340 lb'ers, calorie allowance?



  • geenabug
    geenabug Posts: 8 Member
    I started at 329 and my calories/day was at 1770. I lost 20+ pounds the first month and another 13 the second month with little exercise. I would suggest going with MFP's reccommendations.
  • macylane4
    macylane4 Posts: 224
    YOu will see a better weight loss if you eat more healthy small things throughout the day.. you are eating a lot of calries at one mean instead of spreading the foods out! I've been trying to master my body and what it needs to lose and be the most effictive...I've found that the healthier natural foods really help me lose weight, and keep me satisified longer. I've cut port from my diet since it is very fatty, adn I've seen a difference from that as well
  • tenas
    tenas Posts: 121
    2000 sounds about right to me. I started at 380 with an allowance around 2500 and now I'm down to 363 with an allowance of 2220 and have been losing steadily when I stay within my allowance.
  • Raivynsblood
    Raivynsblood Posts: 68 Member
    im at 336 (ive lost 31 since joining mpf about 6 weeks ago) and it has me set at 2130. its been working for me :wink:
  • misswallie2u
    misswallie2u Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 319lbs. My calorie allowance is 1670 per day.

    I'm sedentary and have my excercise goal at the lowest of 30 mins 1 x week (which it puts at 350 calories burned)

    I have mine set this way to get the minimum allowed amout of calories to lose 2 lbs a week.

    (if you are active daily instead of sedentary this will bring your calorie allowance up and you're excercise goal amount will affect your calorie allowance)

    don't know if this will help any, just thought i'd post it to compare?
  • jomo1113
    jomo1113 Posts: 17 Member
    When I started using MFP I was at 350lbs, and it calculated my BMR and gave me a daily alotment of 2240 calories.
  • SFalconStorm
    SFalconStorm Posts: 77 Member
    I am 356 pounds at the moment, down from 401. MFP allows me 2060 per day for a 2 pound per week loss. I will sometimes undercut this by 200-300 calories on net, but I often do that because I will spike over that amount once or twice a week in an effort to zig zag my calories.

    The reality is, it really does take more calories to be so heavy. We use more calories than a normal weight person when we stand up, when we walk down the street. Our heart has to pump blood to a larger volume of tissue than a normal weight person, electrical signals from nerves have farther to travel, etc. All of this takes calories/energy for your body to maintain. Also, it has been shown that heavy people tend to have more muscle mass than a normal weight person, simply because it takes that much muscle to move ourselves around every day. I have had people be shocked that I can easily leg press 300 pounds, but the reality is, that's less than me just standing up. My legs lift that kind of load EVERY day.

    So, main thing is, listen to your body, listen to your gut (literally and figuratively) but yes, it is entirely possible for you to be in a calorie deficit at 2k calories per day because of your size.
  • I weigh 332. My calorie allowance is 1840 and I exercise. I set a goal of 500 calories per 3 meals and a goal of 100 calories or less for 2 small snacks (fruit or veggie snacks) and I lost 3 lbs in one week doing that. I also don't eat back my exercise calories everytime only if I am hungry. I am adding you know I need more people my weight :)!
    Big hugs, Rebekah
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    I'm hesitant to post because of the whole "starvation mode" and "eating exercise calories back" debates that have raged from the inception of this site, but I wanted to answer as someone who has been there, and still doing that.

    I set my goal at 1200 calories daily back in August of last year and I use this as what it is, a tracking tool. Some days I go over, but don't let it bother me because of the quality of foods I'm taking in for example nuts, avacado etc. Somemdays I actually may not quite make it there, especially in summer when I'm eating more salads, veggies, etc. I work out 5 to six days a week and I have yet to eat an exercise calorie back. I've lost 93 lbs in 7 months, have yet to hit a plateau due to "starvation mode" .

    I realize as my body changes, adjustments will have to be made, but I started at 328 and I just wanted to give an answer as someone who was there.
  • Well, I have changed my settings, I class my lifestyle as lightly active, as I am a mum of 6, with 2 at home, so I am on my feet quite a lot, I have cut down my workouts to what I realistically do, and it still has me at 2000 cals.

    Based on on the advice I have just recieved, I am gonna stick to the 2000 cals, MAX, and only eat back my exercise cals if really hungry, after drinking water first, my meals, mostly are well balanced, and I am happy with 90% of my food choices.

    Thanks for all your help and advice, it's nice to know there are more out there at my weight!!

  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    2000 sounds right .... i get 1710 and im at 212lbs but im a man we get more :(

    Second this. I'm about 240 and get a little over 1800 cals (and I'm a woman).

    To the OP - Is there a particular reason why 2000 seems like a lot?

    At your weight, you can probably afford to tweak it a lot more than people closer to their "normal weight range," so if you're eating balanced for your meals and are eating enough to the get the nutrients you need (I'd say at least shoot for around 1500-1700 and see how you feel), then I wouldn't worry about the number too much, as long as you don't go too much over what MFP recommends.

    Also, make sure you have your settings are set to the activity level you actually do (and either don't include exercise, or include it and don't track it). Setting it too high can sabotage your efforts by having you eat more than you actually need to lose weight.

    As for whether or not to eat back exercise calories - I go by what my body says to determine whether or not I eat, but try to stay within my calorie allotment if I do eat. Remember - you're probably burning less than what numbers say (unless you're using a heart rate monitor AND it's properly set up), so it's not a big deal if you don't eat them all back, but if you're hungry, fuel your body! (And protein shakes or even just plain milk are a good way to get that fuel without feeling like you're force-feeding yourself.)

