breaking the rules

ok, I broke my own rule while on my diet. I went out and drank and ate way too much..Beer, shots, and pizza!!!! Wow , I had a great's been awhile since I have hung out like that..But was it worth it ??? I'm worried I wont get back on track, I have been doing really well up to now.... any advice??? and positive words of encouragement?


  • today is a good day to start again.
    you can do it! I am so proud of you
  • Maagrie
    Maagrie Posts: 49 Member
    It's a new day. Don't start the day with guilt from a previous day. You've done well for a long time and will do well for a long time to come. Part of learning to make lasting change is to learn how to fit in the fun things every now and again. Best of Luck to you!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Consider it a splurge day and eat SUPER healthy, drink lots of water and work out hard for the next few days. Consider that night your "fuel" to kick weight loss a** for the next week :happy:
  • One bad day/night won't kill you. If you've been good up til now, you should be able to get back on track. Sometimes, giving yourself a "reward" day or something, it can actually help you stay on track, because you won't worry quite so much about when you just want to have fun.

    You can definitely do it :)
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Did something very similar last night - got up this morning and worked twice as hard, burned the beer away in about 30 minutes. We all go off track, jsut start your next day with the same attitude as you had to begin with!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Just get back at it. Don't think of it as a diet. This is a lifestyle change. While you don't want to make a habit of going out and drinking and eating like crazy, there will come a point in your life where you will do these things. It is ok. Enjoy life, but make the most of the other healthy days and stay on track!
  • mscreed
    mscreed Posts: 6 Member
    I allow myself a day here and there in which I don't play by the rules. If you ignore the rules everyday, your health will be in trouble. I figure a little slack here and there will keep me from completely going off track and leading a disastrous lifestyle. Don't feel bad about it, just correct yourself and move forward.
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    don't sweat it.... or actually get to the gym and sweat it allllll!

    Really though, it isn't a terrible thing. This isn't a "diet," it's a new way of life! Just don't give up and you'll always keep on moving forward :)
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    You are in control of your life. Just do it.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    You can't expect to never drink or eat pizza again. So allow yourself to slip-up now and then get back to it the next day.
    It was a long time before I truly believed this but now that I do, I don't let ANY kind of binging deter me. I just start fresh the next day and keep moving forward. :flowerforyou:
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    I did the same thing on wednesday, went out for beer wings and fish and chips, so the next day i ate super healthy and i started a 3 day detox to cleanse my body of all the junk food i put in it :)
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Admitting your mistake is a giant step. Pick up where you left off. Did you learn from this...let's hope so. Does it destroy your ability to move forward...absolutely not. Sometimes you need a little rule breaking to make you realize why there are rules in the first place. :) Good luck on your journey.
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    I go out and drink and inevitably eat a bit more than normal roughly every two weeks, sometimes more. Usually I try and plan ahead and exercise. Tonight I know that I am going out with some friends and will be drinking so I made sure to get a really great workout today. Tomorrow, if I'm up to it (haha) I will do some more exercise and drink a lot of water to flush out my system.
    Losing weight isn't about missing out on life. I mean, personally I am losing weight to ensure that I can participate in life to my fullest extent!
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 417 Member
    I do this a least once a month. When we host parties I just enjoy myself, otherwise you bring everyone down, not just yourself. :wink:
  • Every now and then you need to get out and have some fun it is okay you dont want to isolate yourself from the fun. Just resume your diet and exercise today and dont stress over one night. Good luck on your journey!
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    I usually tell myself "if you play, you pay". Then I put my big girl panties on and start fresh with the new day!
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    Losing weight isn't about missing out on life. I mean, personally I am losing weight to ensure that I can participate in life to my fullest extent!

    Love this!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Why are you worried you won't get back on track? If you want to be on track, then you'll get back on track. Rules are made to be broken. But, if you break the rules all the time then it's not really a rule, and then you can't have the fun of breaking it now and then.
  • tkay1949
    tkay1949 Posts: 11
    Don't sweat it. You enjoyed yourself. Hope some else drove. I also enjoy an occasional martini. I logged it in as a snack. Wow what a surprise just over 300 cals. per with no other benefit than a buzz. Did you log yours? Don't have to answer. As much as I enjoyed it when I do reward myself I know the cost. Keep up the good work.

  • steve915
    steve915 Posts: 21 Member
    I have decided to not stress out as much about it... You all are right. I figure I can cheat just a little one day a week as along as I stay commited.. Thanks for the support :smile:

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