so discouraged :(

my husband just got a text "hope everything is great with you, Kelly, and the little one." I am not preggo and we do not have a baby, when my husband responded with that she said "what? i thought Kelly was pregnant last summer???" :( very discouraged today. :(

this is the first time I have cried over my weight. :( She was the 3rd person to ask if I was preggo last summer.

I hate my apple shaped body. I seriously have skinny legs and arms, just my stupid stomach. :(

I am getting JM'S body revolution in the mail..and i was praying for motivation...and I guess i got it. :(


  • carlye14
    carlye14 Posts: 53
    Hey there!!!! I'm not sure of your stats, but maybe my story will help a bit for you to realize that this happens to everyone...

    I'm 5'4'' and have weighed between 110-145 in the last 4 years. About a year and a half ago (I weighed around 140) I was fishing with my boyfriend....he was down at the water, and I was eating a sammich up where our stuff was. One man was fishing near him, and asked my bf "how far along is she?" WELL he said it loud enough that I heard, and I was sooo upset!!!! I have never been extremely overweight for my size and build, but this man had the audacity to ask! My bf responded that I was not pregnant, and the guy just kind of shut up.

    The moral of the story is that PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS. Don't let these comments get you down, use them as motivation. Also, let me know how you like body revolution :)

    I also have the same problem, my legs are skinny, my arms are skinny, but my stomach carries all the fat!

    Good luck! We are friends on here, so message me if you ever need to talk or need advice!
  • mrskellyray
    mrskellyray Posts: 114
    Thanks! I am tying to just make it all about motivating myself to poor all my energy into Body Revolution. It should be here tomorrow.

    And I'm 5'4 as well, and my highest weight was 186, and I'm at 176 now. :( Hoping to lose alot with the body revolution!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yep, people can be complete idiots and don't think before they speak, or consider how their words might make someone else feel. I bet that guy felt like an idiot and he will think twice before making such a comment again!

    Good for you for ordering Body Revolution! I would love to try it, but it's not in my budget right now. But I have a stack of JM DVDs that I have collected over the years and they are awesome. Since I started my fitness journey (which has been on and off again over 2 years), I've dropped about 20lbs total, and am still trying to lose the fat off my belly! That's where it likes to live on me, too - belly, hips thighs. :grumble:

    Your last sentence tells me you've got the right attitude - turn that discouraging comment into motivation to work that Body Revolution, eat healthy and change your body! You can do it!
  • beholderone
    What is 'body revolution', pls?
  • joannea1988
    i remember working in a shop 1 time and i a guy came up to me and said "is it a boy" me looking puzzled he pointed to my belly, i was so embarrased, (i had not long had a mc so i was distraught over that although i was only 10 weeks so notat the showing stage), i could have cried there was a full que listening in aswell, i thought id actually thought i was looking ok at that point aswell not hugely over weight, argh i feel your pain xx
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    What is 'body revolution', pls?
    Jillian Michaels' new 90 day workout program.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    People are so rude. I have always been pretty thin but after getting into my late 30's, put on a few pounds (and I mean like 10 at the most) and had two or three people ask me if I was pregnant, just b/c I didn't have a flat stomach. I answered right in their face NO, I'm just getting fat, to embarrass them right back. AND I was tempted to say NO, are you?? since both are heavier than me!
  • kaaaaaaa
    kaaaaaaa Posts: 29
    That sucks :( I don't really know what to say but I wanted to let you know I think you're beautiful and from what I can see of it, I love your wedding dress! :)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You can do this! :) People are definitely jerks.
  • Krahn1984
    Krahn1984 Posts: 57 Member
    There should be a rule - never assume a woman is pregnant! Rude!
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    So sorry hun, but use it as your motivation!!! Hopefully you shed all you can and show off next time you see that person.

    Seriously, it's a decision to eat right and get simple as that. There aren't short cuts and there aren't any miracles.