    MFP numbers are generally pretty accurate for steady weight loss, but everyone is different, and some people need to tweak it more than others. You can change all of the goals manually if you find the recommended ones too far from what works for you (or if, for example, you've talked to a doctor and they've set up goals for you).
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Here is what I did. I started MFP @ 361lbs along with a few of my family members that were less that half my size. it gave me 2300 cals. I was cool with that. Then I learned that my family was eating around 12-1500 cals. I thought to myself...well, if they can be satisfied on that much so can I. So I lowered my personal goal to 1500 and tried to get around 1200+ a day. Needless to say...I have lost 65lbs in 8 months. I go over sometimes, but not often. Maybe 10 times since I started. MAYBE. This is just what I did, not saying it will work for you, or it is a great idea....it just worked for me. <3:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • macylane4
    macylane4 Posts: 224
    I started my journey at 352 pounds. I know I was more then that, but that was the first time I actually stepped on the scale. When I started my journey I ate around 1300 calories a day, and worked out 5 times per week. I have lost almost 100 pounds now, and have increased my calorie to 1500 a day, and work out 3-4 times per week. I still see a very steady weight loss. I think you need to focus on what you're eating not the calories so much. Recently I switched all my food to fresh veggies, fruit, lean meat, all natural peanut butter, and cut out any boxed stuff, cereal bars, etc, and had a 4.5 lbs weight loass that week! I eat apples and bananas all day everyday, and enjoy sweet potatos (they really fill you up!) I haven't looked at your diary to see what you eat, so if it isn't public could you change it, and I'll check it out?! Are you workin gout at all?

    I walk on average, 3 times a week, for 2 hours, sometimes an extra 2 hours at the weekend.
    Did you not get hungry on 1300 cals? What sort of thing did you eat? did you eat back your exercise cals?

    No I didn't/don't get hungry often. If I do I eat a string cheese, or some cottage cheese, or drink a protein shake or something. You can look back at my food diary since I started, and you'll see exactly what I ate ,and how much its imporved now! I have mfp at 2 pounds a week with no exercise. When i do exercise I eat more throughout the day, but usually stay at 1500 cal a day. I have been steady losing about 3-4 pounds per week on average. Try premier nutrition protein shakes...they are low cal high protein, and taste really yummy!!! You can buy them at sams club. Also, for noodles I eat Shirataki noodles instead of regular noodes, and save 200 calories and eat more!!!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm hesitant to post because of the whole "starvation mode" and "eating exercise calories back" debates that have raged from the inception of this site, but I wanted to answer as someone who has been there, and still doing that.

    I set my goal at 1200 calories daily back in August of last year and I use this as what it is, a tracking tool. Some days I go over, but don't let it bother me because of the quality of foods I'm taking in for example nuts, avacado etc. Somemdays I actually may not quite make it there, especially in summer when I'm eating more salads, veggies, etc. I work out 5 to six days a week and I have yet to eat an exercise calorie back. I've lost 93 lbs in 7 months, have yet to hit a plateau due to "starvation mode" .

    I realize as my body changes, adjustments will have to be made, but I started at 328 and I just wanted to give an answer as someone who was there.

    From what I've seen from all the various accounts I've read on here and elsewhere regarding whether or not to eat back exercise calories - it really depends on the person. Some people do better eating most or all of them back, while others do better not eating them back at all. Basically, it amounts to "try it one way for a few weeks and see if it works, if not, try it the other way for a few weeks and see if there's a difference."
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Female, 30 years old, 370 lbs, eating at 2500/day (this is my BMR and I am sedentary).
  • smily_001
    smily_001 Posts: 131 Member
    Since 8/11 I have lost 95 pounds and my cals are now set at 1960 and I am @ 335. I do not eat my workout cals right now and average between 1400-1600 cals on a normal day and sometimes hit my full amount when eating out. I also have a spike day about once every 2 weeks or so.. If u have any questions feel free to message me anytime.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    It's good you are going to eat 2000 calories. There is no reason to starve yourself and eating below the recommended amount won't make you lose faster. Your body and especially the metabolism is a complex tool that will adapt based on nutrition. If you eat under your metabolic rate, it will just slow down. So it's better to feed the beast and keep it pushing heavy. If you really want benefit, look to do weight training (even walking with weights). If you can maintain lean muscle mass through your weight loss your metabolism will keep high which makes long term success easier and less likely to plateau.

    PS - I eat 2800 calories and cutting body fat and some weight.
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    I weigh 145lbs and I consume anywhere from 2200-3000 calories a day, and I'm still losing the last bits of fat I want to get rid of :)

    (Note - I don't just eat any calories, very clean eating if you're curious)

    I would not think 2000 would be high to lose for a person who is 340
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I'm not 340, but the heavier you are, the higher your maintenance calories are. To me, it does not seem like too much - so many people on here are given just 1200 which in my opinion is completely unnecessary 99% of the time.

    I'm 145lbs and am losing on 2000 net. Which means I eat my exercise calories back as well, making my total between 2000 and 2600.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    im 326 ( i think ) and mfp has my calories set at 1700 which i try to stay around. i exercise 5 days a week a mix of cardio and weights i dont eat back my exercise cals as mfp seems to be awfully high so i just dont beat myself up if i drift over my cals occasionally