and now it looks nice on me and I really didn't lose that much as far as the scale goes. Oh, by the way, I'm 74 and you don't want to be doing this when you get my age. When you succeed you will have this all behind you.

    The sight for the challenge is Today is the first day. Check it out. Only takes a minute. You can even start tomorrow. Don't know what time zone you're in. It's a journey, much success.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    You have to take control of your life instead of your life controlling you. It takes cooking IN rather than eating out...measuring what you eat...and EXERCISE, even if it is just walking. Let the MFP configurator set your cal intake, and work out so you can eat more.
  • SaraJ425
    SaraJ425 Posts: 4
    Thank you to all who took the time to write a response to my post. I'm such a baby and almost cried!!!! I am ready and will keep you all posted. Its truly an amazing group of people and everyone just gave me a little push to do even better today then I did yesterday!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!