I'm not a runner, however.......

Andaw Posts: 35 Member
....... I would really like to get into running. I usually use the treadmill at the gym and walk fast up a hill rather than running, but just recently I've been trying to push myself a bit more. I've managed 20 minutes at 8.5kph (about 5mph), which I know is not that great, but I'm really pleased with that.

So today I thought I'd try a run outside - OMG!!!!! I thought it was sooo much harder than on the treadmill. As my boyfriend pointed out, the treadmill does some of the work for you by propelling you along but when you're running, you have to push yourself along - made sense to me?!!!! That, along with the hills (well, slight inclines!!) will obviously make you work harder.

Anyway, I managed 2.2 miles in 26 mins, averaging approx 5 mph, although I have to say a LOT of that was walking!!! I'd really like to get to 6mph, which would be a 10-minute mile, which I understand is an ok time.

So I'm setting myself a goal to firstly do this route without walking which should get me to the mythical 10-minute mile, then increase the route to 3 miles....... after that, we'll see!!

If anyone else is trying to get into running, feel free to friend me and perhaps we can encourage eachother along the way!!


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I've never been a runner, but wanted to add it to my workout routine because it's something I can do just about anywhere, and for the sake of the challenge. I downloaded a C25K app to my phone - great program and starts you out slow and has you running a 5k in 9 weeks (or more, some weeks are tough and need to be repeated!). I'm on week 5 now and have been very pleased with my progress!

    I can walk all day long, but running is so different and has always been a struggle for me. The program is great, and since you've already been running, you might be able to jump in on a later week, something that is close to what you've already been doing. I have no access to a treadmill, so all my runs are outside and I love it! Search the internet for c25k - you'll find tons of info.
  • Andaw
    Andaw Posts: 35 Member
    This is really great, thank you. I'd seen people talking about C25K and had no idea what they were on about!
  • mimaduck83
    mimaduck83 Posts: 175 Member
    YAY!!! If I can become a runner so can you!! Def do the c25k...it works!!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    What was actually probably more of a disservice to you goin from treadmill to outside was the "give" that treadmills have built in. I was lucky and the treadmill I started running on was adjustable and had been dialed up to where there was no give to the platform as you ran, so it was solid, closer to pavement.

    But most treadmills are super bouncy (as I call them). The ones at my gym are crazy. Even walking at a slow pace on them you can see them moving up and down. And when running fast on them the platform drops crazy low on each foot strike.

    It's meant to reduce impact to the body, but it just makes it more difficult to switch between gym running and outdoor running. I was going crazy for three months while the other treadmill (in my apartment fitness center) was broken. I typically run around 6mph or so as a sustainable speed when I'm outside or on my apartment treadmill. On the gym treadmills I have to pace out at 6.5mph or so to get a similar body feel/calorie burn.
  • gabe_irun4coffee
    gabe_irun4coffee Posts: 232 Member
    I saw this post and I think you are doing great and you are a runner based on one of my favorite quotes "If you run you are a runner it doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run" - John Bingham. Good luck and enjoy the open road. I'm always looking for runner friends new or experienced to help keep me motivated. Feel free to add me.