    Good luck!! I'm rooting for you....
  • mrskellyray
    mrskellyray Posts: 114
    Thanks Amy! My husband ordered for me as a surprise! telling me "I think you are the most beautiful woman, I just want you to raise your self esteem so you can see that too'. :) he's the best.

    and body revolution is Jillian Micheals new 90 day program, it comes with resistance band, meal plan, and 15 DVDS, and promises extreme weight loss. From what I've heard, people have lost up to 10 pounds in the "kickstart' week! Jillian knows how to get those pounds off! But it's 129 dollars. :( heres the link:
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    I am the same build as you ladies, a very round apple. I am 5'1" and also often look pregnant! My highest weight was 193.6, and currently i am 155. I still have a big ol belly. My legs are great, very toned and slim, my arms are pretty good too. My trunk and mainly belly is where i carry it all too.

    My point is, you are not alone. Just remember that when they see you next summer, you certainly wont look pregnant (unless you are then!)

    Hang in there.

    PS-Jillian Micheal's Body Revolution looks great!!
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    This made me so sad! I am also an apple shape and have wondered to myself before that I thought I looked pregnant and wondered if others thought the same. Stick with it, kick your butt, do your best to stay on track and you will loose the weight. You can do this!!
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    What is 'body revolution', pls?

    I am curious as well.

    And People are soooo STUPID!
  • macylane4
    macylane4 Posts: 224
    Don't feel bad!!! Do you want to hear the story to how I started losing weight, and what put me on the wagon which I will never fall off of?!?! I am a realtor in the days, and work at a restaurant serving part time at nights. I had a table of pleople from Ireland, and it was a guy at the tables birthday. He ordered a large meal, and ate most of it. His family wanted to surprise him by getting him the chocolate stampede...a dessert to feed like 6 people. I came out and sang happy birthday to him, and said now you need to eat all of this! (it was obviously a joke). He said I'm not fat like you...I couldn't eat it all..I went to the back and cried, and realized it was true, and no matter how much it hurt, or made me cry, it was true, and either I could go eat a whole one myselff, or change my life, and next time he comes back to the restaurant on another trip, I"ll be at my goal weight, and tell him he's too old now for something as hot as me!!!!
    Also, I've warned everybody I know that I won't get pregnant until I'm thin, so they know never to ask me!!!!!!!!!
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Goodness me, how rude! I've never come across this in England, I think people might think that I'm pregnant but wouldn't be so rude to ask. You never can tell when somebody has just had a baby or whether they are pregnant or even if they've just had lunch. Why don't people keep their small-minded opinions to themselves and not just blurt out whatever is in their tiny little minds? A great mystery of the universe that is.

    Take no notice.... an apple shape would be great, I'm envious of it. I'm an hourglass and it's nearly impossible to buy dresses that fit properly plus when I do find a wrap dress I love, it starts off closed in the morning when I leave for work and by lunchtime I'm flashing my boobs and can't get the dress to stay shut. A busty person will never look slim, in my opinion, no matter how slim they are. Apple shapes are lovely to dress... all those seperates out there to show off those gorgeous slinky arms and legs. Be proud tell yourself that you won't mind about the little things - and really, don't mind them.
  • challengeaccepted
    That was very untactful. Wouldn't said friend of been informed of the arrival of the non-existent "little one?"

    Anyway, it's alright, **** like this happens to many of us. I'm sure if they don't do it on purpose they feel just as bad.

    A month after I'd had my baby this lady that knows our family asked my mother-in-law if I was pregnant again. I mean come on lady, if I WAS pregnant again I wouldn't be showing at one month.
  • mrskellyray
    mrskellyray Posts: 114
    Thanks so much guys! you are all very encouraging by sharing your stories! It's all just so frustrating! :( I am also not getting pregnant until I get fit @macylane4. I really want a home birth so want to be in the best health possible.

    But at least my BR will be coming tomorrow! so i can work out all this frustration!
  • LittleLolita
    I hate when that happens! I've been asked if I was pregnant more than once and it sucks. People should know better than to ask that, if someone doesn't tell you that you're pregnant then you shouldn't ask!
    Don't be discouraged, one of my super skinny friends has even been asked if she was pregnant before. People are just stupid.
    Also, I'm a bit taller than you (5'6" and a half!) and I've got a pear shaped body (I think...) these fruit shaped body types suck.