I quit!!!



  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    You just vent away, that is one of the reasons we are here for you. Don't let them get you down, ok i would have had to walk away too, but you be good to yourself and get back on that scale next week. Show those pounds who is who. a chocolate attack? yep been there and now and then i do it still. what's that saying? what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, yep you stick with us and we'll help you get threw this. You are doing a great job, don't let anyone else tell you differently. Now smile and enjoy your day:)
  • I hope you meant the cookies, just broke up with my girl friend and did a half gallon of Rocky Road, and some other things not on the diet or exercise program and put on a lot more than 3 pounds. I went over my starting weight. Now we know the what we need to do as far as the cookies and Rocky Road. They didn't help,and neither will quiting. Start again, this isn,t a sprint it's a relay race we start again every day. Don't think that they won't trip up or quit. It happens to every one, your not alone. If you are into the competition instead of leaveing them cookies at home leave them in the break room. Even if they resist them while they are there after thinking about them when they get home they might indulge in something else that they have more of. Heh heh heh.(that;s suppose to be laughing)
  • Losing weight is a personal journey. I try not to tell people about how much i'm losing, but instead them what i'm eating and exercising with lately. So then they don't have the information to judge me with as much. It's more for my knowledge and they can just wait and see the differences when i'm through.

    However, i probably would have hit them if it had been me.
  • Don't quit due to others stupidity..Its okay that you gained 3 pounds, just work harder this week. Never give a person the satisfaction of you quiting or being mad. let the haters motivate you to do better.

    Yep. Make your lovers proud, and your haters jealous.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 614 Member
    Maybe you could suggest that other people aren't around during weigh in. Just have one delegated person keep track of the progress. That is how we do it. We pay a flat $2 if you gain, doesn't matter the amount of the gain. There is an email sent out saying who lost the most and who will be paying. But again, we don't know if they actually gained, maintained or just had the lowest weight loss. If everyone was around during weigh in I know it would discourage people in our office from playing.

    We just finished yesterday. We had 21 participants and lost a total of 133.1 pounds. That's a small person!

    Don't quit though.
  • thinin008
    thinin008 Posts: 11 Member
    They SUCK!!! We've done the biggest loser at my job several times. There is always a designated person (a non participant) who tracks everyone's weight. We had to pay each time we lost to, but everything was done somewhat discretely. Even if we did share our gains/losses, it was all about motivating each other. We all were on the same path...trying to lose weight and it's a struggle for everyone.

    Be encouraged! Use their negativity to fuel your fire. Keep going and don't give up! You're doing this for you...not them.
  • Whitetail24
    Whitetail24 Posts: 42 Member
    People suck at times for sure and the worst part is they don't even realize it. Dig deep and go kick there butt next weigh in.
  • jadamuriel76
    jadamuriel76 Posts: 58 Member
    Don't give up, if you do they win! You can do it!
  • ekalieta
    ekalieta Posts: 6
    Guys can be stupid some times not seeing that what they are saying is really hurting your feelings. But I agree what other people have said, work hard this coming week and do your best and you WILL see your hard work pay off.
  • eshamy29
    eshamy29 Posts: 6
    We are doing biggest loser at work to and its very embarrasing to come in and gain weight, but know this it was only that one week and all weeks are going to be different dont beat yourself up about it and WHO CARES what someone else thinks or have to say you have to blocked that out and continue to do the right thin for you. Trust me in the end it will be well worth it and the ones talking now will definetly be talking later cause your gonna look GREAT!!!! GOOD LUCK on your weight loss and continue to move forward and any negative talk or people distance yourself!!
  • missykm7
    missykm7 Posts: 42
    WOW!!! I never imagined I would get this support from my moment of weakness vent session! Thanks everyone - you are all awesome. :) When I said "I quit" I meant I quit weighing at work when I posted it...but now, I think I'll just stick it out. I was mostly mad at myself for starting to cry in front of people and needed to vent. There is nothing that would make me quit trying to live a healthy lifestyle and gain self confidence.
  • jacquirich
    jacquirich Posts: 105 Member
    They may be joking to cover up their embarrasment of course, I too have gained 2lb this week though I have been very good and exercising like mad, so feel a bit deflated
  • queenvfaaq
    queenvfaaq Posts: 2 Member
    WOW...I'm amazed and pleased by the response your message has recieved. At my work...we all put in $25.00 a piece and the company also added another $250.00. I keep track of everyone's weight loss and send "group updates" (no individuals mentioned) on how well we are doing. However, it's one person at a time in my office and you can share if you like...but you don't have too. Also, we are paying the top 3 spots so that more people feel motivated. I agree about a non participant keeping track...however I am also participating in my company BL...I just don't weigh in...due to another challenge I'm in.

    Either way...keep up with the peeps on MFP and forget about the trash talkers at work. It sounds like a game to them...and while it is a game (I am great at talking crap when competing at pool or cards), they just don't realize how their actions are affecting you.

    Don't quit...give them a run for their money. Good luck :)
  • rogermedic71
    rogermedic71 Posts: 19 Member
    Dont give up, guys can be jerks. I know, I am one. I'm a firefighter and we have had those biggest loser competions. Guys like to talk smack and sometimes dont know when its gone to far. Your best revenge would be to win. Good luck!
  • anton73
    anton73 Posts: 6
    don't let them get to you, it is a marathon. Not a sprint.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Blokes joke around with each other like that, they're including you.

    Two options:

    1. Tell them they nearly made you cry, watch them realise they made a huge mistake and see how regretful they are, then put up with them walking on eggshells for the next few years in case they upset you.

    2. Joke right back at them and join in.

    This isn't about them being cruel, it's about your feeling bad about your weight.

    Just shrug it off and carry on. And try and think of a few witty rejoiners. Who cares what you weigh this week or next week, you're here for the long term to look after your health. :smile:
  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44 Member
    Guys call that trash-talk.

    Use it as motivation to beat them. You can do it !!

    thats guys for you! :devil: ignore them. just keep going! they are probably just jealous anyway...that you can do this! so what if there are tiny setbacks?
    ps i ate lobster alfredo at red lobster yesterday and now i am afraid to weigh in front of myself :wink: ! think i will wait until i might get some of it worked off!
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Like a previous poster said....use the words those jerks said as motivation. Go kick some *kitten* girl. Water retention wrecks havoc on chicks too, so that may have been part of it. Watch the sodium very closely a few days before weigh in. Good luck...YOU CAN BEAT THOSE JERKS!!