Working out in the morning?



  • fit921
    fit921 Posts: 92 Member
    I like to workout first thing in the morning. Cup of coffee -out the door. Workout, shower at the gym, get to work and have breakfast. It's my routine and it works for me.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    Why not both? I try to do some cardio in the morning and then again in the night if there is time. In the morning, I don't aim for intensity, just 30 minutes of doing something on the elliptical or walking. In the afternoon, I aim for intensity. I can feel a huge difference in my metabolism throughout the day when I start with cardio.
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    I actually love working out in the morning. Sometimes I spend 40 minutes on the stationary bike and sometimes I do Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. I feel so much better and full of energy. It's great!
    I also take my dog for a walk every single morning (30 minutes walk). I always find time for our walks.
    When I don't have time to workout early, I do it at about 6 or 7 pm.
  • hsharar
    hsharar Posts: 4
    I prefer to work out in the morning but am a morning person. I have a stationery bike that I have in front of the tv in the family room. I have my morning coffee and then put on my ipod, ear buds and pedal for as long as my schedule allows (at least 45 minutes). That usually gets me motivated for the rest of the day. A few times, I went to workout in a gym with my daughter in the evenings but it didn't hold the same appeal for me. You'll find a routine that works best for you.
  • PegBeckwith
    PegBeckwith Posts: 1 Member
    I much prefer to work out in the morning. It is tough to get started though. You really just have to get up and go. You would be surprised how quickly your body wakes up and adapts. I always feel my absolute best after an early morning workout and it keeps me energized throughout the rest of the day. Biggest bonus of a morning workout is that it's out of the way and you don't have to stress about it for the rest of the day! :smile:
  • It's a lot harder to workout in the morning because you are dehydrated and have no fuel. That said, it's also the most beneficial time to work out as you do go right into your fat for fuel! I strength train in the morning because cardio usually makes me ill before eating (but on occasion I get it in...) I also try to get a good cardio workout in in the evening to round out my day.