Dizziness while exercising.

Hello all,
Recently on my exercise journey I have ran into an issue with becoming dizzy. I am making sure I drink plenty of water and I am positive that I am not exerting myself too much, mainly because I am still trying to get used to exercise and feel comfortable before I start really pushing myself. I originally thought that it was because I watch movies while I walk on the treadmill, because the movie is moving but everything else around me is not, but while doing circuit training and just light resistance I am now becoming dizzy as well. Any thoughts?


  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    How are your blood pressure and blood sugar? Have you had those checked lately?
  • jamfan
    jamfan Posts: 124 Member
    Are you breathing while exerting yourself doing the circuit training?
  • hailie08
    hailie08 Posts: 87 Member
    I've had the same probnlem with dizziness while working out even before I gained weight. I worked out 5-6 days a week and was in great shape and still had this problem and my dr said sometimes it just happens. What helps me is to stay focused on what I'm doing bc certain things make it worse. Watching a movie, reading, or even listening to music make me dizzier. Also make sure when you finish an excercice, whether it be cardio or weights, that you don't just stop and sit/stand bc it will make your blood pressure drop too quickly and can make you dizzy. Walk around and drink some water between each excercise, Hope this helps!
  • iminaquagmire
    iminaquagmire Posts: 10 Member
    As stated, some people hold their breath too much with exertion and get oxygen depleted with CO2 spikes. The increased heart rate doesn't help this. I myself have to really concentrate to breath, especially on the elliptical and in circuits. Do you get any muscle cramping or numbness as well?

    BP and glucose can play a part as well, especially blood glucose if you don't eat sometime before working out or have stores to draw from.

    Another thing is electrolyte imbalance or depletion. Water alone will not provide these. Some sports drink or goo packs might help.
  • dschavers
    dschavers Posts: 55 Member
    Do you have any cold/sinus issues going on? At times we get extra fluid on our ears even without a cold.
    That could be the cause if your diet is high in sodium. Try lowering your sodium and see if that might help.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    This happens to me regularly during my Body Pump classes. It is a very small section of one lift/track that always gets me. It's only about 20 seconds long but by the time I get back to the standing position I start to get that faintness/dizziness.

    What has helped me is making sure that I pay extra attention to maintaining my breathing leading up to that one particular section. Sometimes I still get a little dizzy/faint but the focus on my breathing has definitely helped.
  • Rizzo_D
    Rizzo_D Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone, my blood pressure and everything is fine I get them checked periodically for other health issues that I've been having but this dizziness thing is new. It's not bad enough that I need to stop just a slight spinning, or the walls are moving. And I promise that I am not overly working to cause it and I am breathing when I walk on the treadmill I try to take it easy and walk longer to build up endurance instead of just starting at an uncomfortable pace.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    Allergy season! I get very dizzy during circuits in particular and it's a combo of allergy and holding my breath during circuits (working on that!). It's the worst when I do a combo of floor to standing positions, so I try to do upper body first, then lower body etc. to avoid the up and down motions in quick paces. Still a challenge, but much improved! Good luck:)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Thanks everyone, my blood pressure and everything is fine I get them checked periodically for other health issues that I've been having but this dizziness thing is new. It's not bad enough that I need to stop just a slight spinning, or the walls are moving. And I promise that I am not overly working to cause it and I am breathing when I walk on the treadmill I try to take it easy and walk longer to build up endurance instead of just starting at an uncomfortable pace.

    I've found that that happens when my heart rate gets too high. (I also experience slight numbness in my nose and lips) Do you have a HRM? If so, stay within a reasonable range and see if that helps!
  • bd648000
    bd648000 Posts: 1
    It could be that you haven't eaten recently enough prior to your workout.
  • heather112588
    heather112588 Posts: 2 Member
    If you just started exercising, it might be a resistance problem. It may be as simple as breathing or increasing water intake. I don't know if that helps you out but good luck.

    ps- I used to get dizzy alot as well (while only doing light exercise). I found out that i was anemic (i have very low iron). I don't think that your problem is anything like that, especailly if its not walls spinning bad...I only mention it bc it's good to keep track of that suff (iron levels, blood sugar, etc).
  • amzasmommy
    amzasmommy Posts: 26 Member
    I have this issue a lot. I talked to my dr about it and he helped me narrow down the culpret; low blood sugar. When you excersize your bs drops. If I excersice too early in the morning and don't have enough food in me I get dizzy. Now I do it in the afternoon and with a gatoraide instead of plain water. This solved it.