What would you tell your 17 year old self if you had the cha



  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member

    Get a bike now. You wife don't like them

    This made me laugh and is very true in my experience. I often joke with my wife that if we ever divorce, my first stop is the nearest Harley Davidson dealership.
  • jogdog
    jogdog Posts: 89 Member
    I was a pretty serious athlete in highschool and I wish I could've told my 17 yr old self that when the college letters came in, I should've picked a school based on my ability to play or make the team (track or basketball) and more importantly a school that I want to go to with my subject of interest. I would also tell myself that if I chose not to play collegiate sports, I should do some type of physical activity to keep myself in shape. In addition to that, I would also tell myself not to stress over some of the unimportant and stupid things in my life and to enjoy what's around me more. I appreciated everything I had, but I didn't allow myself to enjoy them.
  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member
    All the things i am telling my 17 year old daughter.
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    invest in apple, yahoo, google. i know those names sound funny now but invest heavily in those 3 and you will never have to work ever again. put down the pizza and start eating right and start working out. get yourself to a healthy stage so later you wont be sucking wind walking into your job.

    oh and just stay away from the two ex's. you will be much better off.

    last piece of advice i would give would come in the form of a flash drive. it would be facebook. and anything related to it and how it was created. then instructions on how to sell the idea
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    Buy property by the water it will go up heaps in value by the time your 50.
    travel a bit before having kids.
    dont lend money to friends you will never get it back
    BUT If you do get feel sorry for them and lend money to friends you may as well just give it to them as a gift.
    dont leave all your worldly possesions in the care of so called friends you will lose the lot and never see your stuff or the friends again.
    If you live in a flood prone area MOVE.
    Keep paint well away from your baby boy (if he was to read this he'd know what I mean, LOL)
    Do Not ride that moter bike through park You will have an accident.

    Sorry Guys I just noticed all my spelling errors and Typos I must be tired.....
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    - "You're an idiot. Whatever you are thinking, do the exact opposite because you have **** for brains."

    - "By spring term senior year, nobody cares anymore what you do, so stop stressing out"

    - "A 2 liter of coke and a double order of fries is not a lunch"

    - "Take Amy out, she's not nearly as prudish as she would make others think"

    - "That sophomore you want to punch, do it"

    - "The money you are making at McDonald's is nothing. Work less, Beach more"

    - "Listen to more Clash and Billy Idol"

    - If you spend your 18th birthday at a going away party for some foreign exchange student you don't know, I am coming back to smack you"

    - "Get the **** off the computer"
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Don't date Andrew. Just don't do it.

    When Mike asks you out, say yes instead!

    Be confident! Believe in yourself! Be assertive!

    Don't go to York University! Go away to school in a different city away from home.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    chairless wrote:
    Never let someone be your priority, while you remain their option.

    You will never look this good again, stop being so down on yourself.

    If you killed them all now, you would be out by the time you are writing this.
    ^^I really love this! :laugh:

    I'd also tell myself...

    ♦ ...so you're gay... it's no big deal ...and if anyone has a problem with it, it's their problem not yours

    ♦ ...you are not FAT ...you might never have a six-pack, but you look great,

    ♦ ...you really need exercise to supplement your sweet tooth! Get lazy and you will get FAT

    ♦ ...if you see a chance, take it!

    ♦ ...spend more time getting to know your big brother ...help him before it's too late
  • ItsMandeeBitch
    ItsMandeeBitch Posts: 159 Member
    You are WAY too young to be engaged quit wasting your life on Fools on youll throw the next 5 years away. GO FAR away to college.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Be careful what you wish for - I always said if I had to have kids I would only have one and there is no way I would be a stay at home mom. And here I am 21 years later, 1 child and at an office every day.

    Learn to eat properly now, this awesome metabolism you have now does not last.
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    "Put down the video game controller and pick up a guitar."

    "You can't breathe because you have allergies. Go get tested and get treated, and then maybe you'll be able to run a mile without dying."

    "If you're not sure what you want to be when you grow up, don't waste $80K in a college in the middle of no where trying to figure it out. Go see the *kitten*%ng world."
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    1. Stop doing drugs - Look what's it's doing to your mother!
    2. Get your *kitten* back into class and pay attention - You're here any ways.
    3. Chose your friends wisely.
    4. Find something you love and go to school for it.
  • newbeetler
    newbeetler Posts: 194 Member

    Get a bike now. You wife don't like them

    This made me laugh and is very true in my experience. I often joke with my wife that if we ever divorce, my first stop is the nearest Harley Davidson dealership.

    Yep. that sounds about right.

    In fairness to the wife. I didn't get the bike but as a wedding present she did buy me that Harley Davidson Leather Jacket I had been eyeing up on honeymoon.

    More to add :

    You know that bet on you having twins when you have kids. Put it on and get the best odds you possibly can. (I said from the age of 15 that when I have kids I will have twins. Guess What. I did :o)

    Don't buy that dumbass mirror you bought at the Queen rock convention. It will sit in your parents house for the next 20 years still in the wrapper and save you £250

    Buy microgen shares with every penny you have when they are £0.10p per share. They are £148 per share now.

    Stop your friend getting in that car on xyz date and she will see her 19th birthday :o(
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Just hang in there, things WILL get better.
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    Don't date that one guy. Go to college NO MATTER WHAT. Move out of your stepfathers house asap & don't worry about your mother. It's her choice to stay or go, she's a big girl, no need to stay just to "take care of her." And I thought about saying use some birth control, but I love my kiddos way too much. :smile:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Don't be shy.
    Go on lots of dates.
    Talk more.
    Be adventurous.
    Try new things.
    Sneak out of the house.

    I was always the good child, too afraid to disappoint my mother. I always wanted to sneak out of the house for the hell of it.... But never did.
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Go into the Army - don't listen to your father, do what you want to do.
  • kkjay
    kkjay Posts: 62
    I feel like a lot of what I did made me who I am today but...

    You are beautiful. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.
    Don't be so shy, people actually find you funny when you talk.
    Stop being friends with Diane.
    That dog you've begged your parents for for the past 12 years to get and youve just about given up? Next year you'll have a puppy and you're going to love him more than you ever imagined. And in a few more years, you'll get a second dog. Don't ever give up hope.
    Don't love your favorite aunt anymore. You'll end up realizing you were never (and will never be) as important to her as she was to you.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Invest every cent you have in Microsoft, then 10 years later invest in a start up called Google....

    Join the Air Force, instead of the Army...You won't get shot at as much.
  • RH_Brazell
    RH_Brazell Posts: 339
    Appricate you'r self more...don't let others take you for granted